Jameson and Henrik ~ Broken Pieces

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Henrik was staying up late, working on some files while everyone else except Jameson went out. He sighed as he finished another pile of packets and looked over at the last two piles on his desk.

He then heard something crash and jolted up. "Jameson?"

The doctor quickly walked out of his room and downstairs. He went into the kitchen and saw Jameson sitting on the floor, startled- as if his life flashed before his eyes. There were some shattered glass plates and bowls in front of the dapper.

"Vhat happened?", Henrik asked, carefully walking over to Jameson.

Jameson was breathing hard, still frightened by what just happened. He was looking down at the broken plates and bowls.

"Jameson?", Henrik tried to get his attention.

The dapper slowly looked up at Henrik, revealing a light purple mark on the bridge of his nose. Henrik grew more concerned and sat next to him, moving some shards away from himself.

"Tell me vhat happened, Jameson," Henrik calmly said to him.

Jameson took a deep breath and signed, "I tried to grab a plate, but it was too high to reach. So I climbed onto the counter but slipped when I grabbed a plate..."

Henrik gave Jameson a hug. "It's okay, JJ. I'm glad you're alright."

Jameson hugged Henrik and calmed down. The doctor carefully picked up the big pieces from the plates and bowls. Jameson got a broom and swept up the remaining pieces.

Henrik later took Jameson to his room to check out the bruise. There was also a small scratch on his arm, but Henrik took care of it.

"You should ask for my help next time," Henrik told the dapper.

"I didn't want to disturb you...", Jameson signed.

"All zhe stuff here doesn't have a due date, Jameson. I can take a break and help you," Henrik responded.

Jameson smiled and thanked him.

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