Chase and Robbie ~ Zombie Apocalypse

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Chase quickly unlocked the door to the house and ran in, locking the door. He was breathing heavy from running a quick errand for Henrik.

He held a small bag of bottles in one hand and a small gun in the other, loaded with special bullets Henrik made. Chase checked to make sure all the windows were still boarded up.

He sighed and headed to the stairs, but stopped when a strong scent of blood hit his nose. He slowly followed the scent and then started to hear chewing sounds. When he got to a corner, Chase quietly readied his gun.

He quickly turned around the corner and pointed his gun forward. He saw someone in a familiar outfit sitting in front of what looked like another body laying limp.

"Robbie...?", Chase asked, still pointing his gun.

The zombie quickly turned to him, frightened by his sudden presence. There was blood on and around his mouth, and a hand in between his lips.

Chase sighed and lowered his gun, putting it in his side pocket. "Someone got in here?"

Robbie slowly nodded and spit the hand out of his mouth. "Tastes...weird..."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't eat them," Chase replied, crossing his arms.

Robbie handed Chase a gun and a backpack that came from the victim. Chase looked inside the backpack, finding some useful stuff.

"Shot the chest...", the zombie spoke.

Chase looked over at him. Robbie showed him a small hole on his left shoulder.

"...That's your shoulder, Robbie," Chase told him.

The zombie made a small "oh..." and looked down. Chase sighed and placed the backpack and the small bag down. He walked over to the dead body and pulled it by the arms.

"You mind taking the small bag to Henrik?", Chase asked Robbie. "I'm taking this to the backyard to burn it."

Robbie nodded and grabbed the little bag, heading upstairs.

Chase dragged the body out back and placed it on top of a low pile of rocks. He grabbed a match box and lit a match. He tossed it onto the body and watched it burn, standing a distance away from the heat.

A couple minutes later, Robbie walked out and stood next to Chase. He found the sight interesting and tilted his head a bit.

"Thanks for guarding the house," Chase said to Robbie.

The zombie nodded his head as he watched the flames dance around the body. "How long...does this...take?"

"It depends...", Chase answered. "It could take a little while longer."

Robbie looked at him. "Henny...okay with...this?"

Chase shrugged his shoulders. "If he doesn't make a fuss out of it, we're fine."

Robbie sighed and kept watching. Chase smiled a bit at him and sighed as well.

 Chase smiled a bit at him and sighed as well

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