The Date

301 20 3

TW: Blood mention and light swearing

Janus was sat at kitchen table reading another novel that Logan had recommended him whilst sipping his morning coffee. He was sure that Logan's book choices were far too factual for his taste but Janus was surprised to find himself enjoying the book.
As he turned the page a thought came to him. It was quite. Far to quite. There was no screaming or strange noises coming from Remus' room and it unsettled Janus more than if the noises had been present. Come to think of it the snake side hadn't seen that rat man all morning, he was starting to get worried.

That was until there was the sound of the door unlocking and a flustered Remus scrambled through the door.

"Hello Remus," Janus said looking up from his book, taking note of the others incredibly beautiful outfit. "You look... lovely," He muttered, a blush spreading across his half-scaled face.

"Thanks Jan!" Remus replied mentally screaming that Janus seemed to actually like his outfit.

"I... Umm" come on Remus you can do this "I was wondering if you were free for a couple of hours, I have somewhere I-I wanna take you?"

"That depends on whether it's going to involve mass amounts of property damage?" Janus flirted, only half joking, all the while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Not this timeee," Remus half sung, rocking on his heels nervously.

"Alright then, where to?"

"Well, I kinda made this whole picnic setup in the imagination's woods for us, it's got a chocolate fountain and fairy lights, it's super romantic, there's fairy lights- wait no I already said that... there's strawberries!"

Janus blinked, taken aback by the sweet and honestly out of character gesture before breaking out into a smirk.

"Ok, I'll go get changed and then we can go," he smirked blushing slightly as he sauntered towards the stairs.

"Cool beanz!" Remus screamed up the stairs after taking a seat, the nerves making his hands and legs shake. He was really doing this. He was really going to confess to Janus.

Meanwhile, up in his bedroom Janus was getting some clothes out, processing that Remus had asked him to go to the woods with him. He thought back to what Remus had said about the picnic. A chocolate fountain was always fun and the fairy lights would look pleasant among the trees.


Did Remus use the word romantic?

"Nono," Janus thought his face turning red. "He probably just meant it had a nice feel to the whole place.. unless... I mean it could be...

a date?"

The lying side went as red as Roman's sash as he pondered what to wear. Deciding on a black v-neck long sleeve with a long yellow skirt, a slit going down the side connected with black chains. Grabbing a pair of black boots to go with it.

Janus was becoming more sure by the second that Remus just wanted to go out on a picnic with his best friend but deep down Janus really hoped it was something more.

"I suppose only time will tell." He thought as he got ready to go downstairs.

A soft creek from the stairs alerted Remus that Janus was ready. His head snapped towards the stairs excited to see what Janus would be wearing although the snake side could make anything look incredible if he was wearing it.

Nothing could prepare Remus for the outfit that Janus had chosen, it perfectly accentuated the snake side's hips and made his slender form appear more beautiful if that was possible. Remus couldn't control the pink blush that coated his cheeks in warmth as he stared at Janus for what felt like eons.

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