XIX: Pivotal Implications

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(Pic is rather what Liam looks like... I think I finally found one that's similar enough to him to I've you guys a better basis on what he looks like)

Sylvia's POV.

This was a terrible idea. What had I been thinking? Like seriously... Sending Corny, that's right Corny, the biggest idiot that I've ever met that has managed to become like a brother to me in simply a week is supposed to go into an enemy's base when they're on high alert on somehow take out traps without killing himself... Yeah no, there was no way that was going to happen. I was not going to lose another person to those bloody Taipans! Which was why I was here... Standing out in the cold rain about one hundred and fifty yards away from the place which I wanted to set ablaze, trying to quietly and in the politest way possible tell this guy how stupid this was... And by polite? I mean trying to hold myself back from ripping his gullet out and shoving it down Cyrus's throat...
"Are you sure this is a good idea! What if they just shoot him on the spot!?" I gritted through my teeth, I swear if looks could kill Azazel would have been dead hours ago. Oh right, I'd only known him for maybe about two hours... No wonder I didn't trust this cockroach! I clenched my hands trying to keep back my rage, I think it was a bad idea for Azazel to give me back my weapons...
"And I know that's not behind them," I added crossing my arms over my head turning in a circle, and tugging on my tangled wet hair. How long had it been since I'd brushed it? I think I'd rather just cut it off than try brushing it right now...
"If you want your friends back... He has to go in now," Azazel tried explaining to me for the hundredth time. I could tell his fuse was starting to run short. I held back a growl of frustration trying to go over the facts. I mean it was very doubtful that I'd be able to get Jason and Liam out if I didn't have help. But... Maybe if I snuck in during a fight between the Taipans and the Ameeregas? No... No that wouldn't work because it might take days before they fight and Jason doesn't have days... Letting out a breath of air I hadn't realized I'd been holding I turned to where Corny had been waiting with Simba,
"Corny, you remember exactly what to do right?" But he was gone. My heart dropped in my chest as I looked around through the mist and rain but he was nowhere in sight,
"What... Did you do something!?" I whisper yelled turning my accusing eyes to Azazel,
"Hey, don't look at me," He said raising his hands. I sighed in frustration tugging on my hair again,
"He's at the city," I turned sharply towards the new speaker,
"I followed him while you two were babbling, he's heading to the city and is almost to the wall. Whether he remembers all of what he's supposed to do or not, is beyond my knowledge," Cyrus added seeing my outraged expression with a hint of confusion. Why hadn't he stopped him? Brought him back? Oh yeah... Because they were all conniving bitches just trying to get everything they want in the simplest and quickest way possible. I snorted shaking my head,
"Well, I guess we might as well get on with the plant. Shall we?" I motioned towards the city,
"Of course," Azazel smiled, he tried to hide it but it was obvious he was happy he got his way. I rolled my eyes walking over to a tree where I'd set my rifle and bow. The Ameeregas had a kind of quiver that attached to my bow that they gave me so I didn't have to carry them on my back. So, I throw the rifle over one shoulder and carried the bow in my hand, I also had my pistole in the back of my pants. On the way over here, Azazel had told me the rest of the plan, which was pretty simple. There was a subway that went under the Taipans wall, Corny was supposed to take out any traps the Taipans might have set up and then come out the other side to give us a report. After that, the Ameeregas were going to storm them and try taking them by surprise. Currently, only Azazel, Cyrus, and I were there. Azazel's men were getting ready and would be on their way over to the subway entry as soon as possible. Glancing one more time towards the mist where Corny had been, whispering, "Good luck Cornelius... Don't get yourself killed please," I turned and followed the others towards the right. We planned on going far enough over to not go anywhere near the wall; we didn't want to risk the Taipans getting suspicious. The mud squelched underfoot, there wasn't enough grass to absorb all of it causing the water to stay above ground. I could feel the droplets of rain soaking through my coat trying to chill me, though my face remained as neutral as ever. Except for the fact I had to wipe my face every couple of seconds so that I could still hear. Azazel and Cyrus's forms were solid and dark in thick mist. The air had an eerie effect that only made my anxiety for Corny grow. There was so much that could go wrong... I cut myself off from yelping when the tip of my shoe caught on a rock causing me to almost fall face forward into the mud,
"You alright back there?" Azazel questioned, a hint of humor in his tone,
"Yeah, I'm fine," I grumbled straightening my jacket. I hated this so much... Why didn't I just stay at my home? Why did the Taipans have to come back...? I mentally slapped myself. This was stupid, I was being stupid, I just needed a distraction... My usual grin once more consumed my face as a plan started to formulate in my head. The Ameeregas thought they were controlling me, that they had the upper hand... Well, they were going to regret ever meeting me very soon. It wasn't long before buildings started to pop up through the mist. I could see outlines of some, some were missing walls, and some were just rubble, nothing left except for maybe some of the frame. Even though the mist gave for great cover I hated not being able to see everything. I wanted to take notes, to remember where everything was and how to get around. But with the mist covering everything it all looked practically identical. I felt like one of those rabbits cowering on the streets while a hawk flew over, knowing that if it made a run for cover that it would alert the predator of its location. But I had a plan... And as long as I stuck to it, or at least as much as I could, then I would come out of this mostly unscathed. Emotionally? That part might come out completely lost... I snorted, no matter what happened I would fine, I would move on, for if I didn't I wouldn't survive... Oh, and I would find out a way to blow up all of the Ameeregas and Taipans if they hadn't already killed each other,
"We're here," Cyrus's low voice echoed around us, though I knew it would be muffled any further away because of the mist. I could see Azazel's grin as he led us into a largish building. The roof was caved in, in numeral sections, the walls were up though all of the windows were broken, including the door. The walls had green, blue, and yellow colors painted on them, the rest was white cinderblocks,
"So, now what?" I questioned scanning everything out as well as possible,
"Now..." Azazel said with a sigh sitting down on a chunk of concrete, "We wait," I wanted to scream, but that most likely wouldn't end well... Though we had been waiting all day, waiting, standing around, arguing, more waiting... I was sick and tired of it. But... It was the perfect time for me to carry out some of my plans,
"I'll be right back then... Have to take a leak," I smiled at them setting my bow down before jogging off in a direction. From how Azazel had described everything the wall should be straight down from here, for the tunnel went straight until it hit the other end. Once I was far enough from Azazel and Cyrus that I was sure they couldn't hear me if I fell or broke something I broke out into a run. It had taken us maybe twenty minutes or so to run from where we were to the subway station. So, it only took me about five minutes or so before I reached the wall on a full-out run, and I was in fact very fast. There wasn't much to do in the years I'd stayed in that city... So, I found lots of time to run around before I had found that bike and fixed it up, and that just made me run even more places for I had to try and find parts to fix it, and a book on how to fix it... Walking around the wall at a quick pace I soon found what I was looking for. I climbed up the pile of rubble (being careful since my running shoes weren't really meant for this...) and looking over the wall. I was careful to make sure that if nobody was near they wouldn't see me, luckily though nobody was near that I could see. Though there were some buildings close by and I didn't want to risk someone being in them and spotting me so I was still cautious. I dislodged my rifle from my shoulder putting it on the other side of the spiked wire that was along the walls. I made it to where the rifle was still sitting on the wall but that the strap could be reached and pulled down from the other side. After I was satisfied with my work I jumped back to the ground and started running back over to the subway, praying they didn't take notice of how long I'd been gone for... Once I was in sight of the building I knelt down allowing myself to catch my breath so they didn't know I had been running a long distance. Once that was good, I stood up and made my way back into the building,
"That took you a decent while..." The expected grumble came from Cyrus who stood ridged with his arms crossed over his broad chest. I just shrugged,
"I saw a building that caught my attention and decided to explore a little. Figured it couldn't hurt," I smiled at them before sitting down setting my hands on my knees looking around at the old building. Cyrus glared at me for a few moments, most likely deciding whether or not to just slit my throat right here and now, before walking around the building,
"Shouldn't your men be here soon?" I pondered, realizing that I hadn't seen any sign of them when I was close to the wall,
"They hadn't expected to attack this soon... So, it'll take them a little while before they get everything ready, and be able to all sneak over here without being detected," Azazel explained, I was pretty sure he was trying to answer all possible questions in one go to eliminate having to talk to me longer. Either way, it had worked... I laid down on the ground looking through one of the holes in the roof and listening to every little sound around me. I could hear the rain outside (and inside where it came in through the holes). I could hear the skittering feet of rats and their squeals as they fought over hiding spaces and food. After maybe five minutes (which, by the way, felt like an eternity for me...) I started to count along with the sound of dripping water somewhere in the building. After I got to two-hundred I abruptly jumped up to my feet letting out an exasperating growling slash grunting noise. Either way, it made it very valid to everyone how irritated I was,
"That's it!" I yelled, forgetting to keep my voice down, "I am going to go find Corny whether you two like it or not!" I gave both of them a searing glare before walking towards the entrance of some stairs that led down into the tunnels,
"Sylvia! We have to wait!" Azazel called after me in a low but demanding voice. I just flung up the middle finger behind me before disappearing out of their sight. I jumped down the stairs, being careful of the ones that had rubble covering it or were broken. I looked around into the shadows, I could still hear the faint sound of rain coming from up top. Before they could try and stop me I just ran into the darkness in the direction that should lead into the Taipans base. Corny could be dead right now... He could be seriously hurt... He could be starving in a cell wondering where I was and regretting ever meeting me (ok maybe not the starving part... It has only been maybe an hour or so since he left...). Or Simba could have died, or they could have made Corny kill him... Or- My thoughts came to a slamming stop when I was suddenly off the ground for milliseconds before my outstretched hands scrapped into the concrete underneath me. Yet I'd fallen too fast for them to keep supporting me causing my head to slam against something. My ears rang, I rolled over clutching my head. This feeling was so familiar... That's when I remembered I'd almost felt this exact helplessness, this exact aching pain in my head when I'd woken up in base with blood pooling around me. I gritted my teeth trying to push the terribly fresh memory from my mind. After a few moments of struggle, I managed to sit upon my knees, though I was still knelt over, having to have one hand hold me up. I shakily pushing myself back on my bum so that I was in a stable position with my legs crossed. My eyes were closed as I hung my head, trying to catch my breath. Slowly and carefully I pulled my hair behind my ears tenderly feeling around my face. I winced when I touched a cut on my forehead, my breathing instantly increased from the action. Feeling around all of the pockets I had on me I eventually found out that I still had some flint and stone. I opened my eyes blinking a couple of times, hoping they would adjust to the dimmed light; there wasn't even a hole in the roof of the tunnel to let in some light. I waited a few more minutes for my body to calm down before I cautiously started to feel around for a stick or a pole, something that I could hold. After maybe five minutes I ended up finding a two-foot pole, I felt around my pants before pulling out one of my pocket knives. Relying on all of my senses except for sight I pulled back my jacket and started to cut off strips from the end. Once I thought I had enough I stumbled around until I found where I'd set the pole again. I paused before starting to tie the strips to the pole, they were wet... Sighing, I unzipped the jacket and felt around my shirt until I found a dry spot on both sides of my shirt. I started cutting them up just like I had with my jacket before tying them around the pole and zipping my jacket up. My body shivered with as much coverage, normally I could control my shivering... But my fall had shaken me up, and I was already tired and sore. Shakily setting the pole on the ground I picked up the flint and stone striking them against each other. The sudden light the admitted from the sparks were vibrant against my eyes which were already used to the dark. I only had to try a couple more times before my fabric finally decided to light; I crouched down blowing lightly on it. Slowly but surely, the firelight started to grow, illuminating all around me. Once I was certain it wouldn't instantly go out as soon as I moved it, I cautiously stood up on unsteady legs. Knowing that it was blood and not rain dripping down my face to the ground, I grabbed the longest strip I'd taken from my jacket and tied it around my head and over my cut. I bit down on the top of my jacket when I tightened the fabric as much as I could. I bit my cheeks as I held back a scream quickly tying the ends off. Panting heavily, I rested on my knees for a few moments before picking up the makeshift torch and looking around. I saw the chunk of concrete I had fallen over, I'd just barely missed falling on a huge pile of rubble... Letting out an unsteady breath I started to walk forward. At first, it was hard, my legs hurt all over and I thought I'd collapse any moment. But the farther I walked the better my legs relaxed and submitted to the fact I wasn't just going to lay down and sleep for a week. My knees and hands hurt, I figured they both had scrapes on them, though I didn't bother looking. My head also ached, I think I was starting to get a headache... My pain was suddenly forgotten as I noticed a small glow in the distance. Was it the Taipans? Or had Corny actually gotten out and he was taking out traps? I gulped (realizing how parched I was) heading down the tunnel towards the light. I mentally cursed myself, I had left my bow and arrows up with Azazel and Cyrus... I unclipped my curved knife as the light got brighter, my hand twitching beside it, ready to swing it out if necessary. Looking around at all of the shadows my light cast the tunnel suddenly felt far creepier than before... I took a deep breath, my eyes never leaving the light. Which I regretted when I tripped over a piece of rubble,
"Fuck!" I accidentally cursed out loud, though I managed to catch myself this time. Being more careful of where I put my feet, I continued towards the light,
"Hello...? Anybody here to murder me in cold blood in this creepy ass tunnel?" I questioned cautiously into the shadows. I gulped again as I stepped into the light of the other torch...
"Holly shi-!" I almost jumped out of my skin as a dog charged out at me barking like it wanted to rip my throat out only to become utterly shocked to see it was Simba. I broke out into a grin as his tail wagged back as he licked me all over,
"Corny? Corny!" I jumped to my feet abandoning the torch and enveloping Corny in a huge hug,
"Wait... Are you taking down the traps? Did you seriously get this far?" I asked in utter astonishment. Corny nodded proudly giving me one of his big grins,
"I sure did! Or more so we, look who I found!" Corny grabbed my arm tugging me over to where a girl stood shyly,
"Sylvia, this is Anisha, she helped me with the traps and getting out of the cells, she was in there with me," Corny explained smiling at both of us. I eyed the girl up and down,
"How do I know I can trust you?" I questioned skeptically. I watched in confusion as she made a series of hand movements,
"She can't talk very well so she uses sign language, she said, 'I've been in here for five years in their prison cell, I hate practically everyone as much as you do'" I studied her for a while longer before submitting,
"Alright, if you've managed to purposely be Corny's friend for this long, then I trust you," Anisha (Corny's new friend I guess) smiled brightly while doing a little jump,
"So-" I started though I was (rudely) interrupted as someone out of nowhere tackled me to the ground. I could hear Simba barking around us as whoever it was tried gaining control of the fight. I used my legs to fling them backward, but they somehow managed to land in a way that didn't disable them. I spun around to barely block a punch that was thrown at me, ducking at the second. I faked a punch to his left before hitting him in the jaw with my right hand. He winced about to retaliate but I didn't give him that time... I spun up on my feet grabbing his arm and pushing his face in a deep puddle on the floor,
"Sylvia stop! It's Liam!" I heard Corny yell just as I twisted his wrist, followed by an echoing snap,
"Wait, what!!" I looked down at the person whose scream was muffled by the water. Cursing myself I pulled him out instantly covering his mouth as he tried screaming something,
"What did you do?" Corny asked, to my surprise, in curiosity and not in concern,
"I might... Have broken his wrist..." I grimaced as I looked at the odd angle his wrist was in twisted in,
"Get me a piece of fabric!" I yelled to no one in particular. Anisha came up beside me with a strip from her town shirt. As fast as possible I removed my hand and replaced it with the fabric tying it around his head,
"Corny hold his shoulders so that he doesn't try running," I ordered, and he obeyed loyally. I got up so that I could face him... I didn't realize my breath had increased, or that my palms were getting sweaty... Was I actually about to talk to my brother? Had I just broken my brother's wrist? Taking a deep breath, I knelt down in front of him,
"Liam... Long time no see?" All of his movements and mumbled noises came to an abrupt halt when he saw me. Jesus... He still looked so similar to when he was twelve... "Now, I want to talk to you like civilized people... But you have to promise not to scream, even if it's in pain, or to run, or anything like that. Alright?" Liam's breathing slowly started to become shallow and he nodded his head,
"Alright... Good..." I got up shooing Corny away and untying the rope,
"Sylvia...? Is it really you?" He eyed me, watching all of my movements as if I were a ghost,
"No, dimwit, I'm a ghost, duh," I said sarcastically rolling my eyes, he laughed shaking his head, the noise was so foreign to me yet so similar...
"I see you haven't lost your sense of humor,"
"Uhm..." Corny mumbled walking up to us, "Sorry to interrupt but... Anisha says 'not that this isn't nice and all, but we kind of need to talk about what's going to happen,'" I looked over at Anisha realizing how much we needed to discuss,
"She's right, we can do this another time," Liam nodded looking down at his right wrist that he was babying,
"She says 'We need to figure out what side Liam is on and how to get Jason out and the plan,'" I sighed a very long and heavy sigh before pushing myself up to my feet,
"Alright, everyone gather around, and no talking until I'm finished," I gave both Liam and Corny a stern look, but not Anisha because I knew that wasn't a problem...
"Ok, so... To catch Liam up, I'm working with the Ameeregas to help try getting you and Jason out. I don't want to work with them because they are lying suckers... But I have to so that I can get the plant to heal Jason. But the question now, since Liam is here... Is what is our game plan?"
"Wait you're working with the Ameeregas!?" Liam exclaimed in disbelieve,
"Yeah, to save your sorry ass," I retorted,
"Ok... Ok... My tern. I know you most likely want to kill the Taipans as they took Jason"
"And almost killed Sylvia..." Corny added quietly,
"And killed our parents... But they've been like family to me for the past seven years. I will not under any circumstance tern against them for all they've done for me,"
"Done for you!?" I couldn't hold it in, I couldn't believe what he was talking about. They had murdered our parents in front of us!
"Just listen!" I glared at him before crossing my arms and keeping my mouth shut,
"They aren't all good, I know this... But... They've kept me safe, they killed because it's the system they've worked out. I've killed many since joining them. But my point is I won't just leave them, especially not now that the Ameeregas are planning on killing all of them," I ran my hands down my face turning in a circle. Flashes of that day were running through my head...
"We lost more than just mom and dad that day!" Teas started to pick my eyes as I recalled all of the little but simple details I caught...
"What do you mean? I thought I'd lost you that day... What else was there to lose?" Liam's face was contorted in confusion,
"You really didn't realize... Did you?" I looked up at him, remembering the last time I'd seen him... The fear and worry in his eyes,
"Realize what?!" He finally exclaimed shaking his head in disbelieve,
"Liam... Mom was pregnant. That day when they killed her... they also killed our baby sibling," The silence that followed was deafening. I despised it, it reminded me of a never-ending pit less void...
"No... No that can't be..." Came Liam's hoarse voice, my chest heaved as if weights had replaced my heart. Remembering that night when I'd stayed up and heard mom and dad talking about how we'd need to take on more responsibility. That if they were to take care of another child, we would have to help out more,
"I heard them... Liam. You know I wouldn't lie about something like this..." I could hear his breathing increase as he shook his,
"No... No, I don't know!" Liam looked me up and down and I knew exactly what he meant... He had been away from me for seven years, I'd changed in that time, and so had he, we didn't know each other anymore... With one more glance towards me, he shook his head running down into the tunnel,
"Liam!" I chased after him grabbing one of the torches on the ground. I caught up to him quickly enough with the light and tackled him to the ground, since his wrist was still broken it was easy to pin him,
"What are you doing?" I hissed at him, giving him one of my famous glares,
"Warning the Taipans!" He gritted through his teeth glaring right back at me,
"Liam, your wrist is broken. If you leave without creating a plan with me then I'm going back to the Ameeregas and the first thing they're going to do is charge down that tunnel," I swung my head in the direction behind us for emphasis. He struggled for a moment before recognition took place that I wasn't letting him go,
"I... I can't handle all of this! It's just... It's too much," His head fell against the concrete as he breathed heavily scrunching up his eyes,
"Liam, look at me, look at me!" Surrendering he turned his head back up opening his eyes,
"You have not been through too much, you can handle all of this, I know you can," My voice was direct and sharp, leaving almost no room to argue,
"You don't understand..." He tried, but I wouldn't let him,
"Don't understand? Liam..." I leaned down closer, a growl lacing the words, "I understand completely. In the past month, I've almost died, seen my best friends died, been battered, beaten, found out your alive, discovered that Jason might die any second, risked my new best friend's life, tricked the tricksters, risked the lives of all the people I love, and now I'm standing in a fucking tunnel trying to wake you the fuck up!" I slammed the weight of my hands on his arms shushing myself back up to emphasize my point,
"You almost died...?" Was his reply. Seriously... Out of that whole charade, that's all he got?
"Yes, Liam, I almost fucking died, multiple times actually!" I smiled sarcastically,
"Jesus Sylvia... I thought mom and dad told you to stay out of trouble," I chuckled along with him, I couldn't help it... We used to have little quarrels like this all the time as kids,
"So, you ready to stop being a baby?" I raised my eyebrows in question,
"Yeah, now get off me!" I laughed pushing myself up,
"Any chance you picked up on how to heal thing, like per se... My wrist?" Liam asked as I helped to haul him up to his feet,
"Sadly... No," I gave him a smile ruffling up his hair. He was so tall now...
"Hah... Yes... We finally found you!" I turned around to see Corny panting with Anisha beside him, Simba ran up to me smelling me all over. I rubbed behind his ears well observing Corny,
"Oh... And... Liam... Anisha can help you..." Corny collapse to the ground spreading out his legs and arms like he was going to die. We all laughed at the sight. Anisha smiled, ignoring Corny who reached out to her as if she could bring him back to life, and walked over to Liam picking up his arm. Liam watched her skeptically as she examined his broken wrist,
"How did you get out?" His question was directed at Anisha but Corny answered,
"I helped break her out! Or... Technically she helped break me out?" Corny crossed his arms pointing at him and Anisha and then crossed them the other way. Liam just shook his head in disbelief as Anisha grabbed a small chunk of a pole and ripped some fabric off of Liam's shirt, (who seemed very displeased by the action). She put the pole on the inside of his arm going from about the middle of his forearm down to the center of his hand. She then tied the fabric from Liam's shirt around it until it was stable,
"Thanks..." Liam mumbled once she was finished, moving his hand back and forth,
"If I have to fight, I'll have to use just my left..." Liam grumbled, obviously he didn't enjoy using his left,
"So... Sylvia, what the plan?" He changed the topic,
"Well... I had a plant beforehand... But I know how I can alter it. But, the basics are, Corny is going to have to get the Dragon's Fire plant thingy... While... I'm going to have to Join the very people I swore to kill..."

So... How'd you guys like that one? Do you think anyone was overreacting or underreacting? Should Sylvia be mad at Liam for not wanting to just abandon the Taipans? And what do you think about the fact Sylvia also lost her baby sibling that day! >:O Should the Taipans not be blamed since they didn't know? Leave your thoughts in the comments! And as always stay tuned for the next chapter! (I can't believe the next one is chapter Twenty!! >:o)

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