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Remus woke up in an unfamiliar room slowly turning to his side and coming face to face with this scaley companion, that's when he realised. He was in Janus' room, laying on his lap.

Remus jumped back, a blush forming on his face when he remembered the events of the night before, how the deceitful side and him had decided to go and chill together, how they had listened to lofi until they fell asleep in each other's arms.

That made Remus start to think, what would it be like for the two to be together, like as a couple?

But that was just one of his countless intrusive thoughts, right?


As the intrusive side sat there frozen in a mix of happiness, confusion and slight embarrassment from his thoughts, Janus started to stir from his slumber as well.

"G'mornin Jan," Remus managed to mumble out as he snapped from his thoughts.

"Good morning Rem, did you have a decent rest?" The scaled side responded a blush covering his cheeks as he realised the position they were in.

"It was good actually, better than most nights actually! I seem to get a good nights sleep when Im on top of you Janny," Remus replied looking up at Janus with a sly smile on his face.

Was Remus flirting?


Just a little bit.

"Sssstop Remus!" Janus hissed, the blush now spreading to his nose and getting darker at his cheeks. He playfully hit Remus softly on the shoulder before the other pretended to be mortally wounded; laying on the floor with his tongue out to the side. The snake boi laughed before standing up and kicking the other in the side softly.

"Come on Remus time for breakfast, I've got someone I need to talk to today,"

"Ooooo who is it, are you gonna poison them and then unhinge your jaw to swallow them whole like a snake?"

Janus just stopped, blinked at Remus then continued to walk to the kitchen without saying a word, terrified.

As he turned on the stove to cook up some bacon, the deceptive side explained.

"I'm going to visit your brother actually and although I totally wasn't tempted to push him down a flight of stairs the moment he upset you, I wasn't very kind to him in our last encounter either. So in an effort to try and get the others to think I'm somewhat of a decent person I'm going to be the bigger side and apologise first. Hopefully it will prevent Thomas from having anymore sleepless nightsss,"

"Oh.." Remus said voice trailing off  "I'm glad you're trying to be better Janus but don't you think you should have some backup, y'know in case the conversation gets a little heated."

Janus could tell Remus didn't like him being anywhere near Roman at all although he could never quite understand why, apart from the two's last encounter with the creative side Janus had been reasonably close to Roman ,close enough in fact to sometimes even jokingly flirt with each other.

"Wait." Janus thought staring to burn the bacon he was cooking as he stood still.

"Is Remus jealous?"

Well.. there was always the possibility, Remus did always get extra clingy whenever Janus came back from hanging out with Roman and-




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