~V I N E S~

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Hello, everyone! This chapter will have Vine references with the egos, so I hope you enjoy!


Chase: Road work ahead? Uh, yeah. I sure hope it does.


Henrik: I'm sorry, but we lost him.

Jackie: Okay well, look harder. Find him please. Gosh, this hospital sucks.


Marvin: *gets in the car with some balloons*

Chase: Are those helium balloons?

Anti: Oh my gosh...

Chase: Great. Now the car's going to fly away.


Anti: You know what? I'm about to say it. Okay?

Robbie: What?

Anti: I don't care that you broke your elbow.


Chase: You know, wHy DoN't We JuSt ReLaX aNd TuRn On ThE rAdIo. WoUlD yOu LiKe Am Or Fm?


Robbie: I smell like beef... I smell like beef. I SMELL LIKE BEEEEEF!


Jackie: HoW dO yOu KnOw WhAt'S gOoD fOr Me?

Anti: tHaT's My OPINION!

Jackie: *blinks*

Jameson: *gives him a concerned look*


Jackie: *softly hits Anti with a pillow*

Marvin: Jackie, watch the light, dude! Jackie, watch the light!

Anti: *motions Jackie to hit the light*

Jackie: *hits the light with the pillow*


Jackie: YoU fRiCkIn' FrIcKs! WhEn WiLl YoU lEaRn? WhEn WiLl YoU lEaRn, ThAt YoUr AcTiOnS hAvE cOnSeQuEnCeS?!


Henrik: *is banging pans together while walking through the house* I DIDN'T GET NO SLEEP 'CAUSE OF YA'LL! YA'LL NOT GON' NO SLEEP 'CAUSE OF ME!


Jackie: Come on over to Del Taco! They got this new thing called...

Jackie: Fr e sh- Fr E sH a VoCa Do!


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