XXII: Let the Search Begin

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(Picture is rather what I imagined the Dragon's Fire looking like, though just a little different, that's about what the flower looks like though)
Cornelius's POV.

Drip... Drip... Drip... One... Two... Three... I counted each drop of water that decided my head was a good place to live,
'Remember what to say?' Anisha questioned, raising her eyebrows, I nodded. For once in my life I was confident that I had remembered everything Sylvia told me to do. It had been twenty minutes since I last saw her and met her brother. He seemed nice... I smiled as we traversed through the tunnel that reminded me of a snake, long, narrow, curvy, and intriguing,
"I'll tell them that Sylvia had got caught before we made it to the tunnel and that we got away without detection," I loved it when I could use that word... "And to tell them to attack and I'll just wait with you and Simba with Sylvia to get back with some fish sticks," I explained, recalling everything on my fingers, counting everything off. Yet Anisha still facepalmed,
'You're not supposed to say she's getting fish sticks... Just that you're waiting for her so that we can go on another adventure, remember?' My newly founded friend pointed out. I chuckled smiling boyishly, I guess I hadn't remembered everything... I mean, in my defense, I was hungry and fish sticks sounded amazing. Beside my feet, Simba growled lowly between his pants,
"What is it, boy? Are we almost out," I patted his head looking up towards the small light in front of us,
'Let us hope Sylvia is ready,' I could see the hope illuminating her eyes,
"Indeed we must," I uncured, holding my hand out as a droplet fell onto it. I slightly tilted my hand, smiling as the water curved its path along the ridge of my palm before falling down onto the concrete which I walked upon. We were soon close to the light, and after being in the dark enclosed tunnel for so long, it was fairly blinding to the eyes. Even though it was later in the day,
"No...! Don't go into the light...!!" I exclaimed dramatically, pretending to fall to the ground and reaching out with my hand as Anisha walked towards the stairs,
'Don't be such a dramatic, now get up Silvy is counting on you,'
"Oh yeah... Yeah, let's go," I hopped up to my feet running up to Anisha who tried to hide her laugh before following me up the stairs,
"Someone's coming..." I heard a person mumble from in the tunnel station building thingy,
"I survived!" I yelled jumping up from the last step. I smiled brightly at the lady behind me, who held a knife to my throat,
"Let him go," I turned, my smile brightening as the guy Sylvia was arguing with waved his hand dismissively. The lady behind me snorted before backing off,
"Where's Sylvia?" Cyrus's voice held an accusing tint to it as he stalked forward,
"She got captured, but she'll get out," I stated patting Simba distractedly, trying to comfort him. He seemed anxious and worried,
"What? And who's this?" Cyrus questioned in his commanding trying to be threatening voice. I mean... It was rather scary, I hated it when people used a mean voice,
"This is Anisha, she was being held captive in the Taipans dungeons," I gave Anisha a reassuring smile, her eyes were flashing across everything, trying to take it all in. I was worried she needed help but it seemed as though her worried demeanor disappeared in a matter of seconds as her eyes focused back on Cyrus,
"Hmm... Did Sylvia tell you anything?" Cyrus questioned, crossing his arms and turning his stern gaze back to me,
"Oh, uh... Oh, yes! She said you can go and through the Taipans their surprise celebration now," I smiled proudly at Anisha who just facepalmed,
'Say, 'the traps are taken out, and now is their time to attack if they are still going through with it,'" I half frowned before turning back to Cyrus,
"The traps are taken out and now is their time to attack if they are still going through with it," I smiled at Anisha, thinking I got it right this time,
'You were supposed to say 'your' not their...' She sighed well signing taking a deep breath,
"Why didn't you tell me to say that then?" I quarried scrunching up my mouth, sometimes people could be so confusing... Cyrus opened his mouth as if to reply, but for some reason decided better of it and walked away,
"Rude..." I mumbled as Azazel chuckled stepping forward,
"Candy Corn, you can wait here with your friend, and smaller friend," He added, glancing sideways at Simba who sat protectively beside my leg, "While we go and through the Taipans the biggest celebration of the century, sound good to you?" I glared for a moment, not liking how it sounded as if he was treating me like a child, my parents would always talk to me like that... But I shrugged it off taking up my normal broad smile,
"Most certainly!"
"Good, now let's move out!" He waved his hands to the gathered men behind him. There were at least fifty that I could see,
"Don't mind it if you see any people... Just stay out of their way and you'll be fine," I gave him a questioning look but Azazel just smiled heading down into the tunnels with Cyrus close behind. Well, I guess the rest is in Sylvia's hands... Oh and me getting a plant into my hands, yes, I couldn't forget about that. No, Sylvia was counting on me, so I would bring her back the biggest Dragon's Fire plant ever! Wow... I loved that name... I startled from my thoughts when Anisha pulled on my sleeve pointing to a little corner away from everybody else who was filing into the tunnel,
'We'll wait until we don't see anybody than we can go and try finding the Dragon's Fire,' I nodded, waving at a guy who scowled at me as he walked past,
'I don't think anybody here likes me,' I decided to sign to her, I knew not many people knew how to sign, so I felt a sense of safety knowing nobody knew what I was saying. It also gave me a sense of mystery and adventure, like we were on a top-secret mission and... I paused, I was on a top-secret mission... Super!
'I would assume so,' Anisha replied, she was keeping her movements more enclosed, her eyes never straying from the people carrying weapons and slowly thinning out. She was definitely worried, and I mean, I rather was to, but I didn't like worrying. It was much more fun to just look at all of the positive aspects than to include negative ones like how there was probably a huge chance we would die. I forced back a laugh at how breezily I said the idea in my head. Beside me, Simba was in a very similar state to Anisha, he was tense, his eyes focused on the unknown group, his ears were pricked and he seemed ready to jump up and go at the slightest notation. Though, surprisingly it didn't take the huge group much time to disappear inside the tunnel,
'Alright, let's go, we don't have any time to waste,"
"Yay!" I jumped up to my feet, startling Simba who jumped back, glancing up at me with a concerned dog look,
'Remember to be quiet...' Anisha signed rolling her eyes,
"Oops... Yay..." I said again, though completely lowered my voice this time. As we walked a good circle around a spot where voices and yelling echoed about, Anisha explained how we wanted to stay far clear of anybody else, so we were going to make a wide circle around the Taipans base. Then I was supposed to lead us from past the city to the Ameeregas base sense I'd walked to the edge with Sylvia when I went inside the Taipans base,
"Do you think Sylvia and her friend will be alright...?" I whispered, it was easier if one of us talked and only one had to sign,
'Sadly, only time will be able to answer that question... Though Sylvia seems very capable. So, I believe if she plays her cards correctly she and her friend will be able to survive. However,' Anisha started again, making her way through the rubble as quickly and quietly as possible. Personally, I found it quite difficult to watch her sing and walk at the same time, and inevitably ended up falling a couple of times, 'I'm not sure how long Jason will be able to make it without getting the antidote... So, his survival is completely in our hands. And of course, Sylvia and the others being able to protect him during this fight," I nodded picking up my pace with Anisha. Simba was able to jump over or go under most of the rubble pretty quickly, I was almost certain he'd be able to make it out far faster than us. If only we could just have Simba go and get the plant... I smiled sadly at Simba, even though he couldn't help us, I knew that if he could he would, which was why I still loved his adorable squishy face... Even though it felt like forever it didn't take too long to get out of the city and make our way through the flat land. Luckily, we made it out of the rubble just as it was started to get dark, even though I'd trip over the occasional rock, I knew I'd most likely be dead in seconds if I had to walk through what we just went through in the dark and in the mist. Even though the weather was always sporadic, the sun still had its shifts, and currently, it was bright season. Meaning that the sun stayed out the longest when the sun would go away quickly and there would be less light in a day, we would call it low season, or dark season,
'Isn't that a fire?' Anisha signed slowly, glancing to our left. Sure enough, through the thick fog, there was an orange hue slowly gaining in high and distance, it looked as though it was headed towards the Taipans wall,
"Uhm... We need to get past that..." My shoulder slouched as we observed the silhouettes of small figured running back and forth along with the fire, though they were barely noticeable compared to the huge red and orange that was blossoming in front of them.
'We can go around it, but we need to hurry before it gets too big!' I just turned around in time to see what Anisha signed before she took off running in the opposite direction of the Taipans base. I gave the fire one more hesitant look while Simba growled and whined, his hackles raised before I patted my leg and we took off running after Anisha. Even though I wasn't good at many things, I had in fact been running from everyone in my life for years and had gotten a knack for it. Well, everyone except Sylvia of course... I mainly just ran from my parents, from the guards they sent after me, from my teachers, basically everyone in my past life... But that was behind me now, or at least I hoped it was. Simba panted a couple of feet ahead of us, glancing back every couple of seconds to make sure he was still going the same way as us. My heart hammered in my chest like the beat of drums, keeping rhythm and forcing the flow of my blood to increase so that it could reach my body quick enough to match my pace,
"We need to turn now!" I called to Anisha, turning at an angle towards the fire, even though it was still raining and we were a decent distance behind the fire I could still feel the heat radiating off it. Anisha turned whistling to Simba who ran up to her heels. Once we had crossed a creak and I could no longer feel the heat of the fire we both stopped, resting on our knees and panting hard,
"We... We should be on Ameeregas home now..." I tried saying through my pants, Anisha just nodded pulling her long hair behind her ears as she tried standing back up to her full height. I stuck out my tongue licking around my lips. The taste was a mix between salt and rainwater, I recognized the salty taste as the sweat, which leaked through my skin and down my face and arms. Once Anisha had finally caught her breath, she signed,
'We need to find a swampy area, then the Dragon's Fire should be near there,' I nodded, regaining any composure that I had left before we set off looking for a place that was wetter than the already soaked earth around them. It was quite difficult... I of course had no twizzling idea of where one might be, and Anisha had been in the dark for most of her time here. I chucked to myself, she had been in the dark literally, and metaphorically, as in not knowing anything... I smiled at the notion that I at least knew things like that... Even though I may not be the brightest person... I was rather forced to learn quite a bit in English and stupid stuff like that. Truthfully though, I didn't really enjoy heretics like that, but I did like all of the funny words I learned... Like heretics... Such a strange and fascinating word,
'I think we should follow the creak,' Anisha suggested after we had looked for five minutes and found another around the area,
"Hm, maybe, lead the way oh mighty wise one," I did a bowing gesture. Anisha giggled, the sound finally being something I could make positive easily,
'Okay,' She singed after she regained her composure and headed down the stream. As we walked, I smiled at the fact that I knew my parents would be furious, making such a serious and demanding situation funny, and as they would but it, 'you're just using that as an excuse to ignore your duties,'. Sometimes it was better to be positive than all serious, I'd always be goofy and funny, always positive, from as far back as I could remember, and nothing ever went wrong when I did. Everything went wrong when my parents were serious though. Pushing my past away, as I always did, I focused on the sound of the mud underfoot, and of the crackle and sizzle of the far-off fire. The creak bellow was gurgling as if complaining that there was far too much noise and that we were all being ridiculous and should just relax and go with the flow as it did,
'Watch your step, it's getting muddier,' Anisha paused to explain to me before continuing. I paid attention to the ground underfoot as we continued, observing all of the little lines and crevasses in it. Every time I stepped on a spot where there weren't any plants the earth would slide and give way, almost causing me to fall straight on my butt multiple times. But for the most part, if I stayed where there were rocks or pants, it wouldn't be as muddy. I was so focused on my steps that I almost nocked Anisha over when she out of the blue stopped and turned around,
'We're close enough to the swamp I think... Spread out and look for a red flower, it will most likely be closed in the rain though so look for something kind of like this,' She knelt down using a random stick to scratch some marks into the ground. Once she was finished I tried imprinting the image in my mind, imagining the leaves and flower with color,
'If you find something or need something, just whistle twice, okay?' Once I nodded, she only hesitated a second more before heading off further down the river while I went at an angle further inland and along the river. Not surprisingly, Simba followed me, his tail wagging as we gained distance from the fire and the shouts that I had started to hear more of, the sound started to sound more as if someone was in pain... Though I had ignored the notion,
"Come on boy, where is it? Go get it," I whispered down to Simba, whose tongue lolled, went back in his mouth as he sniffed the air, before returning to danglingly out of his muzzle. I sighed, looking around. I pressed my lips into a straight line, it was near impossible to see anything in the haze of fog rain, and smoke that was started to add onto the mass of weather. And the fact of the sun going away for the day whilst the moon slowly gained in altitude as it turned its big one eye onto everyone. Though I couldn't see it of course because of the clouds, nor the stars, which saddened me even further, I loved looking up at the stars and the huge moon... Rather suddenly I bumped into what I swear was the only tree in a mile in any direction, falling flat on my back. Simba rushed up to me sniffing me and licking my face,
"Hah! I told you!" I shouted out into the air, "Every time you think seriously and not positively, bad things happen," Shaking myself off and jumping up to my feet, I grabbed a hand full of mud, rolling up my jacket sleeves, rubbing it along my arms and face, even down my shirt and pants. Once I was finished my smile soon returned, the thrumming sound of me hear beating against my jest once more giving me my little kick start of a song before I continued my search. I would prove my parents wrong every day of my life if possible. I would show them how positivity beat worrying and being serious about a situation. Just as I was about to march off, away from the tree I'd stumbled into, I paused turning back to it. By the bark, I figured it was a willow or something of that sort. Its roots wound around it, the big ones managing to breach the surface of the earth, it was most definitely an older tree. Humming to myself, I walked around it. I wasn't quite sure why, but I felt like there had to be a reason why I ended up stumbling into this tree. The world could have made me trip over a rock, or fall into a random hole like it usually did, but no... This time it had me stumble face-first into an old tree... Looking up, I saw a long branch reaching down towards the earth before rocketing into the sky, where it would get the most sunlight for its leaves. Squinting up at it, I jumped, trying to grab the branch. However, the bark ended up being slick and my hand easily slid right over it and I fell back on my bum. Scrunching up my face in determination, I prepared to jump again. A foot or two away, Simba was pacing around me, letting out small whimpers,
"Don't worry boy, I'll be just fine," I smiled to myself before squatting down, my legs springing up as I launched myself into the air before I wrapped my arms around the branch. This time I had managed to gain enough height to use my sleeves as a grip on the soaked bark. I had closed my eyes, trying to hold on for dear life. When nothing happened for a few seconds I peeked my eyes open before silently letting out a yell of victory. I swung back and forth until I managed to get my legs up and around the branch, then I reached up and grabbed another branch above the one I was on. Luckily it wasn't as wet and I was able to grip it with just my bare hand. Now, climbing a tree, in the pouring rain, with fog surrounding everything, you might assume that I'm good at climbing... But nope! I rarely climbed trees, but, if that is what it took to help Sylvie then that was what I was going to do! Now sitting upright on the branch, I was able to get a better look at the tree. It was almost as if the tree itself was a blockade from the rain and fog cascading around me, only some droplets of rain and a light layer of fog managed to breach the safety of this great old tree's branches. Snapping myself out of it, I came back to reality and focused on doing... Well, whatever I was supposed to be doing up here. Doing what I did best, I observed the beauty of this magnificent tree. All along its branches were new smaller buds, green and slowly growing to match the height and shape of the leaves surrounding them. The bark was a dark brown, with lighter shades running along with it. Truly, there was so much going on in this small organism compared to the earth, that it would take days for me to even begin describing the magnificence of it. As my eyes scanned the tree, down in the very center, where all of the branches split off, I noticed something out of place... Hidden inside the small circle and surrounded by branches there were small red dots springing off of one main beam. I squinted down at it, there was nothing like anywhere else on the tree... Swinging down from my taller branch to one closer to the center, I tried to get a better look at the plant. It couldn't be... I swung further down until I had one of my legs on a branch to my right and another to my left, holding me up as I bent down and looking at the plant. As if a mirror image it looked exactly how I imaged Anisha's picture of color. My spirit starting to fill with hope and excitement as I stood back up and let out two whistles. Bellow me, Simba stopped whining, his ears perking up at my whistle before he started pacing back and forth, panting and jumping up onto the tree as high as he could. I waited a minute or so, and when nothing happened, I whistled twice once more. I waited three minutes this time... I was just about to whistle again when I heard another whistle just off to my right. I whistled as high as I could and soon after Anisha came sprinting into view,
'What is it?' She signed as soon as she spotted me,
"I found it!" I called down, my smile growing as hers did,
'That's amazing! It's really rare for them to grow in trees... But I guess possible. Pick one of the flowers off at the stem, and make sure it has leaves on it!' She explained before swinging her arms down doing a little jump of victory. Crouching back down, I picked one of the bright luminescent red flowers at the stem where it sprouted off of the main stem. I made sure it had a decent amount of leaves on it before carefully tucking it into my jacket pocket, I managed to get close enough to the ground to safely jump down. Instantly Simba ran up to me, jumping up onto his hind paws and trying to lick my face,
"Whoa! Easy boy!" I said through my grin, leaning back and trying to stop him from licking my face. As soon as I got him down Anisha ran up to me hugging me tightly. With my smile, somehow, growing even bigger I hugged her back before we finally sobered up (or at least Anisha did... I was still super excited). I handed Anisha the flower and she gave an affirming nod, it was the Dragon's Fire plant!
"Wait... But now what? Do we go back or wait until Sylvia gets out?" I questioned, the red flower in Anisha's hand slightly distracting me, it was captivating. Putting it in a pocket of her sweater she signed,
'No, we can't wait. Last I saw Jason he had gotten incredibly worse... Truthfully, I doubt he'll make it past sunrise tomorrow if we don't get this to him, sunset tomorrow at the latest...' Anisha's hands trailed off at the end as she looked away, trying to hide the doubt in her eyes, but I could see it in all of her body motion,
"Hey, don't worry, we'll be able to get in and save Jason as quick, and as silent, as a mouse!" I exclaimed in determination. Anisha laughed, her wonderful smile returning,
'Okay, well, do you have any ideas on getting in?' She quarried, looking back at the small glow in the distance. I motioned for her to follow me back towards the light as I talked,
"Well... Usually, I'm not one for ideas, or more so not many people listen to them... But, I think that if we get in through the main gate, we'll be able to stay away from everyone enough that we should be able to find Sylvia mostly undetected," Yeah... I know it's an amazing idea,
'But how will we do that? The fire must be at the gate by now...' Anisha questioned, her head rolling to the side in question,
"Well, actually we're going to use the fire to our advantage..." I stopped as we reached the river, the mud getting squishier underneath my shoes,
'Could that... Would that actually work?' Anisha asked, glancing down,
"I have absolutely no idea!!" I yelled smiling,
'Well... Then I do believe it is the best course of action we have,' Anisha signed before kneeling down,
"Eh, eh... You're going to need far more than that..." I grabbed a hand full of mud dropping it on Anisha's head. She yelled scrunching up her neck. I laughed only to stop when she threw a hand full of mud bad at me, hitting me square in the chest. I laughed dramatically falling to the ground as if I'd been hit by a gun. Simba was jumping around us in excitement, only being quiet because of a hand signal I gave him,
"Alright! Cover me up!" I said scrunching up my face, plugging my nose, and covering my eyes. A second later I felt the gooey texture of mud running over my arms, then soaking through my jacket and pants, and last but not least enveloping my face. As soon as she was finished with my front side she rolled me overdoing the same sequence on my back half. When I tried standing up I ended up slipping straight onto my back, the extra weight from the mud was like an anchor... Anisha giggled while helping to pull me up. I tottered for a moment before my body adjusted to the added weight. I smeared as much mud as I could around my eyes, mouth, and nose, it was going to be the only thing between my skin and the fire... Well, that and air... Or wait no, didn't fire burn up the air? But how could fire burn air...? I shook my head, dismissing my sporadic thoughts, focus Corny... I grinned boyishly down at Anisha as she slowly lowered herself down into the mud,
"Ready?" She nodded scrunching up her face, closing her eyes tight. I chuckled kneeling down and grabbing a handful of mud. I started at her legs, completely covering them in the mud until you could barely even tell they were there. Then I made my way up around her torso and arms. I saw her suck in a deep breath when it first touched her bare skin; the mud was freezing from the cold of the rain and fog... I finished up her back half as quickly as possible before hauling her up,
"Okay... I think that's good, we have to hurry now though. I think the rains faltered but it'll still wash this off and I don't want to be scolded if at all possible..."
'Feelings mutual,' Anisha signed, her face turning once more serious,
'Wait...' She grabbed my arm just as I was about to cross the creek, 'What about Simba? We have to leave him here. Even if we covered him up, his fur would catch on fire easily,' I almost faced palmed myself, I didn't think about that... Kneeling down in front of Simba, who was smiling up at me, his tongue lolling, I placed both of my hands on either side of his face,
"I'm really sorry bud... But you're going to have to stay here... I don't want you to get hurt, so... Stay," I stood back up putting my hand out in the stay signal. On our way here, Sylvia had explained a lot to me because I loved Simba so much and showed such a great interest in him. Simba whined putting his head and tail down,
"Don't worry... You're still a good boy, just wait here," He gave one more protestant whine before laying down. I smiled sadly at him before running back towards the fire with Anisha. It didn't take long before the orange and red smears became increasingly large. If only I had marshmallows... I laughed to myself, remembering the gooey goodness. As we ran towards the fire, Anisha gave me a couple of simple instructions, no more talking, watch out for people, and try not to do anything stupid. As if I'd do anything stupid... I choked on my spit holding back a yelp as Anisha pulled me to the ground, barely lifting my hands up in time to catch me. I tilted my head at Anisha in question and she pointed to the right of me. Looking over I spotted some shapes walking along the fire, throwing some sort of liquid (that was hardly visible) into the fire that made it rage upward. After a couple of moments Anisha stood up pulling me up with her, she signed for me to stay low before running as quickly as she could towards the wall while keeping low to the ground. Even though the mud was still wet and cold against my skin, I could still feel the heat trying to soak through it. Stay away fire! Nobody want's you right now! Go devour the bad guys! I willed as we had to go near to fire, coming closer to the main entrance I had snuck through previously. When we hit finally reached the wall, Anisha and I both leaned against the wall. Even though I still didn't understand the concept of fire burning air I could tell there was less around us. That plus the heat made it almost impossible to do anything without exerting oneself.
'I think the gate is just right over there... I can see it through the fire!' I singed to Anisha, squinting through the heat and smoke to see and small whole further along the wall. The only problem though was that the fire was right up against it, or at least it almost was... If we didn't go now it would most likely devour the entrance and leave no way through except the tunnels,
'Okay, get ready to go,' Anisha signed before checking on the Dragon's Fire and shoving it further into her shirt, trying to conceal it from the flames as much as possible. When she gave an affirming not I ran as close to the wall as possible. The fog wasn't as bad closer to the fire, and it was harder to notice the rain, but the smoke caused my eyes to water and sting, my throat to dry up like a raindrop in a desert and made it almost impossible to not cough. Running as quickly as possible now, as we were close to the fire and the entrance away from it, I shielded my eyes with my jacket. I stumbled on something, though Anisha was quick to steady me, pulling me along the wall, I took a deep breath, before closing my mouth and holding it as we ran maybe an inch from the flames. The fire lapped at my arm as we ran through, the only thing I could see for a few seconds being red and orange light. But then it turned into darkness once again (or partial darkness) and we both collapsed to the ground coughing. It felt like my lungs were collapsing because they couldn't get enough air. I tried breathing in every chance I could through coughing, but it probably took at least five minutes or so before my vision cleared and I was able to roll over onto my hands and knees,
"Anisha... Are you alright?" I stumbled over to her coughing form, forgetting about the no-talking part. She lifted her hand, taking in a couple of deep breathes before sitting up and singing,
'Yeah... Come on we have to get to Jason soon...' I could tell she was exhausted just by how she was singing. Her movements were slow and jumbled up, making it hard to even tell what she was saying. But I nodded anyway because I knew she was right. Helping her up, we both took a minute to observe what we had just walked into. Most the of yelling and screaming was coming from the main building where that one lady had taken me. But all around us, there were smaller fights going on. Most of the people outside were coughing due to the smoke, and with the mix of fog and rain, it was virtually impossible to tell what was evening happening. Well, this surpasses all of my nightmares! I smiled brightly, chuckling to myself, though inside it felt like a stone was clogged in my chest, weighing me down. Wait what no... I didn't talk like that, who talked like that? I felt fantastic! Like seriously, how many people get to run through fire, meat an awesome dog and two awesome people, get captured and then escape, trick the bad guys, and find a really pretty plant? Exactly, I did, I want to go and help to escort the awesome person to heal the sick person so that we all can live a happy very exciting life together!
'Corny! Come on!' Anisha waved a hand in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts. Oh right, completely our next task, yes! This will be awesome... I followed her towards the main building where she pulled me into a dark more hidden corner surrounded by bushes,
'Liam said that there should be a back entrance on the opposite right side of the door you went through...' Anisha explained, I just nodded along with her, not remembering any of this,
'So, by the looks of it, we need to go this way. Follow me and keep quiet,' I nodded, understanding that part. Tailing her, we rounded some bushes, avoiding people when needed before reaching a wall that I think I passed with Anisha when we escaped,
'Look around for a secret entrance,' Anisha ordered feeling along the walls. Hmm... I behind some overgrown bushes and trees, pushing on some stones as I'd read in some books. Stomping on the ground in other places, but I couldn't find anything...
"Anisha!" I yelped when I spotted a figure coming at me with a weapon through the fog. Usually, I didn't react like that... But I mean he surprised me! I was most definitely grateful to Anisha though when she ran forward holding out her hands in a signal for the approaching man to stop. To my complete and total surprise, the man actually stopped, staring at Anisha in surprise,
'It's Walker! He's tried keeping me alive ever since I came here,' She explained turning to me. My extrusion of fear instantly turned into a smile,
"Oh well that's nice," I waved at the man from behind Anisha, he just stared at me skeptically,
'Here, tell him that you are Corny with Sylvia and we need to get in to save Jason,' I nodded turning towards Walker. What a cool name...
"Anisha says that you are Corny with Sylvia and we need to get in to save Jason. Wait, no... That doesn't sound right, are you sure that what you wanted me to say?" I turned to Anisha in question, who just rolled her eyes, sighing loudly,
'Tell him, 'I can do sign language, I am Corny, please take us to Jason,'"
"Oh... Yeah, that makes sense," Turning back to Walker and clearing my throat I reiterated, "I can do sign language, I am Corny, please take us to Jason,"
"Wait you can talk to her?" Walker spoke, his voice deep while motioning towards Anisha,
"Yes, and her name is Anisha," Beside me, Anisha smiled waving,
"Okay... Come on. I'm not certain where Jason and the others are, but I have a basic idea," He waved us towards what looked like a circular metal panel in the ground. He pulled it up before motioning us inside. Anisha hesitated before jumping into it. Walking over sat on the rim, with my back straight, and did a salute before hopping in. It turned out to not be super far down, yet I still somehow managed to stumble onto my hands and knees. While Anisha helped me up, Walker jumped in behind us, closing the metal thingy back up,
"That is so cool! I'm going to have to tell Sylvie about it," I declared with a grin. Walker gave me a suspicious look before shooing us further down what turned out to be a tunnel. I could hear thudding from up above plus screaming and the clang, or bang, of a weapon,
"We've managed to keep the fighting at the front of the base... For the most part, some people have slipped through. But if we go all the way to the end we should pop up where there isn't really any fighting," Anisha nodded, glancing down at the Dragon's Fire plant. I looked at the walls around us, they were made of concrete or something of the sort. It was worn in with edges, the work of being here for ages. Water was running along the ridges, feeding the moss and fungus the grow along the walls and ground. There was at least an inch or so of water on the ground, making a splashing sound each time one of us took a step,
"Up here," Walker ordered, surprising me for the second time. He was pointing up at another entrance that led up. Anisha went first, disappearing before I climbed up a small latter to come up in a mostly dark room. I was pretty sure it was an extortionary room though to hide this amazing secret escape or entrance into or from the base. Walker pulled himself up, pulling the carpet and flooring back over the secret whole,
"From here we'll need to get to the stairs, I think I remember someone telling me they were up there," He walked over to a door, but before he opened it he turned back to us,
"Don't make a noise unless someone is about to murder you, and stay close to me. I can't keep someone from slaughtering you if you're far behind," I absently nodded, used to hearing that. But I supposed I did keep forgetting to actually do it... So, I suppose it was good to be reminded. Slowly, Walker pushed open the door. After checking to see if anyone was there he stalked forward. I followed his movements, crouching lower and looking back and forth. This was so cool! I never thought once in my life that I'd be doing this kind of thing. Like this was legit spy stuff or something like that, I wasn't sure, but either way, it was awesome! For the most part, we made it up the stairs with ease, other than one part when Walker threw one of his axes at a guy, hitting him straight in the head. I couldn't help but marvel at how well he could throw it... It was incredible! I also enjoyed seeing what blooded looked like, I hadn't really ever hurt myself enough or ever paid attention, but seeing a big puddle of it was interesting... Rather gross at the same time though,
"We're safer up here, but still be careful. It might take a while, but I think the best way to find Liam and Sylvia is to just search room by room," I shook my head up down before shaking it side to side when Anisha shook her head, her facial expressions distressed,
'I said Jason has till sunrise, maybe later. But the sooner we get this to him, the higher chance he had of actually surviving, there had the be a quicker way,' Anisha explained,
"Uhm... She basically said that Jason needs the plant now and that there has to be a faster way," I reiterated in simpler words, I knew I wouldn't be able to recite everything she said, or more so everything she signed,
"I'm not sure if there is another way..." Walker started, trailing off at the end though,
"I'm pretty sure we all know the simple solution," It was rather simple... And seemed like the quickest way in my opinion as well, though it did go against everything everyone had been telling me all day... Over and over again... Eh, who cared about that,
"And what might that be?" Walker questioned with little expectation,
"The one thing I love doing, most of the time at least," Walker was about to speak though I cut him off, starting to walk down the hall that was layered in shadows,
"Liam! Sylvia! Where are you!!" I screeched as loudly as I could, not paying attention to Anisha cringing or Walker when he mumbled,
"Well, this'll be my death bed..."

So what'd you guys think of this chapter! Personally, I think it's awesome... But what did you think about Corny now? What do you think of what you've learned about his past? Do you think it'll come up in the future...? ;) But let me know your thoughts down in the comments! Also! Holy smokes! This is officially I think the longest chapter I have made, it has about 7,100 words!! Did I make one that was 7,000 words before...? I'd have to go look... But anyway! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you think is going to happen next? And don't forget to add this to your library, if you do you'll get notifications of whenever I update next! Stay tuned for the next update! =D

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