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No one POV.

Jeongin had stopped crying by now and all three of the boys were sitting on a bench that was deeper into the park where there wasn't a person in sight.

"Thank you chan." Chan looked at Seungmin confused and didn't know what he was thanking him for.

"F-for what?" Seungmin wiped the tear from his cheek and pulled jeongin closer to him.

"For s-saving innie. If you hadn't of been there when you were j-jeongin wouldn't be here right n-now." Seungmin couldn't help but tear up at the thought of his best friend being taken away from him.

"I just happened to be in the right place at the right time." Chan took the last sip of his snow cone and threw it in the trashcan that was right next to him.

"Well it was the perfect fucking place at the perfect fucking time so, thank you."

The choice of words that Seungmin had used made jeongin giggle and he let out a snort causing for all of them to break out into laughter.

After they sat and talked there for a few more hours Seungmin had to go home as the sun was already starting to set.

Chan insisted on walking him home so off they went.

Seungmin made it home safely and said his goodbyes giving jeongin a big hug and chan a highfive, as he was still getting accustomed to being nice to the older.

It was already dark when they had finally gotten back to chans and jeongin was so caught up in feeling safe and loved that when he remembered that he had to talk to the school counciler the next day his heart sank in his chest.

He felt nervous and scared and like his heart was about to come up out of his throat.

"Channie?" Chan looked up from his phone and focused his attention on jeongin.

"Yes baby?" Jeongin moved from his spot on the opposite side of the couch to right next to chan, snuggling into his side once close enough.

"I'm scared." Chan could hear the tremble in the youngers voice.

"I know bubba." Chan wrapped his arms around the younger and embraced him in a tight hug.

"I don't want to tell anyone about it." Jeongin found it scary to talk to anyone about his situation. He feared that no one would believe him or take him seriously. He didn't want to be pushed aside like a piece of garbage.

"What?" Chan asked, confused by what he meant. Jeongin sighed and continued.

"I don't want to talk to the school counciler or the police or whoever. It's too scary." Chan understood where the boy was coming from but if he didn't talk about it, nothing would get better.

"Sweetie... you're at an age where you need to do what's right for you even if it's scary. You'll have so much support behind you. Me and all your friends will be with you along the way."

Jeongin knew chan was right, he knew what he had to do. No matter how scary or hard it was going to be, he knew he had too.

Jeongin nod his head and a sudden yawn escaped his lips.

"How about we get you to bed, yeah?"

Jeongin hummed in response but remained in his position, not hinting that he was going to move anytime soon.

"Aw look at my sleep baby!" Chan cooed at the tired boy in his arms.

Since jeongin showed no sign of moving, chan opted on picking up the already half asleep boy and walked him to his room.

He layed him down and gave him the koala plushie to snuggle with.

Once he knew Jeongin was asleep he sat down at his desk and began on some of his homework that he knew he probably wouldn't finish in one night but he gave himself the benefit of the doubt.

I preordered stray kids 'go' album and I'm so excited skbdbsosj

I pre-wrote these chapters like months ago so pretend that the album hasn't come out yet lmao jdjskdj

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