Jameson, Jackie, Robbie ~ Tea Time

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Jackie carefully took a tea cup from the center of the table and placed it near him. Jameson and Robbie did the same.

The three of them were hanging out in Jameson's room, enjoying each other's company. The silent dapper gladly invited everyone for tea, unfortunately, only Jackie and Robbie accepted the offer.

Jameson took the hot kettle and slowly poured the tea in his cup. He then poured tea in the other's.

The dapper opened his small sugar bowl and took out two sugar cubes, puting them in his tea to sweeten it. He motioned if the other two wanted any sugar.

Robbie asked for one while Jackie requested four. Jameson didn't like the hero's idea of having his tea that sweet, but proceeded to put four cubes in his tea.

The three sat in silence for a while as they sipped their tea. Jackie beamed at how delicious his was, wanting more later.

"Thanks...Jamie," Robbie said, smiling.

Jameson smiled back. He loved how Robbie gives a couple of the egos a nickname, since the zombie's current speech prevents him from saying their full names.

"This was really good!", Jackie said, already finished with his tea.

Jameson gently placed his cup on the saucer provided and smiled at Jackie. He then signed,"Is there anything you want to talk about?" (In this book, Jameson uses sign language.)

Jackie thought for a moment. "Well, I haven't snuck out of the house in a week to look for bad guys."

Jameson looked at him for a moment before softly clapping his hands with a smile.

All the egos know Jackie would sneak out of the house when no one is looking. When he comes home, he sneaks through a window in the living room. No one bothered to stop him after a while.

Robbie sipped a bit of his tea before saying, "I saw...a blue jay...making a nest..."

Jameson looked intrigued. He asked if there was anything else.

"Body...still in...tact...", Robbie told him, showing some of the stitches on his body still holding strong.

Jackie smiled at the zombie. "Make sure Anti doesn't cut off a finger or two."

Jameson frowned a bit at Jackie and lightly hit his arm, telling him not to say something like that. The hero apologized and asked for some more tea.

The silent dapper gladly poured the still hot liquid into Jackie's cup and put four sugar cubes inside.

"What about...you, Jamie?", Robbie asked Jameson.

The dapper thought for a moment. He then signed, "Anti and I have been getting along a bit better. I'm pretty sure he still wants my head at times."

Robbie smiled and finished his tea. He was enjoying his time with them.

After a while of chatting, Jameson finished his tea and took out his pocket watch to see the time. He then signed, "Time sure does fly fast."

"Thanks for the tea, JJ," Jackie said to him.

"Anytime," the dapper replied.

Robbie yawned and rubbed his eyes. He liked the fact that tea can make one sleepy. He got up and said goodbye as he walked out to his room.

Jackie did the same as well, feeling tired. Jameson waved as they left and cleaned up the table.

 Jameson waved as they left and cleaned up the table

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