III: Letting Lose

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(Pic is Jason, but a little different of course)

Jason's POV:

I hadn't actually seen her when I'd attacked her... I just figured it was some random girl with good loot that I could take. But I'd regretted it the second I saw her eyes, they were beautiful, and I loved how she took action and wasn't afraid of what to do, and she knew what she was doing too. She was headstrong, she didn't care what others thought about her and she seemed carefree. I was leaning back against the wall that wasn't exactly a wall anymore watching her sleep lost in my thoughts. She looked so pretty when she was asleep. It felt weird liking her but I did, I wasn't used to the feeling though because I hadn't really met any girls around my age, she seemed around 17, I had turned 19 about a month or so ago. I, for some odd reason, didn't feel sleepy, I just wanted to sit there and watch her forever, even Simba liked her... Even though he liked everyone. I turned around patting his head and he slightly opened his eyes wagging his tail. I'd found Simba in an old abandoned animal place where he'd been starving about 5 years ago... I hated the image that was stuck in my head of when he was just a puppy winning at me, only have alive and starving. I took him in and raised him; I taught him many tricks and he helped me a lot, like for example, I'd given him a hand signal to stay where he was so he could distract... I paused smiling and slightly laughing at myself as I remembered she never told me her name, but that she was just the biotch I'd decided to mess with. I'd have to try prying it out of her when she woke up. Outside the wind was howling, and the dark ominous clouds making it constantly look dark so I couldn't tell how long it'd been since she'd gone to sleep... Probably at least four hours. I looked around the building, I had a creepy feeling about it, or more so it just looked creepy. All of her things on the walls cast a show every time a flash of lighting peaked throw the holes in the walls, oh and there was the thunder, the loud bangs almost made me jump every time. For some reason, I felt protective over the girl, but I just ignored the feeling it would do me no good to waste my time thinking about things when there were more important things; yet here I was just watching her sleep. I looked up as I heard a pouring sound, Simba gave me a concerned look and I got up, quietly as to not wake up whatever her name was, and walked toward it. It was coming from the other side of a wall and I couldn't see the other side. Just as a flash of lightning split the night followed by a big bang I jumped over to the other side preparing myself for the worst... But that was the exact opposite of what I saw, it was just a leek in the roof water sizzling down it steadily making a puddle of water on the floor. I sighed in relief before Simba came out winning and grabbing my hand trying to pull me back to the girl's room. I was instantly concerned and alert again as I quickly ran back to her room. She was thrashing around in her sleep mumbling thing, I instantly knew it was a nightmare and ran over shaking her shoulder and trying to wake her up.
"Wuh, hu... What is it!" It took her a moment to fully wake up, but it was really fast and she jolted upright knife in hand and I stumbled backward afraid she might think I was attacking her and attack me... But she didn't, she instead looked around, realized it was nothing, and then fell back on her blankets sighing heavily. I was rather frozen, shocked at her reaction before shaking myself out of it,
"Are you alright?" I asked shooting a little closer to her, she looked up at me with sad amber eyes... I loved her beautiful amber eyes, and it made me sad to see them sad,
"Oh, yeah I'm fine, just a bad dream..." She trailed off and I knew she was thinking about it,
"Do you want to talk about it?" I said softly hoping she wouldn't do anything to hurt me... Yes, I was more concerned about my fiscal health than her's, but I was concerned about her mental health if she was having really bad nightmares,
"I-I'm not sure..." She admitted looking down at her hands. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder half hugging her, Simba rested his head on her leg with his big puppy dog eyes and she smiled a little.
"It's alright... You don't have to if you don't want to," I gave her a small smile trying to cheer her up... But that only seemed to make it worse,
"It's nothing really... Just the past," She said her voice low and sorrowful,
"The past can affect the future very well... And it's not always the best to keep things locked up," I tried choosing my words wisely not wanting to offend her or something, I wasn't quite sure how girls work, even though I was pretty sure this one wasn't like most... Or maybe she was?
"No, no. I'll tell you, I have no reason not to except for the fact I only met you yesterday," She said with an airy laugh before sighing again and then taking a deep breath trying to keep her voice from shaking or showing how much this actually meant and affected her. "I was about ten... I uh... Well, a uh group of people that call themselves the Taipans, came and killed my parents, I was hiding behind a tree the whole time and saw it... I was able to run away and came to this place. See no big deal!" She said forcing a smile to her lips though I could tell she was very close to tears,
"That's not nothing..." I said giving her a full hug, she just nodded slightly hugging me back and resting her head on my chest. We sat like that for a while, I loved just sitting there... It felt right, she was amazing and I didn't even know why I thought so... I just knew. Then an idea hit me,
"Come on," I said standing up, she gave me a puzzled look, she seemed like she didn't know how to handle this situation, almost like she didn't know what had happened and why or how.
"Come on, you need something to cheer you up," I insisted again holding out my hand, she glared at it for a moment before taking it and I hauled her off the ground. Simba jumped to his feet wagging his tail happily, I was pretty sure he could sense someone's mood because he always did the right things at the right time like he knew what I was thinking... I smiled at her throwing her a thick black sweater I saw knowing she would need it,
"Do you plan on going out?" She asked becoming even more confused holding the sweater, I nodded a mischievous grin on my face as I throw my thick jacket around my shoulders sipping it up,
"But the storm, it's not safe, we need to stay here until it passes," She said stubbornly but I just rolled my eyes,
"You aren't getting away with doing nothing!" I said grabbing her hand pulling her out of the room and Simba barked at our enthusiasm, or more so my enthusiasm. I saw her pauce thinking for a moment before she sighed and my smile grew bigger,
"That's the wrong way..." She stated as I headed for the rope we'd come up, I gave her a quizzical look and she walked over to one of the side doors unhooking its latch. I smiled running over to her then paused looking down the bar,
"How's Simba going to get down that?" She thought for a moment looking between the dog and the bar, and then back again,
"Welp, I'm taking this," She said swing in circles down the bar before I could protest, I shook my head happy I had cheered her up.
"Come on boy!" I called to Simba as I ran down over to the rope, I climbed down before I helped Simba down then we went the rest of the way, and down the ladder, which was as hard as it was last time with Simba but we managed, but the wind didn't help. She was sitting on a mattress when we finally reached the bottom. She said something but I didn't quite get it because of the loud pouring rain, thunder clashing, and the wind howling around them.
"What!?" I yelled at her and I saw her roll her eyes through the rain,
"I said, took you long enough!" She yelled back walking up to us, I made an "Oooh" face giving her a thumbs up, she then gave me a look as if waiting for something... I was confused until I remembered why we were even out here. I laughed at myself grabbing her hand and running down the street with Simba close behind. A white bolt of lightning shot across the sky followed by the shuddering crash of thunder, I saw her jump a little,
"You scared?" I teased her, she glared at me crossing her arms,
"No... Though you seem pretty shakey if I do say so myself," She said smiling at her own comeback,
"Ooo, nice one, though I wouldn't call jumping a foot in the air not scared..." Boom! Get roasted! I yelled in my head throwing another come back at her, instead of replying she tried turning the conversation away from her being scared,
"And why are we out here again?"
"Tisk, Tisk, Tisk," I said shaking my head, "It's a surprise," I winked at her and she just glared at me... How rude...
"Well, can I at least know how much farther it is?" She asked wrapping her arms around her shoulder and I laughed realizing she was cold,
"What?" She gave a puzzled look and when I didn't answer and only laughed in response she gave me a hard glare repeating her words before lightly punching me in the shoulder. I grabbed it pretending that she had actually hurt me,
"Oh stop being a baby," I gave her a shocked look instantly acting like I was fine and we both cracked up laughing. As we continued walking I'd put my hands over a window to look inside and see if it'd be a good place, but so far I'd had no luck,
"Okay... I'm a little cold now, and I'm soaked how much longer do I have to deal with this?" She demanded I could tell she was starting to lose patience, so I quickly ran up to a store preying that it would have what I wanted, and it did.
"Come on!" I called over to her and she ran over to the building I had been looking into. I opened the door for her, she gladly went inside where the rain could no longer reach her. It was dark inside but at least it had a stable roof that didn't leek much. With a sudden flash, everything lit up for a couple of seconds before they were obscured in darkness once more. Simba beside me gave a little wine and I pet his head shushing and trying to comfort him. I heard the girl rummage around for a few moments before there was a light in the room. I smiled at how smart she was, she had brought a troche with her flint and steal lighting it up. She walked around before standing up on her tiptoes placing it on a little shelf in the middle of the room lighting it all up. I was surprised at how much light it makes. They were standing in a little shop with two rooms, the main one they were in, and then one smaller one behind a door that I didn't know the use of, though I'd seen it before. All around them on shelves were jewelry and little trinkets, perfect, I thought to myself as I looked around for a stick or something,
"So... What are we doing here?" She asked walking around and looking at the pretty things, she'd pick one up here and there to get a closer look at it.
"Figure out what your name is," I said lying, though I did want to know what her name still... She gave me a smile cocking her head to one side,
"You don't get to know that yet," She said continuing to look around,
"Yeah... Which is why we're going to have some fun," I said picking up a random bar I'd found on the ground the throwing it to her. She caught it easily with one hand giving me a confused look as I smiled picking one up for myself,
"You need to get some build up tension out... And this has always helped me," Her eyes got big as she realized what I was in plying,
"No... No. No. No! I will not destroy this! This is the history of our past-" Before she could talk anymore I swung the mettle bar at a shelf creating a loud crashing sound as little fragments of glass and jewelry flew everywhere. I smiled laughing, she was still frozen just staring at me and I rolled my eyes walking over to her,
"Come on... Just try it, it won't hurt, besides were here to live in the now not the past," I smiled at her putting my hand on her shoulder and she thought for a moment before she lips tugged a little at the ends, she was trying not to smile. I stepped back as she threw a hard swing knocking down another shelf and she giggled at the loud crash things going everywhere. I laughed with her and we started shoving things down and breaking them, Simba barked jumping around us and trying to stay out of the way well also trying to play with us at the same time. There was a glass case about the height of her gut and she made one long swing breaking the whole top before swinging at the stuff inside. I was about to swing at some necklaces on a wall when I saw something that caught my eye, I walked over picking it off of the wall, it was two separate necklaces that connected making one image. It looked like it had been carved from a quoin, the image was of a wolf and a fox leaping underneath it. () () I shoved them in my pocket before hitting the wall with my bar. We knocked over shelves and just messed around for a long time before we both collapsed to the floor leaning against a wall and out of breath. We looked at each other smiling and laughed some more,
"See, now wasn't that fun?" I inquired and she just chuckled rolling her eyes before sighing,
"Yeah... It was, thanks for this," She leaned back looking up at the ceiling, Simba laid beside us and she pets his head smiling and he laid his head on her lap giving her a puppy smile.
"Does that mean I can get a name..." I said warily and she just cracked up at my persistence putting her head on Simba's as she laughed, making him look up with a wondering look before she took a deep breath to try and calm her breathing,
"My names Sylvia," Sylvia said with a smile and I got a big grin on my face. I knew I could get it out of her,
"Well, nice to finally meet you, Sylvia," I said getting up on my feet and holding out my hand, she took it and I hauled her up, "May we go and destroy some more of these luxury things?" I asked giving a slight bow and talking in a funny voice, she smiled,
"We may," She said and we both walked out of the building grabbing the torch and enveloping the building once more in darkness. As they walked down the street, rain in their hair and wind in their faces laughing without a care in the world and a happy dog, they were completely unaware of an unknown presence...

Oooo, what do you thinks going to happen next...? Sorry for the slow moments and stuff like that, there will be more of them but I hope you don't mind and stick with this story! It'll get more exciting in the next chapter... So be warned!! Pls leave your thoughts down below in the comments! And I hope everyone's having a fantastic weekend so far! I plan on updating next Friday, so stay tuned for that! But anyway that's all for now, have a great rest of your day and thanks for reading!! =) <3

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