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Francis pov

I wasn't sure whether I was feeling happy or weirded out. The idea that he also had a small crush on me made my heart flutter. I wanted to know every detail about it. I wanted to know why, when, and how he decided not to tell me. I wanted to know every single detail because it was making me excited. I wasn't sure if I was necessarily weirded out by it, but it was a genuine shock. I began to repeat his words in my head, to the point where they became verbal.

I stood up from my bed and looked at myself in the mirror. "I couldn't possibly tell him that I...... that I used to...." I stopped speaking and moved the hair out of my face. Like he said!! He is going on a date with a WOMAN!!! On that dating app. I have no possible chance, and he doesn't see me that way anymore. I mean! I don't want a chance! He is my best friend. Plus, he always yells at me! That's not exactly cute.

I took a deep breath and noticed how red my face was. I began to slap my cheeks and shake my head. "You better get it together!" I spoke. I pointed to myself in the mirror and shook my head. I'm too old to be acting this way! I mean, I'd say I treated Amelia really good, and she kind of threw that love back in my face.  Arthur is going on a date! I will support him! And I will not let myself get caught up in this feeling anymore.

"Francis! Where is the spare charger?" A voice shouted. It made me jump up, and I turned, seeing Alfred standing at the door. He looked confused at me, and I began to laugh nervously. "In .... in the supply drawer..." I spoke nervously. "You good? You look like you've seen a ghost" he began to laugh at me. "I'm good.... just busy! Ummm... tell Arthur I'll be down to help make food in a bit," I spoke. Alfred nodded, leaving the room.

I began to walk downstairs, and I could hear the boys laughing in the kitchen with Arthur. I couldn't understand exactly what they were saying, but their laughter made me happy. I crept behind the wall and began to listen to what they were saying.

"So, is she pretty?" Alfred asked.
"I think... I don't know if it would really work out, but she seems nice," Arthur spoke.
"What if the date goes very well?" Matthew asked.
"Well, I wouldn't mind going on another date. If it goes bad, then oh well..... I'm not in a hurry or anything. Although, it would be nice to meet someone," Arthur laughed nervously.

I leaned against the wall and breathed out in satisfaction. I really want him to be happy and to find someone to make him happy. "Why won't you date Francis? He likes you!" Alfred spoke loud, and I nearly had a heart attack. "Alfred! Keep your voice down; he will hear." Arthur said in a shaky voice. "Well? Why not?" Alfred spoke in a lovey-dovey voice. "Oh... well, he is a good friend of mine, and we just don't see each other that way. Just because we are interested in..... men... doesn't mean we are with each other," Arthur spoke nervously.

"Damn, well, I tried," Alfred laughed. That damn child is going to make things awkward for us. I stood up straight to fix myself up and breathed in heavily. I'll make sure to take this dating stuff seriously and to try to go on a date. 

"Hey, guys! Ready to eat?" I spoke with a smile. They all looked at me nervously, and I pretended to play dumb. "What's wrong with all of you?" I chuckled. The boys took a seat at the table with an awkward expression as Arthur kept a smile up for me. "Honestly, Arthur, who told you that wearing an apron was meant for making lemonade," I teased.

His eyebrows furrowed, and my heart began to beat uncontrollably. Why was this suddenly happening to me? "Pfft! A simple, "you did great on the lemonade Arthur," would have sufficed. Honestly, you always want to pick a fight with me" Arthur shook his head, annoyed.  His feelings for me were buried  years ago, and so were mine for him. I really can't be bringing up the past; it will make him uncomfortable.

He took a seat at the table, and I smiled at everyone. "So, what was I going to be cooking tonight?" I asked. "Hamburgers!" Alfred cheered. Matthew gave a thumbs up in agreement, and Arthur just nodded. "Oh! Can we put the meat together? I know how," Alfred begged. I looked at him with a smile and nodded. "Yes, but don't cook it yet," I spoke.

"I'll be right back, Arthur. Can you come to the room with me real quick?.... I need your help," I spoke. His face turned red suddenly, and he nodded. "Alright then, boys, we will be right back" he smiled.

We both walked out of the kitchen in silence. Then up the stairs, in silence. Then, into the room... in silence. "What is it?" He asked, confused. I had no idea why I asked him to come here. There was this instinct in me to want to just be alone with him for a moment.

He looked at me, confused, and I began to walk closer to him. "I....." was all I could say. I reached my hand to his shoulder and grabbed it gently. "Yes?..." he asked slowly. It was like my body was moving on its own, and I had no words to talk to him. I leaned in close to him and put my other hand on the nape of his neck. I felt his body become stiff, pulling him in for a hug. "What?.... what is this for?" He asked, confused.

I was so infatuated with him..... I think I could have swam across the sea.

"I'm sorry... I just... I guess I've missed you these past years. I just needed a hug," I spoke.
"Oh ... I see..." he whispered.
We just stood there as I held him in my arms. "Take all the time you need..." he added. Arthur placed his arms around me, and my heart was beating fast. He meant everything to me, only now..... I think he sparked something inside of me that I didn't know was there.

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