Brotherly Love

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TW: swearing, very brief mention of vomit

Remus knew what he had to do but it was... difficult to say the least. First there was the issue of actually admitting that he had feelings for Janus, and the second was telling Roman that. Roman was a different breed when it came to love and relationships. When he found out another side had a crush on someone he would do this thing where he would go on and on about how those two were ✨simply meant to be✨ and try to push the two together in every situation he could. Essentially whenever Roman found out there was romance blooming he would turn into a 13 year old fanboy hardcore shipping his new otp. It was going to be a... challenge to keep Roman quite about it but Remus really needed the advice. With that thought Remus climbed out of bed, put on a T-shirt and joggers, took a deep breath and ventured out to the light realm. Bracing himself for the cold of the forest in between the two sides of the mindscape.

As Remus walked to the light realm again he was reminded of all the times he and Roman had played in the forest together, all the fights they had won as a team against monsters Remus had conjured, all the handsome princes Roman had made that they had saved from certain doom. Remus missed those times, after the split the two were inseparable for a while but as they shaped they're own identities the twins grew further apart, drifting away in opposite directions. One of them fated to rise to the light and the other to drown in the darkness. But then again if it wasn't for their bickering and eventual split, Remus would never have met Janus. Although it wasn't intentional that was the best gift Roman had ever given him.

And now he was going to go up to his brothers room and tell him that he liked Janus and needed advice on how to ask him out. "Oh god..." Remus thought to himself as he imagined all the things that could go wrong.

*Time skip brought to you by my inability to function in human society*

Remus reached the mind palace just as the last lights went out around the kingdom. Remus knew this meant Roman was about to go to sleep as he always had the ability to control the lights in and around the palace, it was part of his nightly routine to turn off all the lights in the Kingdom before sleeping.

Completely unbothered to go through the task of hoping the gates to the palace and breaking in, Remus decided to simply summon himself in Romans room. He would still be scared shitless by Remus and, although the reason Remus wanted to talk to Roman was serious, he still wanted to get a good laugh out of making Roman scream.

He appeared in his brothers room seconds later and slowly snuck up to Roman's bed before letting out a shrill scream only loud enough for Roman to hear. The princely side immediately shot bolt upright, letting out a high pitched scream whilst Remus laughed himself silly.


"I-hehe- I know dork but I need to talk to you about something important," Remus responded, slightly more nervous than usual which was odd for the usually jovial side.

"oh...Oh? Wait, you want to talk to me why not Janus, I thought you two were best friends or something?"

"That's the thing, it's- ummm that's the thing it's about Jan," Remus blushed as he spoke but it was too dark for Roman to see.

"I SWEAR IF THAT REPTILE HURT YOU I WILL SMITE HIM!" Roman exclaimed dramatically and, with a theatrical flourish, pulled out his sword from under his pillow.

"WAIT WHAT NO, why do you even have- anyway it's quite the opposite I- umm, I know I'm a dark side and everything and we're not meant to have emotions and everything but like umm,"

"get on with it." Roman whined as he cleared a space for Remus on the end of his bed.

Remus sat down with a sigh before blushing and blurting out


Roman's eyes lit up and dilated like a cat when it sees a laser pointer. His mouth opened to let out a squeal but Remus shot his hand over his mouth before he could let it out.

"SHUT IT! No one can know, if they found out you KNOW Patton would get told and he's TERRIBLE AT KEEPING SECRETS!"

Roman then licked Remus' hand but it horribly backfired as Remus barely washed his hands and the taste was a mix between licking a dustbin and putting your tongue in a blender full of vomit. Roman coughed so much Remus had to move his had in fear of choking his brother.

"So will you help me or not?" Remus said, arms crossed trying to look intimidating despite his blush.

"MY BROTHERS IN LOVE WITH THE SNAKE, oh you will finally know the wonders of ✨love✨!"

Roman fanboyed about his new otp for a solid 10 minutes before Remus paused him.

"So what should I do?"

"Oh I know just the thing to help!!!" Roman sung as he grabbed a piece of paper to write down his idea.

Remus didn't know what he'd gotten himself into.


Hey ladies, gentlemen and that technicolour rainbow in between!
It's E. Rose ( the author) here and I'd like to thank you wonderful people for getting me to 1.15k reads!!!
I am genuinely honored that so many of you actually enjoy my writing and want to read it, I appreciate every comment, vote and sweet message you people have sent.

I'll continue to update this until the story is finished.

And as always ..

stay tuned folks~

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