IV: Past Come Back

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(Pic be hint ;) )

Sylvia's POV:

I was happy, I thought I'd been happy before... But I was really, really happy right now. I didn't know why, but Jason just made me happy. The storm was still raging around us as we headed back towards my hideout; Simba barked as lighting flashed by and thunder followed close behind and we both cracked up laughing. Almost everything and anything made me want to laugh right now, I wiped the tears from eyes, tears of laughter I can assure you, and smiled looking up and closing my eyes, letting the rain splat onto my face. I felt the drops of water trickle down my face, I took a deep breath before smiling even wider and laughing. Jason did the same and we started spinning in circles up the road with our eyes closed, Simba running in circles around us wagging his tail happily. My mind started getting fuzzy making me laugh harder, then I fell into Jason making us both fall to the ground. He holds me as we rolled a little bit before we stopped and he tried to put me in a sitting position but I just fell over laughing harder... I hadn't laughed this much in for what felt like forever. Jason shook his head laughing at me and I rolled on my back, as you guessed it, continuing to laugh.
"Alright, come on, we should be getting back to your place sooner than later," He said smiling as he held out a hand and I grabbed it. He hauled me up onto my feet and I patted Simba's head as his tongue lolled out of his mouth. He walked over to a puddle and lapped up some water that had gathered there from the storm. We smiled and Jason called for him when we'd gotten a couple of steps ahead and he stopped drinking racing to catch up. All around us rain poured down and the sound was welcoming to my ears, all the stress I had felt earlier was gone, just vanished as if it had never been there. I couldn't even focus on anything except smiling and the two goofs around me, and I could tell Jason felt the same as he opened his mouth to let rainfall in, I did the same feeling the cool liquid on my face once more. I licked my lips before wiping my face with the sleeve of my sweater trying to get the water out of my eyes so I could see better; though it proved mostly useless as more rain just fell down my face and back into my eyes. I turned toward Jason our eyes meeting and I blinked them rather stunned for some odd reason I didn't know how to explain. We stood like that for what felt like forever before a got a mischievous grin and pushed him back before racing up the road turning around to run backward for a second to yell back behind me,
"Race you the rest of the way!" I saw him roll his eyes before I turned back to the road,
"Hey! Wait up for me!" He ran trying to catch up when he realized I wasn't slowing down. Simba ran beside me easily and I smiled at the dog; I'd only known him for about 24 hours or so, but I'd already started to grow an attachment to him. He was always higher and happy trying to cheer you up, and I loved that about him. I heard Jason's feet hit the wet road and I forced mine to go faster, a flash, and then I saw a tall building that was all too familiar. It took me a couple more seconds before I was panting at the front of the building resting my hands on my legs half kneeling down, Simba walked up to me licking my face and I laughed,
"Simba!" I said wiping dog slobber off of my face. Jason ran up panting as well but also laughed because he'd seen Simba lick me, I had a disgusted look on my face as I wiped my hand with the slobber on it on Jason's chest and he jumped back wiping at himself, this time I was the one kneeling over laughing,
"Ew!" He said with the disgusted look I'd had seconds earlier,
"Come on! Let's get out of the rain!" I said climbing up the latter two steps at a time, I was full of energy. Since Jason had to help Simba up I was at the top way before them, as soon as I was I threw my sweater on the ground even though I still wasn't at the top level yet. I sat down breathing heavily and a little bit later Jason was doing the same, Simba just padding around sniffing random things,a grin spread across my face once more.
"Hey, Sylvia," Jason asked a little nervously, I rolled my eyes, what does he want now... I thought to myself,
"Yeah?" I said cheerfully,
"From the shop, we went to with the little trinkets and jewelry and stuff... I grabbed something for you," He said with a shy but kind of proud smile in a way, on his face.
"Ooo, what is it!" I asked excitedly, like making me laugh, evening little things made me curious. He smiled even more pulling something out of his pocket,
"Close your eyes..." He said and I rolled my eyes but did as he said. I felt his warm bigger hand grab mine and place something in it, it was hard, but warm from being in his pocket.
"Okay... Now you can look," He said taking his hands from mine, I peeked open an eye and gasped at it, it was a beautiful necklace, it had a wolf and a fox on it, and I soon realized it was two necklaces that could fit together to make one image,
"See? Now we can both have a side, you can pick which one you want," He said smiling shyly again, I smiled widely looking at them between my finger, (() (). I loved them, I handed him the fox one keeping the wolf one in my hands,
"The fox one matches me a little more, and I think the wolf one matches you, so it'll kind of be like we'll always have a piece of each other!" I declared and he smiled chuckling a little and spinning it in his fingers,
"Yeah... Yeah, your right, good choice," He said smiling even more, yep, there was a lot a smiling. I tried bending mine a little to see how strong it was, it didn't even budge which was good, it meant it would last a while. I was about to open my mouth to say 'thank you' when I heard Simba give a low growl, that was all it took and I was instantly awoken from what had felt like a dream. I know animals, and I've learned what kind of growls mean what from encounters with wolves and foxes and some wild or untamed dogs, this one wasn't just a "fun playful" growl, this was a "you better pay attention, something off here" kind of growl. We heard a clang and I visibly saw Jason tense up, I put my finger to my mouth then pointed at Simba standing up. Jason walked over to Simba and quietly told him to be quiet, he gave a little whimper before complying,
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I heard a female voice and turned around in a flash to see a woman flicking a knife between her fingers. I froze, cursing under my breath as I realized I hadn't taken my bow with me, but at least I had my bow,
"I should be asking you that," I said cocking my head to one said pulling out my longer dagger, she just chuckled giving me an evil grin... That grin! I knew it from somewhere... But where? Then four more people walked forward, one more girl and then three boys. There was a taller one with bleach blond hair and bright green eyes, he had a spear in his hands, the first girl had all leather clothes, black hair, brown eyes, and had knives all over herself... She was so familiar, then the other girl was light brown with peach-colored skin, she had a bow and I noted to get it from her if I could, the other boy or man had dark brown hair with golden-brown eyes, he had an ax on his belt and some knives with a longer dagger, like mine. Then the last one... He was older and had light brown hair, his face had an evil grin on it and a sword at his side. It would be deathly hard to beat them all with just me and Jason,
"Would someone care to explain what you're doing in my place?" I asked emphasizing the 'my'
"We're just strolling throw, figured we'd take a couple of things well we were though," The boy with the ax said with a smile holding up some meat from a back he had on his back and putting it back... My jaw tightened as I knew they'd taken more of my thing than just that.
"That's not yours!" Jason growled stepping forward, I was surprised to see Simba growl, I guess he was more attuned to Jason's emotions then I thought,
"Hmm... To bad. So sad." The guy with the spear said tilting his head to the side shaking it a little which just got my blood boiling,
"Who are you?" The person with the sword said, if I had to guess he was the leader, "You seem familiar,"
"I could say the same to you," I said choosing my voice carefully, I could tell Jason was tense beside me. Then, for some reason, I remembered that fateful day... Yep, you're thinking of the right one, the one when I lost it all. I studied the blond boy carefully before I almost gasped, he was the one who had seen me, the one who had tried to grab me but I ran before he could.
"What is it?" Jason asked concern written on his face, mine went from one of shot to one of anger in a matter of seconds,
"You! You're the ones who brought misery to my life!" I yelled taking a threatening step towards their leader, the knife lady took a step in front of him booking my path,
"I can recall no such thing," He said with a matter of fact voice, I instantly wondered if Liam was still alive... I pushed it to the back of my mind, forcing myself to focus and taking a deep breath,
"I'll give you the choice of leaving peacefully, or... Well not peacefully," I said simply raising an eyebrow, this was what I was good at, pushing my pain back and acting normal and casual,
"You see... I don't quite think you understand this situation correctly, either you let us have everything and anything we want, or... Well, we just kill you and your little friends," He said laughing at the end and shaking his head a little, the other did the same and the knife girl smiled brighter flicking her knife around; I could tell which choice she wanted me to choose,
"You're not taking anything from this building, I don't care if it's even a piece of roble!" I said with a laughing smile and throwing my hands in the air as emphasis,
"That's to bad, I would have liked to get to know you more," The leader said and they all started walking closer towards us,
"Yeah, you wish," I say grabbing my shorter knife in milliseconds and throwing it at the blonde girl who yelps before scowling at me, Jason ran jumping on the guy with the spear. I easily ripped the bow out of the blonde girl's arms and swapped her over the head with it, and just like that there were only four. I pulled an arrow out of her quiver and drew the bow about just as the knife lady ran at me with two knives in hand. I released but she was too close and it flew past her arm hitting something with a clang, she hit the bow out of my arms and I ducked just as she swiped at my throat with a sharp knife. I cocked my head giving her a sideways smile and she growled trying to slash at me I ducked, then blocked her arm with mine, then did the same with the other. I ducked to the side and punched her in the ribs, for a second I was able to see the main guy watching silently with his arms crossed, then just like that the guy with the ax was on top of me. He threw a punch my way and I blocked my face with my arms, though it still hurt like hell. I raised my leg hitting him where the sun didn't shine and smiled with satisfaction when it hit its mark. He keeled over covering his parts which just made me smile more, but then the knife girl was at it again. She hit me in the gut and then the face. I felt my nose a looked at my hand to see red, I scowled at her punching her in the face. We swapped hits for a little longer before my vision blurred and I suddenly felt dizzy; I looked down at where my hand was now clutching my stomach to see blood soaking throw my shirt where an ax was ripped out, which 'caused more blood to gush out, I heard Jason gasp and run towards me. I looked up with blurred vision to see someone hit him over the head. Then I heard a bark and looked over to where the man who had stabbed me with the ax stood and saw Simba holding on tight to the man's arm. He yelled flinging the dog into a wall breaking a wooden post in half that fell on Simba; he wimped trying to get up before collapsing to the ground once more. I felt my knees give way and then I had one hand on the ground holding me up while the other held my wound. I don't think I even felt pain... I just felt, lost, I didn't understand what was going which only brought the memories of the first time I'd encountered the Taipans rushing in. I think I felt tears running down my cheek and I was finding it hard to breathe,
"You put up a good fight... But, just not good enough." I looked up swallowing and seeing the man with the sword shake his head sadly at me, then the other two boys picked up Jason and I heard them rummage around for a little bit before the building was invoked in silence once more. Then I realized what had happened and ran over, or more so crawled, to where Simba was still laying whimpering, I somehow managed to push the bored off of him.
"Oh, Simba!" I cried hugging him, I felt his chest slowly rising and falling, and I heard the wheezing in his voice, and how each time he released a breath it was a whimper. I felt a lump rise in my throat as I knew I couldn't do anything... I was to week, to hurt... My mind went into another turmoil of emotions, I couldn't even describe some of them if any. I just laid there hugging Simbas unmoving body and cried well the lightning and thunder boomed outside, and the seemingly never-ending rain poured down on the building...

Sooo... Uhm... Yeah, feel free to yell in the comments or anything like that... Uhm... Yeah sorry for the sad ending... And rather a cliff hanger... Maybe in a way? But I hope you liked it anyway! Pls let me know what you think will happen to Sylvia, I mean she is hurt, I won't just make her wound disappear. XD But yeah I tried my best! Pls leave your thoughts in the comments! I'd love it and I read and comment on all of them! But thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next update! Have a great day or night everyone! 😁

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