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"I know you are still angry, but I don't think you are considering what possibly happened."
"Like what?"
"Maybe she asked a sensitive question with no remorse. I mean, do you really know this woman? Also, they don't usually act this way; maybe you should think about it?"
"No matter the circumstance, they should not have done that to anyone."
"I get that, but come on, they are kids..... and they are ours, and I'm taking their side on this."
"Oh really?"
"Why are you against her?"
"I'm not against her; I'm just taking their side."
"It just seems like you are looking at the worst, and you don't want me to be happy."

My eyes widened, and I glared at Francis. " how could you even suggest that? I have been supporting you! I want you to be happy, but something is off about the situation," I tried to say. However, he wasn't budging at all. "Fine, I'm going out with the boys. Maybe when I get back you won't be an idiot," I snapped.

I rushed out of the room and went into Alfred's room. "Can you tell Matthew to be ready in a bit, we are going shopping for the two of you," I asked. He nodded quickly and began to text Matthew. I left his room and began to walk down the stairs. Francis is acting so stupid right now, and I should.....what should I do?

Break them up? That's not what I want. Why am I acting so crazy right now? It's not like I'm in love with him or anything. I just care about his feelings, and I don't want him to get hurt.

I began to hear footsteps down the stairs and saw it was the boys. "Let's go in my car," I spoke. They both nodded and followed me outside.

Once we all sat in the car, it was silent. "Is he furious?" Matthew asked. Matthew had sat in the passenger seat, so I just looked over at him. "He is just..... confused right now. I guess he doesn't understand why the two of you did it," I explained. Alfred suddenly popped his head between Matthew and me, and it scared me a little. "We were trying to tell him and you that we didn't do it," he said in a defensive way.

It took me aback what he said, but I just kept driving. "What do you mean you didn't do it? Who did then?" I looked at Matthew, and he shook his head. "Well.... she did it....." Mattie spoke. My eyes widened, and I looked at everyone confused. "What? Well, tell me everything," I spoke.

I continued to drive, and I stopped at the nearest clothing store parking lot. "Tell me everything" I spoke. They looked at each other, nodded, and Matthew began to speak. "When the two of you left, she began to ask us questions about you. Nothing too weird, just basic questions. Like if you were seeing anyone and how long you were staying in Canada."

"Okay... then what happened"
"Well, it was weird a little, but we didn't think much of it. Then she began to ask us personal stuff like if we knew our real parents or how long we were staying with Francis. Alfred and I vaguely answered the questions. Then she started going on about how she was going to marry Francis, and we told her that he would never marry anyone weird like her," Matthew spoke.  Alfred began to laugh and nod "yeah, I'm guilty of saying that"

"Anyway, she was being all crazy saying that it was going to happen, and then she threw a bunch of food all over the place on her and started asking us why we did that. It was confusing, and we stood up to go get the two of you, but by then, the two of you came down, and from there, you know what happened," Alfred explained.  I felt so confused and concerned about the situation.

"Are you going to tell Francis?" Alfred asked. "I think the right thing to do is tell him, but right now is not the best time. He is super upset and thinks I don't want him to be happy.... which is insane," I laughed. They both looked at me seriously, and I didn't know what else to say to them. "Maybe tomorrow I'll talk to him about it; I promise that I'll clear up this misunderstanding," I reassured.

They both smiled at me happily, and I began to drive some more. "Wasn't the dinner fine before I showed up?" I asked. "It was! We thought she was a very nice woman and was maybe a good match for Francis. I say maybe because Mattie and I are waiting for you to step up and swoop Francis away," Alfred laughed.

"Honestly, Alfred, we are just really good friends. Francis and I don't see each other that way, so you can let that dream die," I laughed, shaking my head. "But really, she seemed so nice, and then she suddenly did that, and it confused us. I think she is putting up a front for Francis to reel him into a trap," Alfred suggested. "And what kind of trap would that be?" I asked. "I'm not sure, but maybe marriage," Matthew said, scared.

For sixteen-year-olds, sure do act like children all the time. "No worries, I'll get to the bottom of this," I spoke. "Good, because I feel she doesn't like kids.... and we wouldn't mind staying with you and Francis. I'm sure we could not do that if she doesn't like kids," Matthew added. Do they think Francis would get rid of them for her? If he even tried, I would just adopt them myself. No way in hell I'd let them get possibly separated and go through more trauma. They acted out in other homes, and I believe they haven't done that now because they know we love them. Sure they have smart mouths but they are our boys.

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