Chapter 4

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Dearest Mother

Arabelle pov

"Hey, morning you two! Thanks for the food, boss!"

I arched my brow as i stop at my track, i found Thomas sitting at the dining room munching on an array of fruit and other breakfast food. "Which restaurant's missing a compelled chef?" I approach him and shook my head, "Thomas, love, we just woke up. Do we look like someone who just compelled a chef?" 

He frowns and stops munching, spitting every food he takes "I thought.... It was you." Washing his mouth with water, "it's not us, T," Inadu said softly. The silver lid on the platter starts to rattle, startling Thomas. Thomas seems uneasy when i walk up to it and lift the platter, which releases two certain birds that fly up toward the ceiling.

"Please, tell me, it's not a witch's doing."

I reach for the invitation and open it. It reads, "Dinner, at Mikaelson's Compound, 8 pm." I roll my eyes, "an invitation from dearest mother." Thomas stares at me in concern, "your mother as in that "dead again, live again, and repeat" mother?"


#Mikaelson Compound

"Tell me it's not just me who got this?"

I barge into the living room, waving the invitation at them. "It is times like this I'm really glad I never knew my mother," Hayley speak out. "We have enough enemies here. And now, the war for our home is to be fought against my own family," Niklaus said, uneasy and irritated. "Our own family," i corrected him. "Your wretched mother and her disciples tried to put a carving knife through our baby's heart. I will happily add to the body count," Hayley commented while Klaus and i at each other before we smile at Hayley as Elijah enters the room.

"You will do no such thing. Esther's a master in the art of possession. We know whose body she currently inhabits. We must decipher her intentions before she finds a new host," i wave him off. "Non-sense, Elijah. It's not like I'm the one who have the idea to make our mother as New Orleans' ancestors. She's just desperate to fix her wrong. It's time for us to send her to the deepest of hell and seal the gate for good!" I fold my hands across my chest. 

"Well, her last invitation was an assassination attempt on all her children. I think we can assume her intentions are decidedly foul," Klaus, clearly, agrees with me. While Elijah just shrugs, "Well, then. We have..." checks watch, "this afternoon to prepare for the worst."

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