Shawn Flynn, Marvin, Henrik ~ Inky Trouble

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*This was requested by poppypipopapo *

Shawn concentrated carefully as he moved his paintbrush against a Bendy doll's face. All he wants right now is to get that smile right. He's been painting smiles for three hours now but Shawn's grown tired after all that.

His last doll of the day. He can do this; just stay awake...

"I need a day or two off after this...," he grumbled.

The sound of a pipe bursting made Shawn jolt. Thankfully, his painting hand moved up away from the doll so there wasn't much damage. Shawn looked around him, wondering where that sound was coming from.

The silence soon hit him as he realized he may be the only one left in the building. Shawn sighed and turned his attention back to the doll. He focused again, slowly painting the smile.

When he finally finished, he couldn't help but smile at the doll smiling back at him. Since the conveyor belt is shut down for the night, Shawn had to take the doll to the packing area himself.

As he walked down a hallway whistling to himself, another pipe bursted down a different hall. Shawn paused and listened to his surroundings.

"F*ckin' old pipes..." he mumbled. "That man doesn't ever plan on fixing them."

He wasn't in the mood for someone to scare him. After that moment, Shawn continued walking toward the packing area.

When Shawn arrived, he placed the doll onto the conveyor belt and sighed, ruffling his hair with one of his stained hands. He paused for a moment, closing his eyes and listening to the leaking pipes around him.

Shawn then felt something grab his left leg, causing him to immediately open his eyes and look down. An inky creature latched onto Shawn's leg and made a gurgling sound.

"What the...?!", Shawn yelled.

He quickly kicked the creature off and backed away. More inky creatures sprouted up from the messy floor. Some slipped in from the pipes. They started crawling towards him, some holding out their hands to grab him.

Shawn started to run away from them as fast as possible. When he looked over his shoulder, he noticed that the creatures weren't very fast.

The hell are those things?, Shawn thought.

He kept running toward the nearest exit, passing by a lot of ink puddles. More creatures started sprouting out of them and made their way toward Shawn. Some managed to latch onto one of his legs, causing Shawn to fall face first onto the floor.

He quickly got up and tried to kick the ink creatures away, but more grabbed him. Shawn kept trying to get away with no success. Some grabbed his arms to pull him down.

"Let go of me!", Shawn yelled.

He was getting pulled lower and lower until he was at eye level with the creatures. He didn't know what would happen to him, but he didn't want to find out.

Shawn closed his eyes, preparing for possible death, until he heard the sound of something getting sliced and felt something wet hit his face. He opened his eyes and saw someone with a cape slicing away at the ink creatures.

They got rid of the creatures holding Shawn down and the others around him. Some started crawling away in fear. When all the ink creatures were gone, Shawn slowly stood up and the caped person turned to him.

"You okay?", the caped person asked Shawn. "I wasn't too late, was I?"

"Uh...", Shawn spoke. He couldn't look away from the cat mask the man was wearing.

"I take it you're alright since you can stand. We should get out of here," the man said and started walking off.

"R-Right! Right," Shawn responded, shifting his focus back onto what was currently happening.

He started to move one of his legs but it gave out on him. Shawn fell on the floor and winced in pain. The caped man turned around and quickly went over to Shawn.

"They got your leg?", the caped man asked, looking over at Shawn's legs.

"I think so... Ow...", Shawn replied. "F*cking hurts..."

The caped man carefully picked Shawn up and started walking. "I know someone who can take care of this. You got family to see back at home?"

"No. Just me and my sh*tty apartment," Shawn answered.


The caped man gently placed Shawn on a medical bed and said, "Henrik here will fix up your leg."

Shawn nodded his head and looked around the room. It looked exactly like a patient's room in a hospital.

"You mind telling me vhy he's here and not at a hospital?", Shawn heard someone with a German accent ask.

A man who looked like a doctor walked into the room and looked at the caped man with an angry look on his face.

That must be Henrik, Shawn thought to himself.

"I don't help strangers."

"You're way better than those other guys," the caped man replied.

"Doesn't matter, Marvin," Henrik said. "Vherever you two came from, zhere must've been a hospital nearby."

"I didn't want to attract attention," Marvin responded, leaning on a table and crossing his arms.

Henrik sighed. "Alright, but zhis time only."

Marvin smiled and said, "Thanks, doc."

The doctor rolled his eyes and turned to Shawn. "I vas told your leg is injured."

Shawn nodded his head and rolled up one of his pant legs to show his squeezed and scratched up leg. There was a lot of dried up ink as well.

"Hmm... Well, nozhing I've never seen before," Henrik spoke. "But zhis will be interesting..."



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