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Arthur pov

"You look great! I just know you will blow that girl away," the boys smiled at me. They both gave me a thumbs up, and I began to laugh. "Thank you, but do you know where Francis is at?" I asked. "Oh yeah, he said he will take a look at you when you are done," Matthew spoke. "If you ask me, it seems like he is just sulking," Alfred whispered under his breath. I rolled my eyes, ignoring his comment, and fixed my tie. "Where are you taking her?" Matthew asked. "Just this Italian restaurant downtown" I smiled. "Good choice," Alfred spoke.

"Alright, boys, I have to go already. I will just tell Francis goodbye, I guess," I laughed. They all left my room, and I walked into the hall to go into his room. "Hey, I'm leaving already," I explained. I looked around his room, and I couldn't see him. "Francis?" I called out.

His bathroom door flew open, and he stuck his head out. "Oh! Already?" He asked. I nodded, and he emerged from the entryway. "Wow! You look... you look great," he spoke, shocked. I nodded and looked at his face, and he seemed really nervous. Ever since that awkward hug the other day, he has been acting differently. Not necessarily weird, but more awkward.

"I hope you have a good night with ...."
"Anya..." I clarified.
"Nice!... she sounds nice," he spoke. We then stood in utter silence, and it was awkward. "Well, I should go," I laughed.  We both nodded at each other, and I made my way out of the house.

She wanted to meet me there, which is fine. I get it if she would be nervous meeting a stranger online.  I began to make my way toward the restaurant, and I couldn't get Francis out of my mind. I wondered if it was my fault he was acting that way. Maybe I shouldn't have told him I had a thing for him back in the day. 

I breathed out deeply and began to drive toward the restaurant. "It shouldn't be my fault if he is acting this way! That dumb ass frog is dramatic all the time!" I yelled in my car. I hit the steering wheel and began to glare. If he would just the honest with me, this would not be an issue.

When I arrived at the restaurant, I sat at the table waiting for her. It had gotten to the point to which I thought she kind of left me hanging. I had waited ten minutes when I suddenly got a message. It read "I'm outside, can you meet me outside real quick? I'm in the blue Honda," it was from her. I quickly stood up and walked out of the restaurant to look for her car.

When I spotted the car, I quickly walked over to it. I could hear the door unlock and that was my cue to go in. My heart began to beat fast, and I opened the door. It was dark in the car, so as I sat down, I looked outside to be able to see where my feet were going.

Once I closed the door, I turned to the driver's side, and I was nearly shocked. "Oh god! I'm so sorry, I must have gotten in the wrong car," I laughed. I turned quickly to open the door, but it suddenly locked. What the heck? Maybe it was an accident? "It seems like the door accidentally locked?" I asked, confused. 

I turned to the man, who had a huge smile on his face. "No... it's me... Anya... well, my real name is Ivan," he spoke. I nearly wanted to faint at those words. "I don't understand," I spoke, confused. It had become obvious that I was catfished.
"It's true... Arthur, it's me," he spoke.

I was silent......

Soon... I began to laugh. "Funny joke, now let me out," I spoke. Ivan was serious, though. He began to start to drive, and I freaked out. "Where are you taking me?! Let me out, psycho!!!" I yelled.  "No, you need to know that I love you so much! I don't care if we are both men!"

"You are crazy! Let me out of this car!" I yelled. He shook his head at me and began to drive. God! I didn't want to have to use brute force. "Stop this car now!" I shouted. "No, I'm going to take you home with me," he spoke. My eyes widened, and the images of Francis and the boys swarmed my mind.

"Are you insane?!" I asked, terrified. He shook his head and looked at me "no! I just love you. We must be together," he laughed. I felt sick in my stomach and began to flail my arms around. I started to put my hands on the wheel to get him to stop, but he didn't budge. I soon began to pull his hair to get him to stop, but in return, he hit me over the head hard.

So hard that I heard a ringing in my ear. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to focus and looked at the car door. I managed to work up the strength to punch him straight in the face. He yelled in pain, and I managed to reach over him to turn off the child locks.

I opened the door slightly, and he began to pull on my hair, to which I punched him in the face. "Don't touch me, you idiot!!" I yelled. I flung the car door open and jumped out of it.

It was a painful fall that caused me to roll nearly downhill. Once I stopped rolling, I did my best to gasp for air. I tried to lift myself, but I was in so much pain.

I slowly stood up in pain and noticed how far I was from the restaurant. I knew for certain that I could manage to stand up and run back to my car.  I could see his car stop and start to do a turnaround, but I soon began to start my sprint to safety.

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