Chapter 6

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Beautiful Mistake

Arabelle pov

"You're late."

Freya who looks around the broken furniture around the front yard immediately turns around to me, I wave my hand lazily at her. "Shame, you missed the another-great-epic Mikaelson's fight for the billion times, sister. No worry, sister, you still adapted to how this family work. It'll take an aeon to finally understand how our family work... Or more like solve our problem," I added. 

"Got your message and I came as soon as I can... Where are they?! A-are they..."

I sigh, "it just a fight, Freya!" I whine. "They are fine, just..... Maybe a bit of love bite from Nik. Come, I'll be your humble tour guide and, also, a mediator between you and them." I turn around and went inside the compound where Freya following from behind me, "so, you were there when they killed each other?" Freya asked. "Yes, I was busy being a good audience slash cheerleader. If that is what you want to hear," I answered.

"Brothers, our eldest sibling has arrived! May I suggest to not piss her off?" I speak louder. 

Inside, Niklaus is pouring his blood into a glass. I take a seat beside Niklaus, "may I ask what happened? The three of you," Freya asked, clearly pissed. "They had a little chat about the past," I speak out. "Yes, I politely informed Niklaus that I'm not his enemy, and though they entered the city under the guise of peace, Tristan and Lucien in truth are allied against us, a fact that required a little bit of gentle persuasion," Elijah added. "And so I reminded our brother who angered them in the first place," Nik continued.

"And after all of this civil discourse," Freya takes a seat on another chair, "what understanding did you come to?" She turns to me, "what about you, sister?" I sigh lazily, "I had told them why those three looney toons are here, but they were too blind to saw it. So, I let them discover the truth with their own way..." I shrugged my shoulders off, "what a shame, Nik, 'lijah." 

"And we had apologized for that, sister," Elijah said to me then turns to Freya, "That we expose and destroy our first sired." Nik lets out a small smile and passes the glass of blood to Elijah, "couldn't agree with you more." He picks his own glass, "you see, gentlemen know when it's time to call a truce and turn our fury in a more pertinent direction," and clinks it with Elijah's.

"See, they are better than before, Freya!"

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