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No one POV.

Once Seungmin arrived to the cafe he embraced jeongin in a big hug and only let go when he realised there was a person sitting with jeongin.

Seungmin gave the suspiciously handsome boy an odd look. Jeongin noticed this and spoke up.

"Oh right! Seungmin this is Hyunjin, the son of the family I'm staying with. Hyunjin this is seungmin, my best friend!" Hyunjin held out his hand and was smiling from ear to ear.

"Its nice to meet you seungmin!" Seungmin shook the overly enthusiastic boys hand and sat down, jeongin following after.

They talked for a long while and jeongin definitely noticed the way his best friend and hyunjin interacted.

He saw how everytime hyunjin talked seungmin was very attentive to his words and everytime seungmin made a joke that to jeongin, personally wasn't funny, hyunjin would still laugh.

He knew exactly what was going on and sinse he knew his best friend wouldn't put in any initiative on his own and that he hadn't had a boyfriend or even a crush at that in so long, he would take it upon himself to set the two up.

After about 2 hours of them talking hyunjins phone rang and he exused himself, leaving seungmin and jeongin alone.

"So, sinse you like him and he obviously likes you are you gonna ask him out or are you gonna wait for him to?" Jeongin immediately took to action once hyunjin walked away.

"Huh? What are you even saying? I dont-" before seungmin could finish hyunjin came back and sat back down.

"Sorry that was my- um friend." Hyunjin sighed. "Whats wrong?" Jeongin could tell that hyunjin wasn't particularly happy about the "friend".

"Well that was actually my ex girlfriend, she won't stop calling me. She still thinks we're together and she won't accept that I broke up with her months ago."

Seungmin gave up his hopes on hyunjin at that point but still gave his condolences to the unfortunate situation hyunjin was in.

Hyunjin sighed once more and put his head in his hands. "Damn I'm sorry, that sucks man." Jeongin empathized.

"Thanks," hyunjin smiled at jeongin and continued. "And still even after I told her that I'm gay she still won't leave me alone."

Seungmins eyes widened and all the hope he had lost mere seconds ago came back to life.

He smiled to himself and decided he would wait to start anything with hyunjin.

It was getting late so they decided to go home. Before They parted ways seungmin and hyunjin exchanged numbers.

They said their goodbyes and went on their Mary ways, hyunjin and jeongin going in the same direction of course.

I feel like a lot of the chapters I write are so boring and a waste of time 🙃

𝘊𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘥 ~ jeongchan Where stories live. Discover now