Jackie and Anti ~ Salad

393 19 2

This was requested by @Wingedkatgirl


It was another calm day in the Septic house as Jackie occupied the kitchen, trying to make a small snack for himself.

The hero laid out all the ingredients he needed and took out a medium bowl, cutting board, and a knife to cut up the vegetables. He grabbed a cucumber and placed it on the cutting board, readying his knife. He slowly cut off a piece and judged if it was a good length.

Jackie slowly cut off another piece and carefully looked at it.

"I think this is right..." he mumbled to himself.

A moment later, Anti walked into the kitchen and noticed Jackie standing there. He raised a brow as he walked closer and saw all the food on the counter.

"Are you making food or something?", Anti asked.

"Yeah, a small salad," the hero answered as he slowly chopped off another piece of the cucumber.

"...Are you sure? You're making it look like a science experiment" the glitch responded, putting a hand on his hip.

Jackie huffed and turned to Anti. "Well, then why don't you try it?"

Anti rolled his eyes and said, "Fine. You want all this in your salad?"

Jackie nodded his head and put the knife down, standing back to give Anti some room. Anti picked up the knife and swiftly chopped up the rest of the cucumber.

He scooped up the slices and put them into the bowl. He then opened a bag of pre-made salad and poured it into the bowl.

The glitch went to chopping away at other vegetables like broccoli and- Wait, broccoli?

"Are you sure you want this in your salad?" Anti asked Jackie.

The hero answered yes and Anti continued cutting up pieces. Soon the salad was finished. Jackie admired Anti's work and thanked him.

"Whatever," the glitch said. "You would've taken all day if I didn't show up..."

"Do you want some of it?" Jackie asked him as he drenched his salad in blue cheese dressing.

Anti gave a disgusted look and then glitched away.

"...Well, more for me!"



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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