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~Arthur's pov~
The morning we were to get the boys from the foster care office, Francis and I made sure to look our best.  He had his hair up in a ponytail, and I did my best to make sure my hair wasn't messy. "Are you ready?" I asked. He smiled at me and nodded. We both went in his car, and I could tell he was nervous. "What if they don't like me?" He asked. I laughed at what he said "you are insane if you think that. Obviously, they will like you," I smiled. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and he slowly placed his hand on mine.

We stared at each other for a bit until I decided to pull away. His smile warmed my heart, and I felt my cheeks getting red. I remember how I used to have a small crush on Francis back when we went to school in England. It obviously was never going to happen, so I gave up on it. Now I am always here to support him as a friend. He did not need to offer me anything for me to say yes to him. I would do anything to see him happy. Although we fought sometimes and gave each other attitude, I always cared for him.

He began to drive, and I felt a little nervous. I just hoped those kids liked me and saw me as a father figure, at least. I was thirty, not married, with no kids of my own. Francis was at least married and had experience with kids. Francis deserves way better than what Amelia offered him.  She was such an evil person and took advantage of him. I'm glad he was able to divorce her, although I know he is still heartbroken about it.

When we arrived at the foster care office, Francis looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his hair a bit more. "You ready?" I asked with a smile. He nodded, and we both stepped out of the car. We wondered how the boys would be, but I'm sure they couldn't be so bad. Vargas told Francis that they were very friendly.

Once we stepped into the office, we were taken into another room, where a man was standing outside. "They are just behind these doors. We will need you two to sign documents, and then they are all yours," the man smiled. He gave us both some clipboards, and Francis nervously took them. It was not hard to fill them out; it was just a bunch of signatures.

When we finished, the man took the clipboards and gestured for us to go through the door. Francis and I looked at each other nervously, and I smiled at him. "Go on, let's meet them," I spoke softly. He placed his hand on the knob and slowly opened the door. My stomach began to sink, and I felt so nervous.

We both stepped into the room and saw two teenage boys. They both turned their heads to look at us, and they seemed shocked. They had glasses, and one of them seemed to be avoiding our eye contact. "Are the two of you gay?" One of them spoke. It made Francis and I stop in our tracks, shocked. "What?...." Francis asked, confused. "OH NO!!! Alfred, please be more polite" Vargas walked in.

"I'm sorry, they were in a bad mood today.... please don't reconsider," Vargas asked. "Of course not," Francis spoke. We both looked at the boys, and the one who asked if we were gay smiled at us. "Well, my name is Alfred, and my brother is Matthew," he spoke. I couldn't help but lift an eyebrow, confused. This was not going to be easy.

"Are the two of you hungry? We were thinking of some food once we got home," Francis smiled. Matthew turned to him with wide eyes and soon stood up. "That would be great!" He spoke finally. "Great! Let's go," Francis spoke.

We walked out of the office and back to the car. Alfred and Matthew did not say much the whole ride, and when we arrived at the house. They immediately walked up the stairs. Francis and I followed them from behind "the two of you can pick your rooms; there is plenty of space for you both to have your rooms," Francis explained.

They both looked shocked and continued to look around. Francis had a house with many rooms because not only did he make a lot of money from his regular job, but the government paid him pretty well to foster these children. His house probably had six rooms. It was impressive and made him happy to help all these kids. Francis has fostered about twelve other children in the past and still keeps in touch with a lot of them now that some of them are older.

I know the first child he ever fostered is probably around eighteen now. Francis was thirty already, so he still had plenty more years to go. It was terrific if I was going, being honest. The boys each picked their rooms, and they just smiled at how excited they were.

"What are the two of you in the mood for? Food wise," Francis asked. Matthew and Alfred looked at each other and back at us. "Breakfast food?" Alfred asked. Francis smiled and nodded his head. "Breakfast it is then, Arthur. Would you like to help?" Francis asked. I nodded and followed behind him. I'm sure they needed their space.

We both walked to the kitchen, and he suddenly gave me a giant hug. I felt nervous and flushed at first, but I just let it happen. "Thank you for helping me with this; I owe you one" he smiled against my check. "Don't mention it; of course, I would help you.... we are friends, of course," I answered back.

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