Chapter 17

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Tales of Sorrow

Arabelle pov


I heard someone is knocking on my door, i see Thomas standing on my doorframe fidgeting with his fingers. "Hey, do you think i could do something that requires me other than being in this place?" i motion him to come inside. "I heard your brother has a mystical torture device buried in his chest and the mother of his child is inexplicably missing, let's not forget i have heard his temper is worst. A-And there's a human female blonde who playing as his nurse. All of this doesn't make sense!" he added. 

"Yes, it's better for you not here and i'm the one who put the knife inside his chest," His jaws opened in shock, "Did you just confessed a crime?!" I clicked my tongue and take a deep breath, "temporary, in order to keep my sister alive...... Everything is complicated with this family, T. Come here, i will tell you where this chaos has started. He enters my room and takes a seat on my bed as i sat in front of him, i place my index finger on each of his temples. "It started on New Orleans 1919......"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Flashback – Jazz Club, 1919 

We were celebrating as we, Mikaelsons, are the king of New Orleans. For the first time since we fled from home, New Orleans seems like a new home for all of us. Everything went well until Niklaus is always throwing his classic tantrum every time someone trying to take something precious from him. He has killed Elijah's and Rebekah's lovers. Again and again, at least until we learn our lesson. 

"Look at these two pretending to be apart while so clearly a pair." 

Nik staring at Rebekah and Marcel who just enter the Jazz Club and approach the bar together as Elijah, Nik, and i watch from a nearby table. Elijah is silently pleading at me to stop him. I grab his wrist and force him to sit before he could make a scene, "Niklaus, please, do not make any scene that i don't like... We have finally found a home for all of us and let's give our sister a gift. To be happy and be with Marcel." As the person that Nik looks up to the most, I'm the only one who can prevent him from making a scene that will only cause disruption for our celebration. 

And, for once, he granted our sister the happiness that she deserves.

He pulls my hand away from his then stands up and picks a glass off the table and clinks them together to get everyone's attention. He raises his hand and the band stops playing, "I'd like to take this opportunity to draw attention to two people who have been sneaking around behind my back together." I shot a look at Elijah, "as we move into a new era, we require more progressive attitudes to match. So, to my loving sister and my right-hand man and best friend Marcel, may they find joy in each other." 

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