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One night as I was sitting in bed, going through that dating app, I felt so hopeless not getting anything yet. However, it has only been a week, so I guess it's best not to stress about it. My settings were set to both men and women, so I saw a lot of options. I even swiped right on some people, but I had to wait for them to be interested.

Suddenly, the most shocking thing happened. I quickly sat up on my bed and stared, shocked. "This has to be a mistake....." I said, shocked. I clicked the profile and held a hand over my mouth.

Suddenly the door slammed open, and I nearly had a heart attack. "We are going to the store with Arthur...... are you okay?"Matthew asked, confused. I quickly nodded and sat straight. "Yes! I was just...... wait, you are going to the store?" I asked. He nodded and lifted an eyebrow "do you want anything?" He asked. I know I was dazed off for a bit, and he finally snapped me out of it. "Hmmm?" I asked, confused. "Do you want anything?" He asked. "Oh! No, thank you! Thank you for asking, though," I smiled nervously.

He looked confused but just shrugged it off as he left my room. I continued to sit back in my bed and turned my phone on to stare at the profile again. "Arthur was into guys? Since when? He never told me that! This must be a mistake," I said, shocked. If I say something, he will know that I know, and I don't want him to feel uncomfortable since he hasn't said anything to me. This new knowledge was unexpected and shocked me so much.

I began to wonder if whether or not I'd be able to keep my mouth shut about this.

~ Arthur pov~
"What do you feel like eating for dinner?" I asked the boys. Matthew turned to me and shrugged while Alfred kept texting on his phone. "Was Francis going to cook?" Matthew asked. "I am pretty sure he usually does," I answered. "Why do you ask?" I asked curiously. "He just looked kind of disturbed before we left," he answered. I lifted a brow, confused, and shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe he was just dealing with work stuff," I suggested. "I don't think so..... he looked more confused and horrified," he pointed out.

Alfred finally looked up from his phone and looked shocked. "What if he was replaced with an alien!!!???" He shouted, shaking Matthew. "Please don't touch me," Matthew spoke. I began to laugh at them and push the grocery cart. "I have an idea! What if we made hamburgers tonight," Alfred smiled. I looked to Matthew, who nodded in agreement. "Alright then, hamburgers it is; we can buy the stuff," I spoke.

"You finally go back to work tomorrow?" Alfred asked. "Yeah, so you two and Francis will be spending a lot more time together," I smiled.

We all continued to do some grocery shopping, and I began to think about what Matthew said about Francis. I wonder what could have freaked him out so badly that he lost his cool like that in front of Matthew. I'm sure if it was that bad, he would tell me. Although, not knowing what freaked him out does make me eager to know. Maybe I should casually mention it to him later on tonight?

"Have you got any likes?" Alfred asked.
"On the dating app, has anyone been interested?"
"Oh.......Ummm," I stopped to think for a moment, and I nodded. "Yeah, a lady and I matched yesterday, but I don't know how I feel about it," I answered. They both turned to me, shocked, and started to talk at the same time. "You better give her a shot!" They said in unison. "Oh gosh... I just don't know if I like her that way.... plus, I want to meet other people first," I answered.

"Okay, but how broad is your search? Did you just put women?" Alfred asked straightforwardly. It made me shocked, and I widened my eyes. "Alfred! You can't just ask him that," Matthew nudged him. "No worries, Matthew," I laughed nervously.

"I swear, I never know why the two of you want to know so badly. I guess it can't be helped," I laughed. I continued to push the cart, and they looked at me, shocked. "Wait! What does that mean?" Alfred asked. He began to speed walk beside me as Matthew followed behind. "Whatever do you mean?" I spoke in a silly way. "You know what I mean!" Alfred blurted. "Well... I guess you could say I put my profile to reach men and women," I spoke quietly.

Alfred stopped in his tracks, and they both looked shocked. "What is it?" I asked. I looked at them with a lifted brow, and they smiled at me. "That is so great!!! I can't wait to see how that goes. Any guy or girl would be lucky to have you!" Matthew cheered. My eyes widened, and I turned away from them. "Could you keep your voices down?" I spoke. They both laughed and started to walk beside me. Luckily there were not a lot of people around us.

I guess tonight; I'll try and talk to more of the people I matched up with; I'm sure it won't be so bad. For a moment, I thought about Francis once more, and I could tell that it was going to be something that was going to be bothering me later. I breathed out deeply and continued pushing the cart as I felt the eyes of two teenagers stare at me. They are rooting for both of us right now, and it would be awkward to let all their hard work go to waste. Maybe I could ask someone out on a date, and I'm sure it would not be so bad. I mean..... right?

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