Chapter 2

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You Hung The Moon

Third pov

Hayley has been screaming for hours and hours and banging the invisible boundary, screaming Davina's and Arabelle's names, while holding the blanket that Davina gave to her. Her tantrum stops when Davina shows up and throws her clothes, "Davina, let me out of here right now, or I swear I will kill you." The little witch gives her an unamused look, "you can try or we could have a polite conversation." On Davina's other hand, she holds a blood bag as a peace offering. "You magically kidnapped me on the one night that I can see my daughter. Do not talk to me about polite."

"I drew you here to help you," Davina correcting her. "Elijah asked you months ago to break the curse, and you said NO," Hayley said, being angry at the young witch. "The regent of witches can't be seen doing favours for the Mikaelsons," Davina throws the blood bag at Hayley's foot. "But maybe we can help each other. Look. I have access to the witch ancestors. I can channel the power of the one who created the spell used to curse you. You can be free, Hayley." 

"Under your terms, I'm guessing. Spill," Hayley tearing up the blood and licking the blood on her hand. "There's a witch in the ninth ward who hates that I'm regent. She tried to kill me. If I retaliate, I'm starting a civil war, and I don't want to do that." The young witch of New Orleans told her. "Fine. Just tell me who you want dead," glaring at Davina. 

After full clothes, Hayley gives Davina a strand of her hair and her blood for cloaking spell Davina will place on her. "You're completely cloaked. No magic will be able to track you," Davina turns to walk to the spell she is preparing. Davina put the hairs on the wooden bowl filled with Hayley's blood, "The witch's name is Kara Nguyen. She runs the Café Chim Lac in the Lower Ninth Ward. She'll be there before done." 

She pours the blood and hairs above the white candle, "as long as the candle burns, your curse won't be active." Hayley has a doubt about Davina's spell, but she knows that girl is under Arabelle's wing. 

"And when a strong wind comes along?"

Davina waves her hand toward the candle and the blood slowly formed into a crescent symbol, Davina turns to Hayley with confidence. "My magic will protect the flame. Of course, you'll have to work with me." Davina looks down at the boundary spell then break the boundary with a wave of her hand. In a second Hayley vamp-speeds toward the witch with a knife pointed at her neck, "I'm doing this for my pack. If I turn into a wolf tonight before seeing my daughter, I will come for you, Davina, and I will tear you apart." Davina grunts and being careful, like what her guardian always taught her. 

When facing an enemy you can't fight, never shows them that you're afraid but challenge them back. 

"When the sun comes up tomorrow and you're still you, you'll owe me an apology." Davina challenges her back, just like Arabelle taught her. Hayley shots her quick smirk before she let her go. "Before i begin your dirty work.... Why don't you ask Arabelle to come out of her wherever she hides?" Rubbing her neck, Davina looks up at the hybrid queen in confusion. "Have they or have they not tell you anything about her?" Davina asked her back. Hayley tilts her head and stares at her, her face is telling Davina that they haven't told her.

The Devil is Tribrid (The Originals) Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now