Chapter 10

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AN: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Kidding, sorry for messing around. I'm gonna skip few episodes. 

So, before you scrolling down to read, I just want to tell you that I write a spin-off? AU? Of this book called "A Lonesome Heart," a crossover between The Originals and DC's Legends of Tomorrow. It's not a sequel, I haven't think or have a will to write for the sequel. I'll put the link on the external link or you can click my profile.

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Welcome To Mystic Falls!

Third pov

Months later after the death of Arabelle Mikaelsoond, everything became tense and bomb ready to explode anytime at the Mikaelson's. The tribrid name is like a trigger for everything to explode, especially for Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall. Even though she is living with Jackson and Hope in a different apartment, Jackson knew that his wife is still mourning in an unhealthy way. Sometimes, he watched from afar as Hayley was drunk near the tribrid graveyard. 

Meanwhile, a decomposing body belongs to Thomas Gallmann. The young vampire died an hour after his sired died at the hand of Tristan de Martel. An unknown figure's eyes landed on the decompose vampire body, its walks toward the dead red-headed and puts both hands above Thomas's heart. 

As the eyes shine bright blue, chanting an unknown spell. A powerful spell that can be used to resurrect supernatural creatures, but it can't be used for the same person twice, only a powerful dark witch can use the spell. The temperature around the Penthouse drop down into cold and freezing, followed by the grey veins on his body slowly disappearing and the skin turning back to its normal colour. 

A minute later, a loud gasp comes from the not-so-dead-anymore vampire. He forces himself to sit as he stares at the figure who brought him back, "y-you!? H-how!?"


The Devil is Tribrid (The Originals) Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now