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No one POV.

Jeongin woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He quickly went to answer it, not wanting it to wake up chan.

He saw that it was his dad so he accepted it and put the phone up to his ear.

"Hello?" Jeongins voice came out more groggily then he had expected.

"Where the fuck are you?" Jeongins heart stopped and he became fully awake now.

"I-i crashed at a f-friends house."

He could hear heavy breathing coming from the other side of the phone. he suddenly couldn't breath and he tried to stop the tears that were coming from his eyes but it was already too late.

A flood of tears escaped his tired eyes. But he stayed quiet.

"Get home now!" His dad ended the call before he could say anything and he let out a loud sob.

Chan shot up at the sound and he looked towards jeongin and pulled the distressed boy into his arms.

"Whats wrong innie?" Chan let his hands easily glide through jeongins hair at an attempt to calm him down.

"S-sorry for w-waking you." Jeongin hiccuped and tried to stop his cries but the tears wouldn't stop.

"That's ok. Can you please tell me whats wrong?"

Jeongin tried to wipe the constant tears falling from his eyes and took a deep breath so he could talk coherently.

"M-my dad called and he's mad and he t-told me to come home." Jeongin broke down further and sunk deeper into Chan's chest.

Chan was confused. He had no clue how jeongins home life was or how abusive his dad was. He just thought jeongin was sad that he had to leave.

"Why would he be mad precious?" Even if chan didn't fully understand what the boy was crying about his heart still ached at the sight and wished he could make all his tears disappear.

"B-because that's just h-how he is. I'm scared of him. He h-hits me and says mean things to m-me and I can't do anything a-about it."

Chan was shocked when he heard those words come from jeongins mouth. He felt rage build up at the thought of anyone treating jeongin like that.

"Baby I-" Chan began to tear up at the thought that he had been causing the boy even more pain then what he was already going through at home.

He hate himself. He wished he could take back all the mean things he had said to jeongin, even if he didn't mean them and they weren't true.

"I'm not gonna let you go back there." Jeongin pulled away from chan and looked up at him.

"B-but he's gonna b-be so mad at me and he'll punish me for disobeying him." Chan shushed the hysterical boy and pulled him close again.

"Hey hey it's ok, I'm not gonna let him hurt you ever again, I swear." And in that moment chan made a promise to himself that he would protect jeongin at any and all costs and make sure that no one put a hand on him. He would do anything and everything in his power to keep him safe.

"You can stay with me for as long as you need to and we will tell someone about what your dad has been doing and we'll make sure that he goes away."

Jeongin nod slowly. He was finally able to stop crying and calm his breathing. He felt so very safe in chans arms and he never wanted to leave them.

I hate jeongins dad ✋😤

𝘊𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘥 ~ jeongchan Where stories live. Discover now