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~Arthur POV~
The past two weeks were heaven for me. Francis carrying stuff for me and helping me was like a weird dream fantasy I didn't realize I had. He was charming toward me that it made me kind of sad to be all healed up. I never saw that man again, and I doubt I ever will.

"I've met someone! And she isn't a catfish!" Francis announced, Dissing me slightly. "I didn't want to say anything just yet, but we had already gone on a date, and she is going to come by today," Francis smiled. My eyes widened, and the boys looked shocked. "Isn't that too soon? I mean, you have foster kids; is she okay with that?" I asked, confused. He just smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "She is cool with it," he cheered.

Well.... he is happy, so I can't be mad about it. If Francis likes her, she must be a goddess. "When is she coming by?" I asked. "Well, I wanted her to meet all of you, so hopefully this weekend when everyone is home and not out and about," he suggested. I turned to the boys, and they nodded in agreement. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to bring her around the boys just yet.

"Well, just let us know beforehand, and we can clean up," I smiled. I looked to the boys, who were as shocked as I was. I wonder why he was rushing into it? He wasn't usually like this.... maybe she wanted to meet everyone, and he couldn't say no. I just have to know the context. "Great, how about Saturday?" He suggested. I nodded, and everyone agreed. It is his house, so I guess he could do whatever he wanted.

"Hey, since we are starting school soon, when can you take us to go shopping for stuff?" Matthew asked. "Oh yeah, for sure! I can give Arthur the money for the two of you, and he can go with you. Unless you want me to go?" Francis spoke. "We don't mind whoever comes," Alfred shrugged. "I don't mind going with them," I answered."We can go Sunday," I spoke. They all agreed, and we continued to eat our food.

"Boys, Francis and I will be right back. I need to tell him something important" I finally spoke up. Francis looked at me confused but soon got the hint and followed me upstairs. I usually do this when I need to escape around the boys to talk to him. "What is it?" He asked. I pulled him into my room and looked at him, worried. "What is it?" He asked.

"I was trying not to say anything, but are you sure bringing a woman over is a good idea? It's really soon, and do you know if you'd see a future with her?" I asked, concerned. His smile dropped, and he was now serious. Francis sat on my bed and gestured for me to sit down. "I know, but she said that she really wanted to come by and meet Alfred and Matthew.... and you," he laughed nervously.

"But why?"
"Well, she says I talk about you and wants to get to know you all. I did not see a huge problem with it and just agreed."
"I see.... well, as long as you are happy," I spoke.
"Why so much worry? I've never seen this side of you!!! Is this a confession of love, Arthur?!!"

I froze at what he said and glared, "as if! I was just worried you might make a complete fool of yourself, so I thought I'd help," I spoke. "Well, don't worry, she is nice," he added. I nodded and looked at him seriously. "What?" He asked.

I got closer to him, and I noticed his body tense up. I placed my hands on his face to cup his cheeks. "Arthur?" He asked, confused and calm. His pupils grew huge as I leaned in to look at him. "Arthur...?" He spoke calmly. I moved my hand up into his hair and held onto it tightly. "Please don't do anything stupid," I spoke.

I let go of him and sat down. He reached his hand inside his hair to where my hand was and looked at me with a shocked and reddened face. "I would never," he said. "Good, I just want you to be happy but not hurt," I added.

I stood up from my spot and looked at him. "We should get back down... before they get the wrong idea," I spoke. I quickly left the room, leaving him behind, and that's when it all hit me. What did I just do?!! Put my hands in his hair?!!! That was too affectionate. My face began to feel red, and I had no idea what to do. Besides, begin to slap them around. I'm such an idiot.

~Francis POV~

I held my hand in my hair to take in what had just happened. I'm starting to think that no woman or man could replace this feeling he just gave me right now. He doesn't know what he just did to me and how much I wanted to kiss him. He won't know because he isn't ready to date, and I can't throw that on him. Being with Bella will be fine, and I won't think of Arthur that way anymore.

~Arthur POV~

I'm being ridiculous right now! I'm a grown man and not a teenager anymore. I shook my head and began to walk down the stairs. I just want to hit that idiot over the head for being so stupid.

Francis POV~

If only he knew how much he made me happy. I could kiss him if he let me and never stop.

Arthur POV~

This woman better be the most beautiful person ever to be brought over. I better fall in love with her too! My god!

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