Chapter 9

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The Dead Of the Tribrid pt II

Third pov

Ever since the death of the tribrid, no one has seen Olivianna. Thinking that, perhaps, she's mourning on her way. The Mikaelsons brothers left the Compound with Vincent to hijack the Strix van while leaving Freya with a grieving-and-mourning Hayley to keep an eye on Camille who is in transition, "you know what, I have a better way of revenge." Hayley speaks out and turns to Freya, "tell me, Freya, could you cast an illusion on someone?" 

Freya arched her brow, the blonde witch trying to be careful at what she speaks as she knows the hybrid is still mourning over the loss of her other sister. "What are you trying to tell me, Hayley?" the hybrid straighten her position and lean forward to the witch, "the Serratura creates an impenetrable boundary. Nothing living or dead can pass through, right?"

Freya nods and motions Hayley to continue, "and thanks to Aurora, Cami is neither... What if we set Camille free and in return, we offer her an act of revenge on those lunatic De Martel? You will put an illusion spell on her to make her look like Aurora?" 

"I'm gonna need something that belonged to his sister.


"Hello, Camille." 

Both Hayley and Freya enter Arabelle's room where Klaus held Camille, the former bartender seems miserable as she holding her head while staring at the glass filled with blood that Klaus put on the coffee table. "What do you want? Have you come to gloat?" the girl asked bitterly. "Actually, I'm quite sympathetic to your plight," Hayley said while she looks around the tribrid room. 

That seems to get her attention as she turns to look at the hybrid and the blonde witch that sat on the bed and face her, "I was once denied the right to die with dignity. I grew to hate the one who took that choice away from me, so if you have decided to die, so be it," Freya added. She waves her hand to break the boundary spell.

Camille gets up from the leather couch and is slowly careful to step on the boundary. "Thank you," Camille said to Hayley and Freya. "All things considered, that's the nicest thing anyone's done for me all day," she added, notices Hayley's discomfort about the room she and Freya are in right now. Camille walks past them when Hayley stops her, "as you prepare for what's to come, I would offer you another choice. Revenge." 

Camille stops and turns to the two ladies who haven't look at her back, "you can starve alone, or you can choose to risk what remains of your life to help me."

The Devil is Tribrid (The Originals) Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now