Chapter 6

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Let's Break A Certain Heart

Arabelle pov

Hayley went all out last night as I let her take control of us, I guess she really needs to release all the tension that we've been through ever since we went back to New Orleans. I make a circular motion on her back as she hummed, both of us are still naked and covered with a blanket. "Morning, my lady," I whispered. She hummed in response, "we have a few minutes until we have to wake up and prepare for what today has for us," I added.

She groaned and lifted the blanket up to her head, I sigh and climb out of the bed. "Where you going?!" she whined, lowering the blanket to her shoulders and, shamelessly, eyeing me up and down. I throw my pillow to her, "eyes up, hybrid," I joked.

Hayley make to let everyone know that I'm off of the market, "one of us need to be a grown-up and the first thing this grown-up has to do is take a shower then make one hell of breakfast to impress a certain hybrid queen," I continued. She throw the blanket away and up in a sitting position, "consider the hybrid queen is impressed," she replied. "Aaannd...." she trailed off as she crawls to me and latched on me like a freaking Koala.

My hands resting on her naked butts, "and I wonder if you, ever, have enough about me?" I asked squeezing her butts as she bite my earlobe and attacked my neck, again. "Never," she whispered in my ear, "let's do the "Save the Water" all over again," she added, gripping on my hair.

"As your wish, my lady."


Hayley and I walk inside the Compound in confusion as there are a lot of people in a white shirts with decorations, "are you planning something that I don't know?" Hayley asked, confused. "Ouch, love. The only party I will throw in New Orleans is the day I burn this town to the ground," I replied.

I found Nik leaning on the railing while staring at the porch with his signature smirk, "we were heading out, and now we're throwing a party, I see." Hayley said to Nik. "One that will be attended by New Orleans' most influential creatures," Nik continues. "You do realize that everyone hates you as much as they hate me, right?" I asked, still trying to figure out what he wants. 

"But they love Marcel, sister. And as the invite states, he is the cohost. Tonight, we celebrate our truce."

I nod my head, clapped my hands in proud. "So, you're throwing a fake party in honour of a fake truce, and your guest of honour is in a dungeon," Hayley concluded. "Marcel's attendance would only complicate matters," Nik walks down the stairs, "besides, I'll have my hands full weeding out those in league with the Hollow," Nik explained, heading toward the liquor. "Have fun with that. Hope's with Mary," Hayley trailed off and turns to look at me, "and as much as I love you and everything, I'm just looking for Freya."

The Devil is Tribrid (The Originals) Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now