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No one POV.

Ms. Val bid her goodbyes to the boys as she dropped them off infront jeongins 'house'.

Jeongin opened the door with the spare key he had been given. The two boys walked in and jeongin went to look for Mrs. Hwang as chan stood by the door.

Jeongin wanted to ask everyone if it would be alright if chan stayed the night since it was Friday.

When jeongin walked into the kitchen he wasnt expecting to see everyone sitting around the table talking.

Once his presence was known to the family, it got silent and everyone stopped talking.

"Hey jeongin come take a seat." Jeongin had no clue what this could be about but he obeyed, taking a seat between hyunjin and Mrs. Hwang.

"How are you feeling? I just got a call from Mrs. Val informing me of what happened. I'm so sorry jeongin."

Mrs. Hwang embraced jeongin in a comforting side hug for a few seconds before letting go.

Realization hit jeongin. "Oh, uh im fine! Really. It was a bit of a shock to see him there but chan was there to help."

"Good good. We're just glad you're okay." Mrs. Hwang gave jeongin a smile.

"Yeah I'm glad you're safe." Hyunjin added he was really worried about the younger when his mother informed him of the incident.

She told everyone to be extra nice and aware of jeongin, she didn't want him so feel overwhelmed as he might still be sensitive.

"Thank you both for the concern really, its so nice," jeongin gave everyone a sincere smile, hyunjin and Mrs. Hwang smiling back while Mr. Hwang and hyunjins sisters just kinda sat there not really involved with the whole thing.

"Sorry to change the subject but I was wondering if it was okay with everyone if chan spent the night?"

Hyunjin brightened up and was the first to answer. "Its all good with me!" Mrs. Hwang was next and she said it was fine with her as well.

Hyunjins dad just gave a thumbs up and yeji and yuna just shrugged "sure I guess, we don't really care."

So with that jeongin got up and went to go get chan. "They said yes!" Chan smiled and played it cool on the outside but on the inside he was exploding with happiness.

Imagine having someone like you back pft 🌝

𝘊𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘥 ~ jeongchan Where stories live. Discover now