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"Alright boys, would the two of you like to talk about your new foster home? How are things going now that school is about to start?" Our counselor asked. I looked over to Alfred who did not look like he wanted to be there. "It's been great, Francis is very nice to us and treats us well," I answered. "And what about Arthur?" She asked. "He is great too! They always look out for us," I smiled. She nodded and looked over to Alfred. "What?" He asked. "You don't seem like you agree with your brother. Is the new foster home unfit?" She asked.

Alfred's eyes widened and he shook his head quickly. "That's not it at all! I just...... I guess I'd rather them be more than foster parents.... if that makes sense," he finally spoke. My eyes widened and it was the first time I heard him talk about that. I looked at the counselor, and she was just as shocked. Every one of our peers never thought we'd ever hear Alfred say he liked a set of foster parents. "Do you think they would consider adopting you both officially?" She asked.

My head turned to her, and I spoke, "well, right now isn't certain..... Francis is dating a woman, and who knows what will happen to us if they hit it off," I spoke. She nodded and gave us a smile. "I doubt they would get rid of the both of you," she tried to say. "Who knows.... Francis has been in la la land lately, and we like him a lot, but that girlfriend of his is weird," Alfred spoke out. "Maybe try expressing your feelings to him and talk it out?" She suggested.

"We could never.... he seems so happy"
"Oh really? Can you not, or are you afraid to?" She asked. My eyes widened, and I looked at Alfred. She was right; we were scared to throw it on Arthur to talk to him when in reality, we were the ones that were scared to be abandoned again. "I think I pushed Francis away a little because I don't want him to get rid of us..... but I suppose that deep down, I know that he would never do that to us. They are so unreal, and I think I love them very much," Alfred spoke.

There were gasps coming from everyone, and the counselor had to calm everyone down. " I think I love them too, and I think I wouldn't be against it if they wanted to be our parents. Francis makes us really good food, and Arthur is so wise and grumpy," I added. "They fight like a weird old married couple, but It feels like home, and I want it to be permanent. What do we do?" Alfred said shocked.

We had always moved from home to home and have seen many people come and go, but the system knew us for being difficult. This was a new feeling for both of us, and we didn't want them to go away.

"Would you rather wait to talk to them about staying with them till you are of age, or would you like to make them your legal guardians?" She asked. "I think Mattie and I just want to be a part of their family, and I think it could be possible if we communicate with them eventually," Alfred smiled. "That is a great start!!! To see where things go is important in this situation. No matter all the hardships the two of you go through, the both of you manage to stay very strong."

"I believe that anything could happen if you keep your composure and let things play out. Emotional trauma will cause you to doubt, but don't feed that insecurity! The two of you need to find new ways to connect with them and try your best to make sure what you want is what you want. As a foster care child myself, I always doubted. Because of that, I missed out on a lot of great opportunities. The two of you have so much to look forward to and I'm very excited to see where this leads the two of you"

I felt tears drop down my eyes, and I looked over to Alfred, who was shocked as I was. I'm sure we were thinking the same thing right now. How we knew we were scared and insecure, but being a part of Arthur and Francis has made everything better. "I think you are starting to make sense," Alfred smiled. The counselor smiled and spoke again, "is there anything else you would like to share?" She asked.

Alfred nodded and looked excited "hypothetically, would it be bad if I want my foster parents to get together? I mean, they are both guys! But hear me out! They have chemistry," he laughed. The counselor lifted an eyebrow, confused, and I began to laugh. "Ignore him; he just gets excited," I laughed. The counselor smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "I personally don't see anything wrong with it. They are still your foster parents after all," she laughed.

I facepalmed and shook my head, looking at how excited he had gotten after she said that. My brother really is something else, I swear....

When the meeting ended, we noticed Francis was a little late, so we decided to grab some snacks and eat them outside. "So about what she said.... how do we know they want to be our parents?" He asked me. I started to swing my legs around and shrugged. "I'm not sure, but I'm sure these things take a lot of time for the caregivers. I'm sure once they realize it, they seem to be the type to let us know right away," I answered. "If they do... I hope there is at least a wedding," he laughed. I began to laugh at his laugh and nodded. "I think a wedding would not be so bad, as long as it's them," I laughed.

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