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After Remus and Janus got back from their outing it was around 9:00 pm and they had both decided that going to bed early was their best bet as Roman had mentioned to the dark sides that Thomas had a date with a guy named 'Nico' the next day and there was no way the two were missing out on it.

Remus entered the dark mind palace after Janus, both wishing the other goodnight before heading off to their rooms. Remus clicked the lock on his door as he entered his room, taking off all but his boxers as he walked to the bed. He had a strange feeling in his stomach "probably from all that deodorant I stole from Janus" he thought as he tried to get comfortable, sinking deeper into his tired state.

Remus lay like that for 3 hours before deciding that a glass of warm milk might aid in his attempt to fall asleep, he seemed to have remembered the nerd lecturing Thomas about it at one point so who knows, it might help.
The journey downstairs was quite the trek for a tired Remus, although the trip probably would have taken around 2 minutes tops for any normal human it took Remus 10 minutes as he blindly stumbled though the darkness, tripping over everything he could but still attempting to remain silent as to not wake his best friend.
When he finally reached the bottom of the stairs, there was quite a sight to behold.
Janus stood in the kitchen completely shirtless rustling about in the fridge for something to eat, his soft skin and dazzling scales illuminated by the small slice of moonlight that crept through a crack in the curtain.

Remus tried to take another step to talk to the snake side but something stopped him. Just looking at Janus made his heart start to beat ridiculously fast and his face became hot, reddening.
The intrusive side rushed upstairs without a word, the odd sickness in his stomach hitting him again.
As Remus got back to his room he smiled, his thoughts racing to what fun, horrific illness he could have next.

High blood pressure, red in the face , fluttering feeling in my chest. It only happens when I'm around Janus though? Oooo I bet I'm going into cardiac arrest ooor malaria or....


Oh fuck

Do I...


Do I have a crush on Janus?!?

Remus' mind started doing mental summersaults as he when into a gay panic, monologging to himself quietly.

"I- I can't have a crush on Janus, he's like- my best friend. I'm not meant to feel this way about anyone let ALONE my best friend. I'm a dark side, the literal embodiment of 'bad creativity', I'm supposed to be scary not some dumb.... lovestruck....... SIMP!!! Oh god what if Janus finds out, he'd never like me back! He so charming and perfect and SO hot! I can't compete with all that. I'm weird... and annoying and- and..."

Remus paused. This wasn't helping anything, it was just hurting him. He knew needed some help processing his feelings but he didn't want his feelings to be revealed to anyone.

There was one side that was rather good at all of the mushy love stuff, maybe he could help.

Remus really hoped his brother would be awake at this hour.


Hello everyone! I'm super happy to present this chapter, I know it's a little short BUT the next chapter should be out by the end of the week so you won't have to wait long. I might also have a little mini chapter surprise for Halloween as a thank you for all your love and support on my story!
I'm honestly honoured that nearly 900 people have read (and hopefully enjoyed) my writing and I appreciate every one of you. :)

See you in the next chapter and as always
Stay tuned~

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