Emergency visit

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Tw: Swearing, use of medical supplies, blood mention

"Remus?" Logan said looking into Remus' eyes as he sat on the armchair near the sofa that Janus was sprawled out on.

"How did this happen?"

Remus sighed as he sat down, arms aching and chest heaving. He nodded a thank you to Patton before taking what looked like a hot chocolate from his hands, it was hard to tell due to the unreasonable amount of whipped cream that had been hastily sprayed on top. Remus took a long sip before opening his mouth to explain as he did so however his brother and his night in emo attire came rushing down the stairs, panicked eyes scanning the room for what the commotion was about, the two both let out a gasp before Virgil started to panic and rushed to where Janus' body lay limp.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!?" He yelled to no one in particular as Roman joined him at his side panic also crumpling his usually chiselled features.

"LANGUAGE KIDDO!" Patton said with a disappointed frown as he took a shaking sip from his hot chocolate.

Virgil looked at Patton with confusion before very dramatically thrusting is arms towards Janus' unconscious and bleeding body and back to Patton a few times. Roman grabbed onto Virgil's arms and guided him to the other sofa as he spoke to the moral side.

"I think what Virgil is trying to say is this is hardly a time for the language patrol padré," Roman paused before looking between Remus' out of breath and slightly bloody form and Janus, continuing "Is he like, dead or something?" He muttered quietly to Patton.

"OF COURSE HE'S NOT DEAD YOU IDIOT .... look he's breathing," Remus burst out before realising his mistake and softening his tone.

"Remus is correct," Logan said calmly, adjusting his glasses as he moved away from Janus. "He is alive and breathing, a few stitches, some antiseptic, bandages and pain medication should sort out the laceration on his chest but he will be.. ok. But I do need to know how this happened Remus, it's important I get the whole picture so I can check for further injury if needs be,"

Remus took in a deep sigh as all the sides looked up at him expectantly, worry contorting their faces.

"Well... I was planning on taking Janus on a date and I went to Roman for help- " The intrusive side continued his tale recounting all of the day's events, pausing at moments to hide tears which were slowly welling up in his eyes from guilt, stress and anger at himself for letting this happen. All sides listened attentively, sharing shocked glances and sly smirks as the story continued.

After Remus' in depth explanation, Logan gave Janus another look over making sure the bruises that painted the snake side's back a dark purple were nothing more than that. Taking extra care to stitch up the cut that ran along his chest before pouring disinfectant on a rag and dabbing around the area, slowly dragging away the spots of dried blood on his skin. Certain parts too dried to simply wipe up so the logical side simply left them, assuming that Janus would bathe in the near future to remove the rest of the blood. Logan then turned to speak to Remus.

"Alright, he seems to be totally fine, obviously it will take a while to heal but Janus should be fine in a few weeks, there will be soreness but he should be able to walk around when he wakes up," Logan paused and smirked before continuing "so.. about this date?"

Remus began blushing profusely and muttering a shut up between pursed lips.

"OH BROTHER YOU SIMPLY MUST TELL US EVERYTHING!!" Roman squealed earning a glare from Virgil who had developed a headache from all the stress.

"Fiiine I will, but not right now I need to get Jan home," Remus sighed, picking Janus up bridal style again and preparing himself for the walk ahead.

Roman crossed his arms and opened his mouth to whine but Patton cut in before the prince side could speak.

"That's fair kiddo, although you do need to tell us all when you're feeling up to it, I'm a sucker for a good romance!!" Patton smiled before giving Remus a playful nudge on the arm and a wink.

Slowly, Logan looked up from tidying away the med kit and smirked "You do know you don't have to walk all the way back to your house Remus? You  can just sink in and out,"

Remus paused before looking down at his battered body, covered in scratches and bruises from his frantic, panic induced run through the imagination.

"I..... I forgot about that." Remus said half chuckling to himself at how stupid he was.

The whole group let out a giggle as Remus slowly sunk out dramatically and returned to the dark mindpalace. He let out a sigh of relief as he placed down Janus on the black sofa that took up a significant amount of the living room's space. He turned, if reluctantly, to tend to the small cuts that scattered his body. Before he could though he felt a small tug on the hem of his shirt.

He smiled as he saw Janus' eyes flutter open and crinkle into a smile.

"Hey Rem," he croaked out, his voice hoarse from the pain.

"JANUS!!" Remus cried kneeling down next to the smaller man as tears pricked at the corner of his eyes, threatening to spill.

"I'm so glad you're ok Jan...."

"I am too Rem,"

Authors note:
Hello wonderful readers, long time no see ey?
I am sorry I haven't been updating as much, I've been completely preoccupied by exams so I haven't exactly had time to update this book BUT I would like to to know that there will be one chapter after this one and then I will be done with this book! And don't worry it won't be long until it comes out because I already have half of it written!! Thank you so much for reading and as always

Stay tuned~

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