Henrik and Anti ~ German Anger

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Anti stood in front of Henrik with his arms crossed. The doctor was practically yelling at him in German, but Anti didn't understand a word he was saying.

Henrik was fuming at him. Anti accidentally broke one of Henrik's experiments that he was working hours on end for.

When Henrik is really mad, he starts yelling in German, going 90 miles an hour with his words. And when he finished his rant, his attitude completely changes to happy and cheerful. At least most of the time.

Anti rolled his eyes and kept waiting for the doctor finish.

"UND DU- Are you even listening?!", Henrik asked.

"Henrik, you were talking in German again," Anti replied.

"Ugh, nochmal?", Henrik said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You need to calm down," Anti told him.

"WIE KAN ICH-," Henrik growled a bit at himself for a moment before speaking again. "HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN YOU BROKE MY- Ach du lieber Gott..."

"Look, I'm sorry-"


"I'll make it up to you," Anti said to him.

"There's nothing you can do...", Henrik spoke, looking away from him.

Anti knows he hates him now. It slightly hurt that the ego he trusted the most no longer has his trust or companionship.

"I'm sorry...", the glitch quietly said, his head hanging low.

He glitched away from Henrik and went to his room, hating himself for what he did. Henrik knew Anti was hurt, but he was as well.

Henrik felt bad for yelling at him. It was a terrible habit that he promised a few egos he would fix.

"Gut gemacht, Henrik...", he told himself.

He headed over to Anti's room and knocked on his door. There was silence, so he knocked again.

"What do you want?", Anti growled on the other side.

"It's Henrik," the doctor said. "Can I come in?"

There was silence again before shuffling could be heard. The door opened and Anti stood in front of him.

Henrik paused before speaking. "...I'm sorry for yelling at you. It's a terrible habit."

Anti shrugged his shoulders and looked away. "Whatever..."

"And I accept your apology," Henrik said.

The glitch looked at him for a moment before crossing his arms. "Sure, whatever..."

Henrik smiled and gave him a hug. Anti was taken back by this and gently patted his back.

Henrik pulled away and looked at him. "Zhere may not be a way to rebuild zhe project, but I'm sure we can make another one!"

"We?", Anti asked him.

The doctor nodded his head. "That is, if you don't mind..."

Anti thought about it before saying, "Sure, why not."

Henrik's smile grew bigger and he held Anti's hand. He took the glitch back to his room and started making plans.

 He took the glitch back to his room and started making plans

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