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"So, I didn't get a look at the two of your birthdays. When are they?" Arthur asked. We had all begun to eat, and I think it was perfect for us to get to know them. "It's July second, so it's already passed" Alfred spoke. "Oh no, we were a little late," Arthur said sadly. "What did the two of you do for your birthday?" I asked. They both looked at each other and shrugged. "Well, at the time we had just left our other foster care home. So, not really anything.... the people who took care of us there were mean, and we were just relieved to have been gone," Alfred spoke.

My stomach felt sick at the thought of foster care parents being cruel to the kids. I know it does happen a lot for a lot of kids. "What do you mean by mean?" Arthur asked. They both looked to him, then to each other, and then back at him. " well the husband there would get really drunk and try to hit a bunch of the kids. Besides us, four other kids were living there. One day, Alfred stepped in and stopped the husband. Well, I'm sure you know how that was a problem, so we got kicked out," Matthew spoke.

It made me sad to hear that, but I'm glad they were not separated after that. "I'm sorry to hear that... luckily, Francis found the two of you. We really hope the two of you feel safe here, I am sure you both have been through a lot," Arthur spoke. Alfred and Matthew smiled at him, and I placed my hand on Arthur's shoulder. "If the two of you need anything or even want to talk about anything, we are here for the both of you," I added.

"Thank you," they both said in unison. They continued to eat their food and laugh with each other. I turned to Arthur, who smiled so sweetly at them. He had gotten attached fast, I could tell. I was sure he mentioned how he wouldn't mind having children at some point. "So, how long have you both known each other?" Matthew asked. "Ahh, a couple of years, we are excellent friends," I responded. "That's cool, and you said you used to be married? If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" Alfred asked.

Arthur stopped drinking his drink and looked at me. I didn't want to tell him what happened between us....and I'm sure he was a little curious. "Amelia and I...... it just didn't work out, I suppose. She found someone else she was happier with, and I'm glad she was honest with it and didn't cheat. I wish her happiness, and I'm glad we didn't have a kid to stop us from getting a divorce," I answered. Arthur's eyes widened, and he became sad... I was sure he would ask how I was doing later.

If I was going to be honest, although the divorce hurt severely, it was a year ago. I think I can say that I am ready to date; I just have not found anyone that I'd be willing to date. I mean, I have a lot of options for both genders... I just haven't figured it out. "I'm sorry to hear that," Matthew spoke. "That's sad," Alfred added. I looked at the two of them and began to laugh. "Boys, don't worry; it was a year ago. Besides... I think I should get back out there and start dating again" I smiled.

They both looked excited and looked to Arthur, "are you looking to date? Matthew and I could definitely help you two with dating apps," Alfred spoke excitedly. Arthur began to laugh and shake his head. "Oh no, talking to new people? I think I'll pass," he laughed. I smiled at what he said and put an arm around him "oh please!!! We could find some nice girls," I laughed. He moved away from me and glared, and for some reason that just made my heart beat faster.

I liked when he would glare at me after I teased him.

"As if," he spat. "Alfred, Matthew... I think you should help Arthur and me," I laughed. The boys looked so excited, and it made me so happy. "Okay!!!! Anyway! Since we missed your birthdays, how about we all do something today? What are the two of you feeling?" Arthur asked, changing the subject. "Hmmm..... how about set up dating app accounts for the two of you," Alfred teased.

"Oh, come on, Arthur, it could be fun" I smiled, nudging him slightly. Arthur breathed out, annoyed, and sat back in his chair. "Fine! I'll do it if all of you stop with this," he said, shaking his head. The boys gave each other a high five, and I just knew this would be hilarious.

"I think tinder is your best bet," Matthew spoke.
"No! That's only for people who want to get it on!!!" Alfred yelled. "Alfred! Oh my goodness," Arthur laughed.

His laugh was so sweet and warm..... I loved it.

"Yeah! We are setting both of you up with tinder accounts. You might need it," Matthew sassed, and I had never expected him to be that way. He seemed so quiet and sweet. I supposed it could be that he is more comfortable with us now. Even after two days, it's still nice to see progress.

"Alright then, I'm sure it couldn't hurt to try it out, right Arthur?" I asked. Arthur looked at me and shrugged his shoulders "whatever they think is nice, I guess we will see how it goes," he spoke. The boys both looked at each other pleased and gave each other thumbs up. "After breakfast, we will start setting up your profiles with the best-looking pictures the two of you have! Leave everything to us!" Alfred spoke. Matthew and Alfred pushed their glasses back in their face and gave us thumbs up. I wonder what they had in mind......

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