The Plan

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Remus woke up at around seven to make sure he'd read through his brothers "plan" correctly. He rolled out of bed and grabbed the parchment that was slightly crumpled on his bedside draw.

As he opened the note he was immediately hit with the reminder that Roman had the better handwriting of the two. Roman's handwriting was prissy and flouncy, like how people used to write in the 1800's whereas Remus had the handwriting of a rat that had just popped 63 acid tablets.

Remus was always slightly jealous of Roman's handwriting but he came to learn that his handwriting was unique too, like his own font in a way. He continued to read down the note until he managed to skim through enough to collect together a step-by-step plan on how to ask Janus out... but... what if it didn't work. What if Janus didn't even like him and just took pity on the intrusive side. Remus' mind clouded over with negative thoughts, amassing into a small cry from the dark side. This cry wasn't of anguish or sorrow though, it was simply a way for Remus to almost ground himself. The sound would knock him out of his downward spiral.

Calming down slightly, Remus slammed back onto the mattress.

"Feeling are EXHAUSTING"  He said to himself as he clutched the plan in his left hand. Laying there , Remus tried to recount all of the good times he and Janus had shared. Like the time Janus finally revealed himself, after he left the light realm he kicked down the door to Remus' room with 5 bottles of wine in his hands. The two got absolutely shit-faced and TPed the light sides castle. It was one of Remus' best memories, Janus had suggested the idea and the two sides caused absolute chaos, laughing and joking making some flirty remarks.

Remus always thought the flirting was a joke between friends but something deep down always hoped it was something more. However now that Remus actually processed he had a crush on Janus he was absolutely terrified of telling him. Maybe if it went wrong he could play it off as a joke?

No that wouldn't work Janus is literally Deceit he knows when somebody's lying. Remus would just have to be upfront and honest, if it ruined their friendship he'd have to deal with it.

He uncrumpled the plan that was in his left hand and read through it.

The plan was simple enough: Remus would set up a cute picnic date for the two and after they had hung out for a while Remus would confess his, in Roman's words 'undying love for that slippery snake'.

Simple right?

You'd think. But unfortunately Remus' powers of summoning were much better suited to monsters, gore and weapons not.... a cute picnic in the woods fit for a truly romantic evening.

In short Remus would have to pull out all the stops to make sure this would work without going horrifically wrong.

So Remus set to work getting dressed in his best outfit, a sage green, silk blouse unbuttoned on the top 3 buttons , black skinny jeans and black stiletto heels. Then he immediately changed the heels out for black trainers because he realised he would be out in the woods and as much as he looked stunning in them heels just wouldn't work in situation.

The next part of the plan was to find a good place
in the dark forest to set up the picnic. Remus wandered into the forest, thinking through what decor he wanted and snacks he needed. He found the perfect clearing in the trees to set everything up. The looming oaks bent over the circle of clear ground. The whole area had a soft glow from the moonlight and light green toadstools glowed in the dark. Remus was 100% sure they were poisonous but he kept them for the ✨aesthetic✨.

The theme he settled on was a mix of gold and emerald green decor. He summoned fairy lights on the trees hanging down enough so that the picnic itself would be visible. The warm glow of the fairy lights instantly gave the whole area a more romantic feel rather than a scary one. Remus was breaking a sweat just trying not to turn the fairy lights into strings of eyeballs but for Janus he had to make everything perfect.

Next he summoned a tartan blanket; gold and green interlaced beautifully into an incredible blanket for picnics. Remus made sure the blanket was safe to touch just in case, it was so he continued. Next was the food itself, for this he had to enlist the help of Patton because he was the only side who could summon food and make it taste good. Remus made sure to very vaguely text Patton that he 'needed some food for science'. Patton asked a few questions before giving up because of Remus' vague and confusing responses. The food Remus ordered was very traditional date stuff: strawberries and cream, a chocolate fountain with fruit slices on sticks, a baguette with a knife, butter and assorted lunch meats. All of this appeared as if on cue in front of  Remus. The chocolate fountain was first to be moved placed down to the top middle edge of the blanket so both of them could try some, the plate of fruit that went with it being placed next to it. Next was the baguette and assortment of stuff that came with it. This was put in a woven picnic basket made from golden hardwood to match the theme. The strawberries being placed to the side for later.

Remus attempted to light some candles on the blanket but after several close brushes with starting a forest fire Remus decided against it. Apart from that, the whole area looked perfect. It was like something out of a fairytale.

Remus was on the verge of passing out from how much effort it took not to ruin it.

With that the only thing left to do was go get the snake himself.

Remus had a good feeling about this.

Authors note:

Hello everyone! I'm so glad this chapter is finally out!! It took me a WHILE to figure out how I would go about the actual confession for this devious pair but I think I've come up with a plan that works for the relationship the two have, yes people it's finally happening, I have a fully fleshed out conclusion to the story. There should be around two more chapters after this one and then this book will be complete. I'm so excited for what I've planned and I hope you lovely readers are too!

Thank you for reading and as always,

Stay tuned~

P.s I wanted to add a mood board for what the picnic area would look like so that is above the chapter in the little image bar :)

P.p.s I also wanted to say that I'm aware that the last couple of chapters have been very Remus-centric, I plan to make the next chapter a little more focused on Janus and his thoughts and feelings int the situation. And don't worry there will be a little bit of drama before our happy ending.

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