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What the hell?
Why would this man catfish me?
Why was he chasing me?
I had lost my phone in the fall and the only thing I held onto dear life for was my car key. I had finally made it into the parking lot of the restaurant and quickly made my way to my car. I managed to hide behind other cars, and I think I was able to lose that crazy guy.

I looked around and did not see that man, so I knew it was my chance to drive away. I looked at myself in the car re-view mirror and saw how badly hurt I looked as I started the car. I had blood all over my face, and my clothes were ripped and dirty. I locked the doors and began to drive out of the parking lot to leave. My heart was still racing and I didn't have my phone to contact Francis. I was so scared, and I just started to drive home.

As I pulled into the driveway, there was a sting on my side and I finally noticed I had a deep wound on my waist. My adrenaline was going down, and I knew I needed to go to the hospital. I held onto my side and began to go towards the door, the lights were on and I quickly unlocked the door and got into the house. "Arthur?! You are back already?" I heard a voice call. However, I couldn't say anything for some reason.

I leaned against the wall and nearly fell onto the floor. "OH MY GOD!!! FRANCIS!!!" Alfred shouted, worried. He saw how badly I looked and I gestured for him to come over to me. "Please call an ambulance," I spoke. He nodded and quickly began to dial the emergency number. Francis finally walked into my view, and his face grew horrified. "Arthur?! What the hell happened to you?" He spoke terrified. He hurried to my side and began to wipe the blood off of my face. "I'll explain later, just please get me to a hospital," I spoke.

"I just called them," Alfred added. Matthew had come into our view, and he was just as horrified. "What happened to him? Was it an accident?" Matthew asked. I shook my head and began to get a little sleepy. "Noooo no, no! You need to stay awake; come on, let's get you to the sofa. Boys, make some room for him," Francis started. He lifted me in his arms and began to carry me to the sofa to lay down. He looked worried and angry at the same time. I was sure he was anxious to find out what happened.

"Hey, please tell me what happened," Francis asked.
"Come on Alfred, let's get towels to clean him up" Matthew spoke. He pulled Alfred away, and I began to look at Francis. "My date... they were a catfish. It was a man who was obsessed with me, apparently. He attacked me, but I managed to escape by jumping out of his car..... I lost my phone, but I'm just glad I managed to make it home," I spoke shaking.

"That bastard, I swear, if I find out who did it I will-.."
"No! I was too foolish to think my dating would work out... I'm an idiot," I spoke sadly. Francis chuckled at me and shook his head. He reached his hand up to my forehead to move my hair out of my face, smiling at me. "No, you are just perfect. I know this went extremely terrible, but don't give up on it," he smiled. "Well.... let's say I'll be taking a break from that dating app," I laughed.

The boys came back with towels and hot water, and they both began to help me clean up. Once they finished, we began to hear sirens, and I knew the ambulance was here to help. The pressure I had been putting on my wound slowed down the bleeding process, and I knew I would be just fine.

The ambulance put me on a stretcher and began to take my vitals and transport me to the car. "Boys stay here; I'm going with him to the hospital..... don't open the door for anyone," Francis spoke. "But we want to go too," Alfred whined. They both gave Francis pleading looks and it was enough to convince him. "Fine! Go get in the car," Francis spoke.

He walked over to me as they were about to put me in the ambulance car. "We will meet you at the hospital; please hang tight," Francis spoke in a worried voice. I nodded at him and smiled at him. He looked at me so worried that it made me feel bad. I began to wonder what I was supposed to do.

He gave me so many conflicting feelings that it was hard to understand whether or not he cared for me as family or not. I knew he cared for me deeply, but I was unsure how I saw him. He was a good friend of mine, and he now knows that I used to have a thing for him. However, that does not change anything. I'm really stupid, honestly.

I looked up to the ceiling of the ambulance and began to feel extremely sleepy. I knew I wasn't going to die or anything, but the adrenaline that was keeping me awake was starting to go away. The car began to move, and I closed my eyes slowly. I'll see Francis at the hospital; I'm sure he will be there for me when I wake up. I just hope the boys do not worry about me too much. I would hate for them to get freaked out. 

An image of all of them crossed my mind, and I began to feel so warm and happy inside. I love them so much like family... they were the best.

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