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He looked at me shocked and I felt extremely nervous. "What is it?" He asked. I'm sure he thought I was rejecting him for not saying anything to him. "Francis I-.."
"No need; I understand how you feel," he spoke nervously. Noooo!!! Now it looks like I stomped on his feelings. "No, I-..." I tried to say. "I understand, I'm sorry if I overstepped," he said sadly.

I began to get upset "NO YOU IDIOT!!! I AM TRYING TO TELL YOU I FEEL THE SAME WAY!!!" I yelled. I began shaking him around and breathing heavily. "Honestly, if you want to be a big baby about it then suit yourself, but honestly how hard is it to let me speak," I added. Suddenly what I said was finally processed in my brain. I stopped talking suddenly and my eyes widened. I felt my body heat up and I could feel Francis give me a shocked expression.

"What did you say?" He asked, shocked. I looked at him slowly and his face was in awe. "You feel the same way?" He asked. My face was now getting so hot I was starting to sweat. "I... I was just saying that I......" I couldn't save myself. The truth was out.

Francis began to start laughing and I looked at him confused. "What is it?" I asked, confused. He suddenly took me in an embrace and hugged me extremely tight. "Arthur, marry me!" He shouted. My eyes widened, and I pushed him away. "Oh please!!! Who would want to marry you?!!" I shouted. He began to giggle uncontrollably and took me in for another embrace. This time his charm was starting to wear down my hostility. "I've always loved you, Arthur, let's be together," he spoke with joy.

My eyes widened, and I let him hug me. I slowly reached my arms up and placed my arms around him. "I guess we could make it work," I whispered. He suddenly began to lean his weight on me, and I was slowly falling onto the kitchen floor. "I've loved you for so long as well," I added silently. Francis held me gently, and I smiled awkwardly at him. "Let's be together then.... we would be so happy," he spoke.

"What about the boys? It's so sudden, they would be shocked" I spoke. Francis laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry about that, I'm sure they will be just fine. Just tell me you want this," he whispered against my cheek. My face softened, and I slowly nodded my head against his cheek. "This is what I want. I want to be with you, Francis... I always have" I answered.

I felt his hand enter my hair and rub my scalp. He was being so gentle with me, and it made me feel so loved. "Oh, but we should wait for a little till we tell them," I laughed. He shrugged his shoulders and agreed "alright that's fine," he smiled.

Francis gave me a kiss on my forehead and a kiss on my cheek. It was soft and loving. I could not help but kiss his cheek back. "Don't flatter me, alright" I spoke. He nodded and pushed his forehead against mine. Slowly but surely, he pressed his lips against mine gently and gave me a soft peck.

"These sandwiches came out good," I spoke. He nodded in agreement and continued to chew his food. "What should I make for dinner?" He asked. "Hmmm..... how about some cheese and broccoli soup? We can make some small crackers to help dip them, or maybe some bread," I suggested. He nodded in agreement, and we continued to eat.

"When do the boys get out?" He asked. "At fifteen o'clock" I answered. He nodded and continued to eat his food. "Do you want some more tea?" I asked. He nodded, and I began to pour him another cup.

We just went back to normal, and it made me wonder if us acting the same made Alfred wonder if we were together. "Do you think they will notice?" I asked. "Probably not; I'm sure they already tell people we are together," Francis laughed. "Yeah, you are right; I guess nothing much will change besides a confirmation," I laughed.

I continued to sip my tea, and I crossed my legs. "You know what, I was thinking the other day how nice it would be for them to be our children," I spoke. He looked at me confused and tilted his head. "I mean, I guess they are technically," he spoke. "Yeah but they can still be relocated, so I see your point," he added.

He sat back in his seat and thought for a moment. "We just got together, and you already want kids? I'm sorry, sir, but you are moving too fast," he teased. "Oh, shut up, you idiot" I shook my head.

"I'm teasing... but I have thought of it as well," he added. We both sat straight and leaned against the table. "What if we just....." he started, and we both stared at each other as if we both understood. "Would they want that?" I asked unsurely. He shrugged his shoulders and started to think. "Who knows, but if they did, it would be good to make it known that we are on the same page," he spoke.

"Ummmmm, I suppose.... how do we even go about it, though?" I asked, confused. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. "Trust me, my love, I can handle the situation. We will all officially be a happy family. We can move and live somewhere else. Maybe back to Europe? They've always wanted to go! We can all start a new life together and give them the parents they've always wanted," he spoke joyfully.

My eyes widened, and I grabbed his hands. "That sounds amazing, and I think we could do this" I laughed with joy. We both stood up with joy at the realization and began to embrace each other. This realization was only the beginning.

A Perfect Pair(F.A.C.E Family) Where stories live. Discover now