Henrik, Marvin, Jackie ~ Arguments

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*Another request made by the amazing KittKattGirl*

"B*TCH, DID YOU JUST CUT ME WITH A CARD?!", Jackie heard Henrik yell downstairs.

"Well, maybe if you didn't try to 'experiment' my cards, that wouldn't have happened!," Marvin replied.

"I didn't do anyzhing to your cards, Marvin!", Henrik said.


"I DIDN'T DO SH*T, SO GO BLAME ANTI," Henrik yelled back.

Jackie was very confused at the loud conversation. He walked out of his room and quietly went downstairs. He saw Henrik and Marvin arguing in the living room.

Henrik had a thin, but visible cut on his right arm. Marvin was bearing sharp, cat-like teeth at the doctor as he spoke. Jackie didn't know why they were arguing.

"Keep your untrained magic away from me!", Henrik told the magician.

"I've perfected my magic, for your information!", Marvin remarked. "You're just jealous that you have no powers!"

Henrik shot him a deadly glare. "You don't know what I'm capable of..."


Henrik fumed with anger and charged at Marvin, catching the magician off guard as he was pinned to the ground. Jackie got worried and ran over to them, trying to stop Henrik.

Henrik was wearing a bracelet that made Marvin weak at the touch. The doctor had full anger in his eyes as he looked at Marvin, who was trying to get him off.

"Jack may have given you magic, but I can take it away!," Henrik said as he held up a syringe with clear liquid inside.

Marvin looked at the syringe with fear in his eyes. He knew what that would do him. He desperately tried to get the doctor off of him.

Jackie grabbed Henrik's arm holding the syringe and looked at him with tears in his eyes. "Stop it, Henrik!"

Henrik looked at the hero, shocked that he noticed what was happening. Jackie quickly snatched the syringe away and stood back from him.

"Leave him alone," Jackie spoke, tears starting to fall from his eyes.

Henrik realized what he did and got off of Marvin. The magician looked at Jackie as he sat up, trying to catch his breath.

Henrik reached his hand out to Jackie. "Give me zhe syringe, Jackie."

The hero quickly shook his head. Henrik told him again to give it to him. Jackie held the syringe close to him.

"You were about to hurt...Marvin...", Jackie tried to say without choking on tears.

"Hand it over, Jackie!", Henrik ordered him.

"WHY WOULD I GIVE THIS TO SOMEONE AS HARMFUL AS YOU?!", Jackie suddenly yelled at the doctor.

"Jackie...," Marvin spoke.

Jackie looked at Marvin, who motioned him to give the syringe back. The hero looked down and clenched the syringe before tossing it at Henrik, who caught it.

"It's my fault," Marvin spoke again. "My cards weren't cooperating and I tried to fix it, although I ended up hurting Henrik. Perhaps it was Anti..."

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," Henrik apologized to him. "I really need to fix zhat..."

"I shouldn't have called you a fake doctor. You're one of the best," Marvin said with a small smile.

Marvin motioned to Jackie to come over to him and sit with him. Jackie wiped away his tears and sat with Marvin, who gave him a hug. The magician dragged Henrik over to the hug. He hesitated when he saw Jackie flinch, but then Jackie hugged the doctor.

The three of them hugged each other, trying to hold back tears.

"Please don't fight anymore," Jackie said to the other two egos.

"We'll do our best for you, Jackie," Henrik replied, Marvin nodding his head in agreement.

"We'll do our best for you, Jackie," Henrik replied, Marvin nodding his head in agreement

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