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Jeongin POV.

"This is the main living room that like no one goes in unless people are over for gatherings or something."

Main living room? So theres more? I felt so out of place here. I'm not used to expensive and fancy things, but I guess I'll have to get used to it.

Hyunjin led us through the whole house. He explained that my room was right next to his. We walked in and I was shocked

The room was big, way bigger then what I was used too and it was already furnished. The comforters were a light purple which I really liked.

There was even a bathroom attached and I thought it to be very convenient for me.

"You can put your stuff down in here." I put my things down next to the bed and sat down, hyunjin and chan following after.

"So jeongin, how old are you?" Hyunjin asked making me turn my attention to him. "Sixteen, almost seventeen in a few months." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Ahh I see, and you?" He turned his attention to chan. "Seventeen." Hyunjin nod his head and proceeded.

"Well jeongin I hope you like it here, if thats even possible." Hyunjin sighed and rolled his eyes. "W-what do you mean?" Chan asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Well its not bad or anything its just, my parents are very very strict and they set a lot of rules." Hyunjin changed his position from a sitting one and spread out, casually laying across the bed.

Me and chan hummed in response. As long as I felt safe, I'm fine with following as many rules as they set.

"Yeah and don't be surprised if my parents treat you different from my older siblings." I gave hyunjin a puzzled look so he explained further.

"Well thats how they treat me at least." He shrugged and sat up. "Anyways you're really cute jeongin, are you single?" I was a little taken aback by this.

"I um- yeah I'm single?" He chuckled and looked towards chan. "So you guys aren't.... Y'know together?" He pointed at our interlocked hands that I hadn't even realised were together.

"Oh no! We're just friends." I laughed and separated our hands. I looked over at chan but he had an unreadable expression but when he realised I was looking at him he gave an awkward smile.

"Ahh ok," hyunjin smirked and got up from the bed. "Lets go back downstairs, shall we?" We nod and follow behind. Chan grabbed my hand again as we walked.

I didnt mind though since I hold hands with all my friends. I didn't think much of it.

Chan POV.

I don't know how I feel about this hyunjin dude. He seemed nice but something about him made me feel uneasy.

I didn't like the way he looked at Jeongin and the way he talked to him like he was a child. I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid. Nonetheless im still gonna keep an eye on him and make sure jeongin is ok.

When we walked back downstairs Ms. Val directed her attention back to us. "Oh speaking of jeongin," she smiled at Jeongin and gestured for him to come to her.

He let go of my hand and walked up to her. "Mrs. Hwang wants to discuss some ground rules she has set ok?" Jeongin nod his head and looked over at Mrs. Hwang who began to speak.

"Ok jeongin from what Ms. Val has told me you are a very trustworthy and good kid and I trust that but I still have some basic rules for this household that everyone must follow."

The more Mrs. Hwang spoke the more I realised her very sophisticated way of speaking. She spoke with a very smooth and calm yet classy and loud tone.

Like when she speaks shes not just speaking to hear herself talk but like she actually has something to say and she excpects everyone to listen.

"Ok the first rule is there is a curfew at 11pm for the whole house. Second rule is if you are to have a friend over you must make sure everyone in the house is in agreeance,"

What? That second rule seems pretty stupid but whatever, lets see what else she has up her sleeve.

"Third rule is everyone must attend family dinner every night. Fourth and final rule no food in the bedrooms." She smiled as she finished up.

Well those rules don't seem too bad except the second one but I guess if jeongin is gonna stay here he must follow them. Her house her rules.

Mrs. Hwang was about to say something again when someone barged into the dining room and everyones attention went in the direction to see...

Hyunjin rich rich

Also sorry for the irregular updates🥴

𝘊𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘥 ~ jeongchan Where stories live. Discover now