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~Francis pov~
As I watched Arthur stand up from my bed, my eyes couldn't help but follow him as he stepped by the door. He turned to look at me and I gave him a small smile. His face looked shocked for some reason and I kinda liked how red he got. "Goodnight," I spoke. He nodded quickly and suddenly walked out of my room door without time to spare. I couldn't help but laugh at his actions as I began to lie back on my bed.

"No matter how much time has passed, he has always remained the same guy" I whispered to myself. If I was going, to be honest, I did have a small crush on him back when we were in school, but I guess I realized that it would have never worked and found someone else. I wonder if he has found anyone at all.... in the sense of talking or dating. I have not asked about it; maybe I should tomorrow? I suppose we haven't really caught up that much, it would be nice to have a friendly chat with him.

The next morning, I smelled food cooking. My eyes widened, and I sat up quickly. "What the?" I said, confused. It smelled good, though, so it couldn't be Arthur? But I doubt the boys would cook at all. I quickly got up from my bed and rushed out of my room. I felt a little confused but as I got to the kitchen, my eyes widened.

The kitchen window was open, allowing for the breeze to come in. The morning sun was shining, and everything felt like a weird dream. I looked towards the open room and saw Arthur there. He was taking out some baked bread, and my eyes looked surprised. He was wearing an apron, and when he turned around, he finally saw me.

"Oh, you are up already?" He asked. My heart was beating fast when I nodded my head. "I hope you don't mind that I used your kitchen. I've gotten better at baking, so I thought that if I made some sweet bread, it could work for a nice snack and tea for later" he smiled. His smile radiated so much energy; for some reason, he had changed so much from the last time I met him in person.

What good came into his life for him to be so happy? He would have at least given some attitude. I thought I would never see this part of him, his nice sweet side.

I walked over to the table and took a seat as he placed the bread on the table. "This does smell good, I'm glad. I am sure the boys will like it a lot," I spoke. "I wanted to try and make breakfast, but I knew it would not end well, so I just decided to bake some bread. I know you like bread, and I am sure the boys also liked it."

I stared at him for a while with a massive smile on my face. He was definitely in a good mood because of them. It made me happy that he liked them a lot. I rested my chin on the palm of my hand and looked at him until he looked at me. His smile became awkward, and he got nervous quickly "maybe later we can try it?" He asked avoiding eye contact. "Of course" I smiled.

"Oh... I didn't mean to interrupt anything," a mischievous voice spoke. I nearly jumped out of my seat as Arthur and I quickly looked to the doorway. There stood Alfred and Matthew. Alfred was smirking at us, and Matthew was facepalming at his words. They are such a perfect duo, aren't they? "Oh no! Are the two of you hungry for breakfast?" I asked.

They both nodded their heads and took a seat at the table. I stood up and began to put on an extra apron I had in the room. "I thought maybe we can all do something together today. I mean, the two of you don't start school till September, and we are in July, so you two have a lot of free time. I don't go back to work till next week, and Francis works from home," Arthur spoke.

I smiled at his eagerness and turned to look at every one. "What kind of job do you have?" Matthew asked him. "I work in communications... it may not look like it, but I know multiple languages," he answered. The twins looked at him, shocked, and he nodded proudly. "That's cool," Alfred spoke. "Why, thank you," Arthur laughed.

"I usually travel with the people I work with to help with translations, marketing, and a whole bunch of other cool stuff," Arthur added. Their eyes filled with stars, and it was honestly amusing. Watching these sixteen-year-olds listen to this man who finds tea and bread the best thing in the world somehow made me feel warm. Like I was finally having a family I always wanted.

"Alright, we can talk about what we will do today over breakfast. What do you both feel like eating?" I asked. "How about crepes? Strawberry ones?" Matthew asked. I smiled at his response and nodded. "Of course, that does sound good," I spoke.

I began to get to work, and I looked out the window. I never really opened it before since my ex-wife hated the breeze in the morning. However, having Arthur around to do it made me realize how much I wanted that window to be open. The breeze felt nice, and you could hear the birds chirping outside. The feeling of this moment was so nice; I never wanted it to end. I finally looked away from the window and towards everyone who was just smiling and having fun, and I loved it so much. I couldn't help but smile and get to making everyone food.

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