Beach tresures

715 31 26

TW: Swearing

Authors note: The art above is mine that i drew for this chapter and all bits in this chapter in this font are lies that Janus is telling on impulse in my headcannon he doesn't lie when he needs to help someone he cares about :) I'll get on with the chapter now, enjoy!

That morning Janus got up to the sound of silence which was not normal for the usually loud mindscape, there'd either be Remus blasting some random song on the radio in the kitchen or he'd have been hidden in Janus' room making some annoying noise before Janus found him. Today was different however, the entire household was silent.
Weird. For two days in a row Janus has arrived to an silent mindscape.

Then he recalled what Remus has said the night before. "I best be off to bed so I have enough energy to go annoy my brother tomorrow"

"This can only go well." Janus lied to himself as he eagerly awaited Remus' return.

An hour had passed and Remus still wasn't back and Janus was starting to get really worried. His legs shook uncontrollably as he waited... and waited..... and waited. The anxiety was eating him up on the inside and he could do nothing to stop it when suddenly


Remus practically kicked the door down angrily muttering to him self as he stormed over to the couch. He sat down next to Janus, anger radiating off his body.

"Don't you want to not talk about it?" Janus lied concern dripping from his voice.

"My brothers a dick and that's all I'm going to say on the matter," Remus seethed coming across more aggressive than the meant to.

"Well ok then," the deceitful side said obviously hurt by Remus' tone. The Intrusive side immediately realised he hurt someone he lo- cared for a lot.

"Look Jan I'm sorry I'm just really annoyed at my brother I didn't meet to be a dick," Remus said softer this time.

"It's ok Rem I understand," Janus replied looking up at Remus to find he was holding back tears. Deceit immediately embraced the taller man in a hug. Janus hated to see Remus upset.

"Jan I-" but Remus couldn't finish his sentence before the tears came flooding down. Silently soaking the snake side's caplet. "Your capes moist now," Remus mumbled into Deceits shoulder, earning a laugh out of both of them.

They stayed hugging like that for around 5 minutes before they realised what was going on and separated, both blushing and apologising.

30 minutes later Janus was reading a book whilst Remus was up in his room doing god knows what. He was just about to get to the good part of his book when Janus felt a small droplet of water run down his back from the ceiling.

"Hello Remus," Janus said not even looking up from his book. He then heard a load crash before Remus exclaimed "You're no fun!".

Janus looked up to see Remus completely soaking wet with what looked like slime.

"Should I even ask?" He said completely unfazed by Remus' bullshit at this point.

"No. Buuuut I did get an awesome idea!"  The intrusive side explained.

"If it involves making spaghetti out of Patton's entrails again I'm not interested." Janus said bluntly.

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