Chapter 10

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Nothing But Disappointment

Arabelle pov

"Good morning, little sister, i assume that you called in this early morning because...... men problem?" 

I pour the batter on the pan while holding my phone between ear and shoulder, then using my other hand to flip the pancake with a wooden spatula, "..... Hmm, that is typical Nik." I hear footsteps approaching, "what do you want me to do? We know how Nik is when he's in throwing tantrum mode." I turn around to see Hayley and mouth 'morning' at her. "Where is he? I bet he's still hallucinating about dear old dead Céleste Dubois?"

Sorry Céleste, no hard feeling but it just.... for a witch you were too clingy. Again no hard feeling.

I place the three stack pancakes on Hayley's plate while still listening to Bex's rant, like how she is afraid that she would be Nik next victim. I pick my plate up and put it on the table while Hayley trying to find something on the fridge, I pour the batter above the pan in case she wants more. "Calm down little sister, as long as you're not planning world domination without Nik's or my blessing, you'll be safe from dear old dagger...... Wait, do you?" I flip my pancake, i hear nothing but a silence which make me pull my phone away to see if she is hangup on me. 

"Bex?? Hello from the other side! I must've called a thousand times!" 

There's silence for a few minutes before Bex said no. She lied, she is planning something and it involves Nik. "Well, Elijah can wait for the cure while on the other side my belly cannot wait for me to feed it." I went to open my fridge, "it's not like the bite can kill him. Unless he got a deadly love bite from Katerina Petrova."

Speaking of her, how is she? Is she dead? Is she alive? Did she found another brother to play with? Did she find a sense of peace? Or maybe she is still her bitch self? That is why Tatia and her doppelgänger are nothing but Complicated. 

I grab Braised Cerebellum à La Grenobloise and the blood bag out then put it on a microwave to re-heat it, "i promise with Hayley as my witness, Bex.... Right after i fed my poor belly then i will deliver the cure," i hang up the call. 

Dammit! I forgot to ask her about Hayley's request!

"Was that Rebekah?" I turn to look at Hayley who just pouring milk into her glass, "yes...." I paused then went to take my breakfast out of the microwave, "Nik is throwing tantrums, and when he does there will be a victim. I.e. Elijah. And Bex are afraid that she will be the next," i explained. 

Taking a seat across Hayley and stare at her untouched pancake, "you don't like the pancake? Do you want cereals? I can make something else if you want," pointing at her breakfast, frowning. She rolls her eyes, "i'm waiting for you, dummy! So, we can eat breakfast together." My mouth forms a big '0' and nodding my head at her, smiling at her. "So, what did Klaus do to Elijah?" i pour the blood bag on my Braised Cerebellum à La Grenobloise and make sure that it covers with the blood. "It's nothing new. Snapping neck, daggering, and deserting. He gives Elijah a deadly love bite," i told her nonchalantly. 

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