Radio Beats

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Authors note: You'll have to open my drawing above to see it fully :)

Janus woke with a start. He was covered in sweat and shaking from a nightmare he'd had. On top of that he felt strangely tired and unmotivated. Today was not his day, but feeling like he didn't want to do work didn't have to be a bad thing, today would be Janus' self care day. He crawled out of bed and slowly got dressed Deceit wasn't feeling up to wearing his usual attire so he went for a lemon yellow turtleneck sweater and a black pair of jeans. As he got dressed his mind wandered back to yesterday's events. How Remus and him interrupted Patton and Logan kissing session and how Patton mistook the two for a couple. Janus thought about that, Remus and him being a couple, but Remus was his best friend and that was all it would ever be... right?

Janus pushed the thoughts out of his mind, walked calmly out of his room and went downstairs to the kitchen to make himself some much needed bacon and eggs whilst putting on some random lofi hip hop stream Logan recommended. He made sure there was enough food for Remus, although Remus had probably already eaten his "breakfast" consisting of deodorant that he either stole from Janus or found under his bed.

The snake side was immediately snapped out of his lofi induced trance however when a tired looking Remus came downstairs wearing nothing but his boxers.

"REMUSSSSS," Janus hissed, his lisp coming out from embarrassment.

"GO AND PUT SOME CLOTHESSS ON!!" He finished, covering his eyes and blushing heavily.

"Fiiiine." Remus whined annoyed that his breakfast would have to wait.

10 minutes later Remus was back in a oversized green hoodie and shorts. He slowly walked over to the dining table and looked out the window as Janus finished up cooking breakfast.
As Janus served up bacon and eggs for the two he also looked out the window wondering what Remus was staring at.

"It looks like is gonna rain soon Jan," the intrusive side mused aloud.

"Well that's alright I thought I'd have a self care day of sorts anyway, care to join me?" Janus asked, really wanting Remus to say yes for some reason he couldn't quite place.

"Remus?" He asked again around 30 seconds later but the intrusive side just stared out the window seeming slightly upset.

That was then lightly tapped Remus' shoulder to get his attention. Remus proceeded to turn his head a full 180 ° to look at Janus. Completely unfazed by this Janus continued.

"Are you ok Remus you seem... off?"

"What do you mean Jan I'm ALWAYS off?" Remus said turning away from his gaze and looking out the window.

"I mean you just don't seem like your normal chaotic, cute, trash man self!" Janus replied slipping up and accidentally adding in the cute part. Remus stared blushing heavily but still wouldn't answer the question.

"What's the matter Rem?" Janus asked a little louder than he'd intended to.

"You really wanna know?" Remus said coldly as he stared at the rising storm outside.

"Of course I do. I... I care about you Remus. A lot," Janus replied concern lacing his voice ,slightly spooked by how cold Remus was being.

"A couple of days ago, I went over to the light realm to annoy my brother and when I got there he just went of off on me about all of the shit he's having to deal with 'because of me' like how apparently it's my fault that you were pissed a him and how I 'infected him with my evil ways' and it's just.... it's just a lot."

It was like a scene out of a movie. A single tear fell down Remus' cheek as he spoke, slow lofi played in the background from Janus' phone as he forgot to turn it off and the rain slowly hit the window from the oncoming storm.

"Remus I'm so sorry I had no idea..." Janus spoke, trailing off as the rain got louder.

"It's ok it's not your fault, I mean technically you did indirectly cause it and well... but yeah it's not your fault my brother is kind of a dick, I thi-"

Then it happened a massive lightning bolt hit the ground and with it a torrent of hail. Remus' eyes flashed with fear as he jolted in his seat.

Janus pause the lofi stream and got closer to Remus, reaching for his hand as the intrusive side started to shake.

"hey- hey it's ok we'll sort everything out tomorrow but for now I don't think it's safe to go out." Janus said softly pulling Remus onto the sofa.

"It's not Roman that I'm upset about." Remus said staring directly at the raging hail hitting the glass pains in the living room.

"Then what is it, you seem very tense," Janus responded slightly scared for the other.

"I- forget it it's stupid, I'm just being irrational,"

"Remus if its making you scared it's not stupid, I don't want you feeling upset,"

Remus stayed silent, eyeing the window as a huge lightning bolt broke though the thick cloud circling the sky, flinching at the noise.

Then it clicked in Janus' mind.

"Are you afraid of the storm?" He asked

Remus froze and then slowly but surely nodded with an embarrassed blush on his face.

"I'm sorry I know it's silly!" He shouted as he hid his face in a cushion.

Janus paused before responding.

"Rem, whether a fear be irrational or not it is still important for me to make sure you're ok and I can tell you with the upmost certainty that your fears are ok and valid. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Well could we maybe cuddle? I mean- It'sfineifyoudontwantto!" Remus blurted out a blush spreading across his face.

"Whatever makes you feel most comfortable Remus, I have this really soft blanket in my room we could go in there if you want?" Janus replied blushing as well.

"Are you proposing that we go to your room together~" Remus flirted, making Janus get very flustered.

"Remussssss not like thAt!" Janus retorted, turning very red.

"Let's go then!" Remus said, getting up as another lightning bolt hit, scaring him again.

"Ok," smiled Janus as the two walked to his door.

Janus pushed it open an jokingly bowed to let Remus in first. Laughing, Remus stepped through.

He slowly took in his surroundings.

The room was reasonably small but cozy, Janus had decorated it beautifully, there were posters on the grey wall to the left of his bed, the other walls were a golden yellow snake scale pattern. There was a ornate oak dresser with all sorts of things on it; ideas for Thomas, poetry drafts, an ink pot and quill, countless candles and what Remus could have sworn was a diary. The bed itself was simple, yellow bedding with a bunch of black and yellow pillows surrounding it. The entire room just oozed Janus' whole aesthetic, it was beautiful.

The two small talked and put the lofi hip hop back on, slowly moving the the beat until they were too tired and decided to lay down. Remus plopped himself on top of Janus' legs as Janus tried to explain to Remus the difference between sheet and fork lightning.

Remus just laid there looking up intently at Janus, smiling in a sort of trance, blushing at how happy Janus looked.

The two laid there for the entire day, just happy to be in each other's company.

As the hail rained down and the thunder clouds roared the two only had one thought.

Everything was perfect.

Authors note: Hey guys I'm so sorry this chapter took so long to get out, the dialogue for this was really hard to come up with PLUS the art took literally two days to do on its own lol. Anyways I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned for more updates!

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