Jackie and Robbie ~ Aquarium

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"This place is cool!", Jackie said as he looked at all the different fish in the aquarium.

Robbie looked in awe at the sea turtles swimming by. Sam observed the turtles as well in the zombie's arms.

"Hey Robbie! Look, it's Nemo!", Jackie called to the zombie as he pointed at a small clownfish with a fin smaller than the other.

Robbie walked over to the hero with Sam and looked at the fish. "So tiny..."

"And adorable!", Jackie practically squeaked.

A seahorse swam by in the same tank, catching Jackie's eye. Sam saw another aquarium and motioned to Robbie to go over to it. The zombie headed over and looked in the small aquarium.

"Nothing...", Robbie said.

Sam motioned to the sea urchin sitting at the bottom. Robbie softly gasped and looked at the creature.

"Ooh! Sea urchin!", Jackie said when he saw what was in the aquarium Robbie and Sam were looking at. "They're so spikey! I love it!"

"No face...?", the zombie asked him.

The hero chuckled a bit. "Nope! No arms either. I wonder how they eat... Or do they not eat...?"

"Sharks...", Robbie spoke, wanting to change the subject.

"Ooh, yes! I love sharks!", Jackie immediately replied. He dashed over to the shark aquariums, with Robbie and Sam a distance away.

Jackie looked at the different sharks with big, amazed eyes. He watched them swim around and the hero practically bounced in place.

"Hammerhead... Swordfish... Great White... Catshark...", Jackie said as he looked at each shark. He knew his sharks well.

"Cool...", Robbie said.

Sam agreed as he looked at the sharks roaming by.


When the three exited the aquarium, Jackie was beaming with joy. Robbie felt good after seeing some sea life. Sam was satisfied for the day.

"Thank you, Jackie," Robbie said to the hero.

"Anytime," Jackie smiled at him.

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