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When Saturday came around, Francis told us that Bella was coming over soon. Her full name is Bella Maes and Francis talked highly of her. She was coming over for dinner but I was already going to be late. I was called into my office to take care of work stuff and I couldn't say no. So I rushed to get everything done so I could make it to dinner at seven. However, it was already 7:01, and I was late. I sent a message to Francis saying I was going to be late but I was not sure if he had seen it yet.

Once I arrived at the house I quickly fixed my clothes up a bit and slowly entered the house. I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed my hair and walked into the dining area. "Hey everyone, sorry I'm late," I announced. Everyone was sitting around the table, and they all turned to me. Francis stood up quickly and walked over to me.

"This is Arthur, he has been a dear friend of mine since university," he introduced. I saw the woman there and she was indeed beautiful and had a sweet aura. "It's very nice to meet you" I smiled. I walked to shake her hand, and she did it graciously. "What a lovely accent you have. I've always been fond of British accents," she giggled. I nodded and took a seat beside Francis.

"How are the two of you?" I asked them.
"We are having so much fun, just waiting for you to get here," Alfred smiled. I nodded and began to serve myself some food. It seemed a little awkward for me but I just began to ignore it. Bella sat at the end of the table as if Francis had just pulled a seat for her to sit at. "It's really nice to meet you, Francis doesn't stop talking about all of you," she laughed.

"Ha? Is that so?" I laughed. She smiled sweetly at me, and I felt awkward again. She and Francis were holding onto each other's hands and it kind of made me feel weird. I couldn't just leave when I just got here. "Arthur, can we go talk real quick?" Francis suddenly spoke. Everyone looked at me and I immediately felt trapped. "Of course, boys just stay here and keep Bella company" I smiled.

Francis and I both walked upstairs into my room, and I looked at him, confused. "What?" I asked. "Well, you looked upset; I figured if I talked to you alone, you would be more open about it," he spoke. My eyes widened, and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know; I guess it's just a little awkward," I answered. He looked at me, confused, and stepped closer to me. "Why?" He asked. He looked at me so seriously, and I had no idea what to do. It was like he was trying to look through my soul.

"I'm not sure..... I wish I could tell you," I answered. Francis got closer to me and placed his hands on my checks. Kind of like I did to him the other day. It made my heart race and cheeks feel hot, but I didn't want to move. "Why are you feeling this way?" He asked. "I'm not sure..... I don't mean it maliciously," I tried to defend. He shook his head and began to get closer to me. "No... I know you could never do that," he spoke softly.

"How did you notice?" I asked. He began to move his right hand to my shoulder, toward the back of my neck. Any closer, and we could kiss if we wanted to. "What was the point of sneaking me away? You should have ignored it," I added. In all the years I've known him, I've never remembered him to be this way before.

"LADY, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????!!!" We heard a yell. Francis and I separated from each other and looked shocked. "Was that Alfred?" I asked, confused. Francis looked horrified, and we quickly stepped out of the room and down the stairs to where everyone else was.

"What is going on?" Francis asked, shocked. My eyes widened, seeing the food everywhere and the boys standing over Bella. What the hell?!!! "What? What happened?" I asked, shocked. I quickly walked over to help Bella up, and Francis looked at the boys, confused. "They suddenly attacked me after I asked them about their personal life," she spoke.

"What? Alfred, Matthew, did you attack her?" Francis asked, shocked. Something about this didn't sit right with me, but Francis did not know what to say. "We-..... what-..."

"See, they are avoiding answering," Bella spoke out.  I felt so confused about the situation and began to help her get cleaned off. I looked over to Francis and he was now angry. I had no words after everything. "Go upstairs and don't come out," Francis demanded. The boys looked shocked, and I had no idea what to do.

"I'll be back with some towels," Francis spoke. The boys had gone upstairs, and he was going to help get some stuff. "I hope you are okay; here, take a seat," I spoke. She looked at me with a huge smile, and I looked at her, confused. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing, thank you for being so nice to me. You are such a gentleman," she spoke in a flirty way.

"Yeah...... ummmm stay here, and I'll see what's keeping him so long with the towels," I laughed. I quickly walked upstairs and found Francis heading my way. "Great, you are heading back; I'll be in my room," I spoke quickly.

Something was weird about that woman and even more weird that the boys acted that way. I suppose tomorrow I'll talk to them about it when we go out shopping for school stuff. If Francis doesn't want us to go, then that's his fault because I will be taking them no matter what. It will give me time to talk to them about what happened.

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