Chapter 1

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For The Next Millenium

Third pov

"My dear Rebekah... I hope this finds you well. I write to offer an update and to ask your advice. Our brothers remain at odds. Klaus will never apologize, not for the blood he shed, nor the suffering Hayley or Arabelle continues to endure... And Elijah cannot forgive him."

At the Mikaelson's compound living room, there's the eldest Mikaelson sitting and writing a letter to her youngest sister. Having enough of her brothers' stubbornness, she turns to ask Rebekah for help. Freya still remembers when Olivianna barged into the compound with a murderous look and shouting Klaus name to come out, somehow, her magic reminds Freya of the one who possessed her sister but she shrugs it off. The witch almost tears Klaus' heart out if it was not for Elijah who saved him.

"Despite my efforts, we are a house divided... This is not to say I have no good news. Niklaus kept his word. Marcel controls the quarter. There he has founded a fight gym in the old St. Anne's church, where he tests the mettle of those who wish to join his vampire community. Elijah has begun joining him for sparring. I believe it helps him work through his anger... And he has much anger." 

Freya stops her writing to take a breath, she turns to where Arabelle's coffin that she and Elijah found with Davina's and Olivianna's helped. Her other sister is still laying inside the coffin, like a comatose, after breaking the channelling spell Klaus had on her, she, Olivianna, and Davina have tried every spell they knew to wake her up. Her second older sister still not waking up, even after they destroyed the dagger.

"After a month of searching, we've found Arabelle. Of course, Davina's and Olivianna's helped. But, Arabelle hasn't wake up since we found her. We had tried anything but nothing works for her, which makes Elijah madder at Klaus. Olivianna placed a barrier spell where she will be safer from Klaus. Elijah and i have decided to not telling Hayley anything about her, not until we know what is happening to her. Klaus is feeling guilty, but i know he won't show it to us."

Both Klaus and Elijah had to try to enter Arabelle's mind, but to her and Davina's surprise, they were thrown away by this invisible force with dark blood flowing out their nose. This has stressing Freya, her sister is supposed to wake up, but it's like something is blocking her from waking up. They have informed Arabelle's situation to her first sired, Thomas, they have asked the young vampire to move into a compound and help them watch over her.

"While Hope continues to flourish, it is clear that she misses her mother. Though Niklaus remains the doting father, he has been of no help in finding a cure for Hayley's curse. Despite my best efforts, I have yet to find a means to undo the spell placed on her and the crescent wolves, and Hayley herself continues to struggle, unable to see her child except once a month on a full moon... And we're in no position to ask for outside help."

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