Hallowed ween

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AUTHORS NOTE: For context this little side chapter happened in between Reperations and Crush. I doesn't really effect the story line in any way, this chapter is just a bit of fun for Halloween, anyway on with the story.

Remus stood in his bedroom, looking at himself in the mirror smiling like a mad man. He has convinced Janus to do a joint costume with him this year and Remus couldn't be more excited. The two had decided that Morticia and Gomez Addams would be perfect so there Remus stood his hair gelled back, trying to tie a bow tie onto a pinstripe suit that was a bit too big for him. Janus had tried his best to get Remus to let him be Gomez but Remus refused to let him because, in Remus' words "you look soo good in a black dress Jan". Janus had become very flustered at this and hadn't the cognitive function to form a full sentence after that so he simply walked off to his room to summon the outfit he needed and get changed. To be 100% honest Remus was incredibly excited for the whole occasion. The light sides we're having a Halloween movie night so Janus and Remus decided to do the same, although the movies the dark sides where watching were far well.. darker than the ones the light sides where watching. Nonetheless the two were ecstatic.

Remus finally finished tying his bow tie after the sixth attempt and headed downstairs to the common room to set up the movie, but on some Halloween music and pop some popcorn, one bowl for Janus that was lightly salted and one for Remus that he cut up chunks of deodorant into. The two had decided on separate bowls every since the incident on their first movie night in which Remus thrown pieces of deodorant, worms and a sticky green substance into the popcorn bowl without Janus knowing.
He took one bite and promptly threw up in the sink.

"Speak of the devil" Remus thought as he heard the unmistakable sound of Janus' footsteps.

"I'm ready ~" the snake side sung out as he sauntered down the stairs.

The sight before Remus took his breath away.

Janus stood halfway down the stairs, his body draped in a vanta black, low-cut, long sleeve dress with a corset sinching in his waist. Janus' hat was sitting comfortably on his head with his hai curled slightly so it lay different against his scalp. It diverted a little for the original look but Remus definitely wasn't complaining, the deceitful side looked unfathomably hot.

"So, how do I look?" Janus said giving a little spin to show off the costume.

"You look absolutely stunning Double Dee" Remus replied, shocking himself at how nice that sounded.

"Oh!" Janus blushed on the human side of his face flattered by the unexpected complement. "Why thank you Remus, you don't look to bad yourself~" Janus flirted after he regained his composure.

Just as Remus was about to say something, Into the Unknown by Patrick McHale started to play on the phonograph Remus had set up to play Halloween songs and smooth jazz. Remus smirked and reached his hand out towards Janus.

"Care for a dance, dear?" Remus smiled, as Janus took his hand.

Led through the mist,
By the milk-light of moon,
All that was lost, is revealed.

Remus waltzed Janus into the centre of the room as the snake side smirked up at Remus trying his best not to giggle.

Our long bygone burdens, mere echoes of the spring,
But where have we come, and where shall we end?
If dreams can't come true, then why not pretend?

Janus let out a little gasp as Remus placed his hand on his waist. Resting it just above his hip. However Janus was determined to keep his cocky attitude and not to become flustered.

How the gentle wind,
Beckons through the leaves,
As autumn colors fall.
Dancing in a swirl,

Remus swirled Janus around.

Of golden memories,
The loveliest lies of all.

As it reached the end of the song Remus dipped Janus down so that his head was nearly touching the floor. Janus lost all composure and blushed heavily at this, both at how strong Remus was and how closed their faces were.

A light giggle broke the tension between the two as Remus lightly laughed out.

"That was silly," he said softly looking away, blushing from embarrassment.

"No! No, thatt was... wonderful Remus," Janus sighed guiding Remus' head back to face him.

Remus giggled and blushed harder before saying
"Sooo, wanna watch Friday the 13th?"

"Oh definitely not!" Janus replied, grabbing his popcorn from the side as he settled on the sofa.


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this little Halloween mini chapter as much as I I loved writing it! I wasn't really able to do much this Halloween but I still had a great time. Remember to stay safe If you're going out to any social events and remember

Stay tuned~

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