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Jeongin POV.

when the door opened we were greeted by a very well dressed women. "Well hello there!" The lady greeted. 'She seems nice enough' I thought to myself.

She steps aside and we all walk in but before we could get anywhere she stopped us in our tracks. "Oh I'm sorry, would you mind taking off your shoes before coming in?"

We all obliged and continued once done. We walked further into the very fancy living room.

"Can I get anyone anything to drink?" The women who still hadn't introduced herself lead us through the house and into what looked like a dining room.

Everyone politely declined her offer. She gestured for us to sit at a table that was next to big open windows that had a very nice view into the back garden.

I couldn't help but stare out into the garden, getting lost in my head. My thoughts were interrupted by the women speaking.

"My name is kimie Hwang and yours?" She directed her gaze to me and I shyly introduced myself. "My name is yang jeongin, I-its nice to meet you Mrs. Hwang!" I smiled at her and she smiled back at me.

"You seem like a very nice boy jeongin!" I thank her and she smiles at me and directs her gaze to chan. "And You are?" Chan seemed a bit startled by her asking, not really expecting to be perceived by anyone.

"Oh uh, my name is bang Christopher chan but people just call me chan. I'm jeongins friend." I chuckled at chans introduction and return my attention to Mrs. Hwang who just smiled at him.

"Well jeongin I would give you a tour myself but I would like to talk to Ms. Val for a bit. So instead I will have my son show you around." She got up from her spot on the table and walked away, I assume to get her son.

"So, how do you feel about this place so far? Not too bad is it?" Ms. Val asked me in a sweet tone.

I shrugged and answered her honestly. "Yeah, it seems nice." I smiled. A second later Mrs. Hwang entered with a boy following closely behind her.

"Jeongin this is my son hyunjin, he will show you around." I look at the boy and was shocked at his very attractive features. One thing caught my attention that I particularly liked, the mole under his eye.

He smiled at me and walked closer. He bowed and held out his hand which I shook. "Hello jeongin! Shall we?" I nod my head and look at chan who got up and followed behind.

Does anyone have any song requests?
My playlists have been running pretty dry lately🙃

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