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"Well, I suppose that since you and your wife got a divorce, it will be okay for you to foster children still," Mr. Vargas spoke. "Thank you so much, I did not want my divorce to get in the way, I really love helping these kids. I know I haven't fostered in a year, but with your help, it would mean everything," I smiled. Vargas stood up from his seat and walked over to a shelf, and grabbed two files. "We have been having trouble with these two; they are a lot older than you are used to but maybe if you can find someone to help you out.

"Like another guardian or something?"
"Yes, will that be a problem?" He asked
"No..... I think I might have someone in mind," I spoke.
"Fantastic! I will handle all the paperwork, and next Monday, you and your partner can come by and pick up Alfred and Matthew; they are 16-year-old twins" he smiled. Vargas handed me pictures of them, and I smiled. "I'll see you then, Mr. Bonnefoy" he smiled. We both shook hands, and I went on my way.

I knew of someone who could help me, but I was not sure if he would agree. I quickly walked out of the building and took my phone out. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer. "Hey, Arthur, I need your help with something.... it might help the both of us actually," I spoke into the phone.

He breathed out tiredly and spoke, "should we meet up for this?" He asked. "Yes, please! That would be wonderful! Meet me at my house in an hour," I spoke. He agreed, and we both hung up the phone. Arthur was an old friend of mine from England who I went to school with. He just moved to Canada last week, and he was running out of money from staying in a hotel room. I just know he would agree to it in order to get on his feet and have another place to stay.

After waiting some time, I got a knock on the door. I quickly rushed up and opened the door, and there he was. It had been a while since I last saw him and I was just in love with how much he changed. "So, what's the deal?" He asked, stepping into my house. Arthur walked into my kitchen and took a seat, in which I sat across from him. "As you know... I recently went through a divorce. Well, I want to get back into fostering kids again."

"That's amazing!!! I am sure they will be lucky to have you. You have always been such a great father figure," he smiled, giving me a thumbs up. "Yeah.... well... I need a partner in order to start again..... so I was going to ask you," Arthur did not say anything but kept his smile up for a long time. Soon, his smile began to fade, and it turned serious. "Francis! I don't know anything about kids! How!!??? Why did you? Oh no," he spoke, freaking out.

"Don't worry! They are 16."
"What!??? That's even worse!!! Their pubescent attitudes will judge me every single time. I'm sorry I don't know if I can," he spoke, terrified. He stood up, and I walked over to him. "Please, Arthur..... I need your help."

"How? I know nothing about kids, let alone teenagers."
"I will teach you, and if you say yes, you will live here in your own room! Rent free," I said. His eyes widened, and he stopped moving. "Rent free?" He asked.

"Yea! While you get on your feet," I answered. He looked at me with a smirk and then thought some more. "I get my own room?" He asked. I nodded, and he began to think on it some more. Soon his eyes widened, and he pointed at me, shocked. Arthur then shook his head and thought some more. "And I'll cook," I spoke with a smile. His head shot towards me, and he nodded. "I can finally leave that hotel room!!!" He cheered.

"Thank you so much!"
"Well, I guess I couldn't let you down," he smiled in victory. "Monday is the day we are getting them, so I guess until then you can move out of the hotel room and get your room ready here. You'll even have your own bathroom" I smiled. He began to laugh at me and shrugged. "I think I would have done it anyway, without all of those things you offered,"

He began to laugh at me, and I wanted to punch him.... but also hug him as a thank you. "Does this mean I'll technically be a dad or something?" He asked, shocked. "Sure, if you want to feel that way," I laughed. He seemed genuinely excited about it, and that made me really happy. The new scenery will distract me from my problems.

That night, Arthur and I had dinner together to celebrate us becoming foster parents to two new kids. We both looked at their pictures and wondered about the type of people they were. These new twin boys had been through so much, and we were excited to help them find a home and feel happy for once. I loved fostering kids, and it was nice to get back into it.

I looked at Arthur drinking his wine, smiling and laughing, and I think being with him made it even better. He was a good friend of mine, and I knew I could trust him with anything. I was so excited to spend some time with him and talk to him like before. He was a really good person, and I loved him so dearly. I held him close to my heart, and no words could ever explain how appreciative I was of him. "What is it?" He asked, confused. "Oh nothing, I am just excited" I smiled softly.

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